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Honestly, I wish I could be anywhere but here right now. Even with the support of quite literally everyone (including Festus Jnr), it was all too much; time was running out, the Olympians are getting restless and the enemy was getting stronger by the second. Whatever I was anticipating with Leo's return, it certainly wasn't this.

Besides the bed, Leo still sat, slumping down in his chair adrift in a surprisingly deep sleep. I didn't feel like bothering him and I was pretty annoyed with staying in the Infirmary, even though I'd been in for a few days. Now I know how Nico feels. 

Speaking of Nico, even if we seem on decent terms I still feel the need to apologise about my outburst a couple of weeks ago, he was honestly just trying to help.

So in my now dirty clothing, I attempted to tip-toe across the Infirmary, unfortunately, the squeaky wooden planks creaked as I stepped which made my movements faster, more frantic and I tried my best to not look behind me as I realised that Leo could wake at any second.

"Where do ya think you're going?" I froze, slowly turning around to see Leo struggling to maintain balance and still looking drowsy.

"Out." I say casually, beginning to walk again.

"Will a hundred percent did not allow this." He stated, I gave him a look. "But...if he doesn't know, no harm no foul." HE smiled at me, feeling that in this moment everything was okay, spare basically the whole situation.

We snuck past the other campers as they stared questionably but didn't mention anything. Leo walked out first to make sure no rule-enforcers were around and soon, he ushered me out. We stayed close and cautious, wary of who would come walking around, in doing this it reminded me of everything he said last night and by the gods I wished he meant it.

All of a sudden Leo panics, "Tree! Tree!" he musters pushing me to the nearest trunk. We stuck our heads out from behind the tree, only to see the Big House from a distance and some campers training.

"What are you doing?" Leo jumped so high, he reached near the top of the whole tree, squealing in surprise. "Will you ever stop that?!"

"No." Nico replied cooly looking as tired as ever, not that I have a say. We gathered awkwardly, standing in silence.

"You're not gonna tell...Will, are you?" Leo asks, "Like I get it, you're both all lovey-dovey, no secrets will keep us apart-"

"I won't tell him!" Nico loudly interrupted, looking flustered. "Just- everyone else won't mind, you have to go see Rachel and co anyway."

"But that defeats the whole purpose of-" Nico glared. Not wanting to aggravate him further we trailed along.

"Where were you even planning on going? Everyone is around, it's the middle of the day."

"Uh...Bunker 9?" I'm pretty sure Leo came up with that on the spot but it was no matter now.

Nico scoffs, "Like that weird escapade thing you pulled on your first day back." We side-eye each other and then it was our turn to grow flustered, Nico playfully rolls his dark eyes.

For some reason I felt nervous to see everyone. Rachel would potentially be giving me a prophecy endangering everyone again, basically everyone would treat me as weak and fragile and worst of all, Calypso. 

"Hey guys! Jason's here!" Someone called out from the group of people huddled together in front of the Big House. Some faces looked relieved, some happy and some remained neutral. 

"This isn't a reunion," I chuckled as we merged groups.  

"Just so you know, I didn't approve this." Will says angrily, crossing his arms. Leo and I spared a glance at each other, trying not to laugh. "Are you sure you're fine right now?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2022 ⏰

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