⇢︎ Chapter 60 : Progressing

Começar do início

"That was some rather questionable territory you had to navigate." Koro-sensei said with worry as everyone was back as a group and Y/n and Nagisa were off changing out of their outfits. "No one got 'handsy' with you I hope."


"We held our own."


"Oh!" Kayano pointed out as Nagisa and Y/n were out of the girls' clothes and were in their usually outfits. "You changed out of your outfits! That was fast."

"Not fast enough..." Nagisa groaned.

"That was stupid..." Y/n added. "Why did you guys even need us?"

"Yeah, we didn't even contribute to anything. You girls didn't need us."

"You both were comic relief and fan service!" Karma commented taking out the pictures he took earlier of Nagisa and Y/n in their girl outfits. "That's big!!"

"DELETE THAT IMMEDIATELY!!" Both Nagisa and Y/n shouted as Y/n was trying to grab the phone.

Karma laughed at the two as he was taller and held the phone above them. "Nope~ These are mine now!"

"Alright, everyone, let's get going." Karasuma grunted out.

"Yes sir."

"No gonna lie, those outfits looked good on you two." Isogai commented at the class was progressing to a different area. "Historically, an assassin who can pull off either gender is a huge asset in the field."

"I don't like where this is going..." Nagisa muttered as Y/n nodded with furrowed brows.

"He's right." Karma added, walking beside the two. "Expect I'm not so sure I buy you two as a dude now."

"I'd really appreciate it if we dropped the subject!!" Nagisa shouted.

Y/n just had a blush covering his face as steam was coming out of his head. He wasn't going to lie; this wasn't his first time dressing up like a girl. Shiro had him do it plenty of times, but each time it was still embarrassing. Y/n just wanted to sink into the ground and sleep. Kayano sweatdropped with a small smile as she patted Y/n's back for comfort.

"We're in this operations' final phase." Karasuma commented. "Talk to me Ritsu."

"Yes sir." Ritsu said from Kayano's phone. "The VIP floor is just around the corner. The guests here don' rely solely on hotel security though. They make it a point of bringing their own."

Two tall buff men stood at the entrance that was where the VIP section was. The class sweatdropped as they peeked around the corner to look at the guards that they have to get through.

"Ma, these guys look like they eat rent-a-cop for breakfast..."

"I'm demoralized..."

"You think they're in league with our target or what? I mean technically they could be anybody's minions, right?"

"Like it even matters." Terakasa spoke up as he cracked hi knuckles. "Either way we're gonna have to take 'em down to get through."

"Excellent point, Terakasa." Koro-sensei said making the class look at him. "And to that end, the weapon you're hiding in your backpack will more than suffice."

Terakasa tched as he kneeled down to get out the weapon, two stun guns, out of his bag. "Great, you have x-ray vision in this for too?"

"You'll have to take both guards down at once to keep them from calling backup." Karasuma stated.

"Kinda figured as much, thanks." Terakasa turned to Kimura. "Kimura, help me out. I'll wait you go out there and lead them this way."

"Dude are you crazy??" Kimura argued. "How am I supposed to do that?!"

Teddy Bear || Assassination Classroom x Male reader Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora