⇢︎ Chapter 19 : Unexpected

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Koro-sensei was deflated, literally

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Koro-sensei was deflated, literally. The minute he came off of the bullet train he flopped onto the couch of the motel that E class was in and deflated like a balloon with no air. Everyone around him sweatdropped.

"So, bullet trains actually give him motion sickness?"

"Who would've known."

"You probably feel better if you lay down in our room for a while," A student said to Koro-sensei

"Perhaps later," Koro-sensei sensei said in a tired tone, "I need to pop back to Tokyo for a moment first?"


"Koro-sensei forgot his favorite pillow..."

"How is everything you own not in that bag?!"

Y/n flinched awake in his sleep, startling himself and Isogai, who was holding him. He groaned as he tried to rub the sleepiness out of his eyes. He clutched onto his teddy, a bit loosely, as he leaned into Isogai more.

"You're finally awake, Y/n," Isogai whispered to Y/n in a caring manner.

"What time is it...?" Y/n mumbled.

Isogai slightly blushed but gave a comforting smile, "It's already past evening. Everyone thought you'd sleep through the whole day and night."

Y/n lightly groaned to himself, "I wish I did. I want to go back to sleep..."

Isogai slightly chuckled, "Sorry Y/n, but you've slept enough now. You need to eat and shower then you can go back to sleep."


Certain boys watched Isogai's and Y/n's interaction with a little bit of jealousy in their eyes. They couldn't help it, they wanted Y/n's attention too. Why was Isogai the one hogging up Y/n's attention, when they could be having it? It just seemed unfair.

 Why was Isogai the one hogging up Y/n's attention, when they could be having it? It just seemed unfair

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Today was a day of sightseeing for class E. Everyone had divided into their groups and started to walk around the place to look for the best assassination spots, or to learn more about assassination in general.

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