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The rain was falling at a moderate rate now, just enough to still hear the loud early morning banter coming from the other rowdy campers.

I watch my egg yolk ooze out as I poke it with my fork. I didn't feel particularly hungry, especially considering the situation that took place not long ago.

Calypso and Leo were sitting at another reserved table, how Mr. D let that slide, I don't know. The two lovebirds were chatting away unusually happy compared to the dreary weather.

I mean it's not that I'm not happy. Leo's back! That's all I should care about right now. Best friend or not it's been nearly a year.

It would have been 356 days, 42 hours, 31 minutes and 5 seconds if Leo was still missing right now. (I was not tracking it)

So much has changed since then, love interests, people, gods, relationships, more prophecies. I can barely keep up with the times, now that Leo's back I need my best buddy by my side!

Best buddy? Yeah okay, denial doesn't look good on anyone, especially you.

I continued to stare at the couple until I heard a voice. Oh yeah, I voluntarily sat with Piper today, I'm finally ready to break things off. Hopefully.

"Jason? Are you okay? You seem distracted." She questioned her now blue eyes filled with concern. She shouldn't be worried about me all the time it'll bring her down with me.

For once you're right. You're just a burden to everyone around you.

"I- Pipes, I've been meaning to tell you something for a while now." I confessed look straight at her. Piper shifted in her seat playing with her choppy hair.

"Jace, I wasn't sure if you were okay, that's why I've been distant, you don't have to tell me anything-"

"I want to, Pipes." I said to her as we shy away from the table to close ourselves off. I took a deep breath and started to talk.

"Ever know the whole, fake memories, Juno uh- Hera situation plus the whole saving the world thing..." Piper shifted all her focus to me as I spoke.

"Uh..uhm don't. you think that this er.." I gestured to the both of us with my hand while Piper cocked her head in confusion.

"Our relationship Pipes," I said sadly.

"Doesn't it feel forced, for the both of us the fake memories. I- just-" I massaged my forehead, stressed.

"I-I love you Pipes, but not romantically, I can't bring myself to." I finally admitted, feeling less of a restriction in my airways.

Piper stared at me for a few seconds and I couldn't particularly understand what she was feeling.

"I've noticed Jason, I respect how you feel and honestly you're right, especially considering the whole setup." She was smiling but I could notice a hint of sadness in her voice that I chose to ignore.

"Thank you for being honest with me Jason." She acknowledged somehow still wearing a charming grin.

Still isn't the full truth, isn't it?

I smiled at Piper relieved at her calm reaction to my confession.

"We can still hang out though?" She asked a bit worried.

"Don't be silly Pipes! Of course we're still friends!" I playfully punched her, laughing a little. She laughed back as well. It was nice to let Piper know some of the truth.

We both were at loss for words so I went back to shoving my food around before Piper decided to break the silence once again.

"Well then Jason, who's the lucky girl?" Piper questioned, a mischievous glint clear in her eyes.

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