⇢︎ Chapter 13 : An Unwanted Assembly

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Y/n shifted uncomfortably in his stance as he and the rest of E class stood in front of the school that isolated them in the first place

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Y/n shifted uncomfortably in his stance as he and the rest of E class stood in front of the school that isolated them in the first place. Everyone was either panting or sweating a bit from the heated mountain they had to go down. However, lucky for Y/n, he took a short cut that no one knew about.

Nagisa was by Y/n's side trying his best to comfort Y/n as much as he could, "It'll be over before you know it. You'll be okay," He would say as he rubbed Y/n's back.

Y/n could only groan as his anxiety was starting to slowly spike. He snuggled into his teddy bear a bit more for his own comfort, though he did appreciated Nagisa's attempts.

"Whoa, Y/n you look more nervous than before," Meahara pointed out as he wiped the sweat off his face, "Is everything alright?"

"Assembly..." Y/n muttered out.

Nagisa sighed a bit, "Y/n doesn't like crowds and he especially doesn't like the main campus. So, he's a bit nervous to be here..."

"Don't you usually cling to Karma? I'm sure he will comfort you," Nakamura slightly teased.

Y/n could only deadpan, "Karma didn't want to come today."

"And suddenly everything makes so much more sense now," Meahara stated.


A hand was carefully placed on Y/n's shoulder making all the students look up in questioning. They slightly sweatdropped at the sight of a semi-serious Karasuma standing over them.

"Y/n, you'll be staying by my side throughout the assembly," Karasuma claimed, "Usually I would've assigned Karma and-or Nagisa to stay with you but I can tell that you'll still be nervous."

"Ah... Alright Mr. Karasuma..." Y/n slightly hesitated, still not used to the caringness of adults around him.

Karasuma nodded and turned to the class, "Alright everyone! Let's head inside!"

The class groaned, as some got off of the ground, "Yes, sir..." They dragged.

"You are the cream of the prop!" A male claimed as the assembly officially started, "This nation shining elite, never forget that! I am proud to be your dean, but

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"You are the cream of the prop!" A male claimed as the assembly officially started, "This nation shining elite, never forget that! I am proud to be your dean, but..." He glanced at the only standing students, "don't get too comfortable. No, let E class remind us of the problems in that."

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