I stopped and stared off into space for a moment. "But you're right. I mean when am I gonna find a good guy? And who said that I couldn't use my gift for one tiny thing? I mean I was given the gift for a reason...."

B/F/N chuckled and shook her head. "I'll be back." I ran off through my house and to my parents bedroom. I knew that they had my art stuff in their closet. They even kept a fucking lock on it. That was kind of useless though because I figured out the password in less than a week.

It wasn't too difficult. It was just my birthday.

I pulled the box out from the top shelf and opened it up. I grabbed some of my pencils and colored pencils before closing it back up and running back to my room.

I walked in and B/F/N got excited. "So what are they going to look like?" I sat down at my desk and grabbed a sheet of paper.

"I'm not sure actually. I'll probably just come up with stuff as I go." She nodded and went back to her phone.

I started with the basics. Body shape. I decided that 'he' would have a tall, slim figure. Give him a sharp jawline, a cute button nose and short straight hair.

I'm missing something. Oh yes, a pinch of awkward knees.

Ah perfect.

I colored the character on my paper and watched him come to life. Well not literally but you get what I mean. I finished it and showed it to B/F/N. She was very content with the finished product and so was I.

"So how does he come to life?"

"Well my gift is a little different. You see, I can draw something and imagine it in a certain place. Then it will be there."

She murdered a 'wow' and gave a pleasant expression. "So where are you going to picture him?"

I thought for a moment. "In a house with a good family. He will also go to our school. How does that sound?"

"Perfect." She showed off her pearly whites.



I was sitting next to B/F/N in math class, watching as she did her work. I had already finished and I offered some help but she claimed that she wanted to prove something.

"I still don't understand how x equals 16." She rubbed her temple.

"I said that I could help you."

She laughed dryly. "Oh no no no. I can do this, okay? Trust me."

I threw my hands up defensively. "Okay."

I sat there for a while when suddenly the classroom door opened. It was the principal but she wasn't alone.

"Class," She cleared her throat. "May I have your attention?" Everyone stopped what they were doing to look up.

"We have a new student here with us today." She ushered somebody into the classroom.

Let's just say that I was a little shocked when they walked in. It was my drawing. But in person. B/F/N seemed to understand because she looked at me with wide eyes.

"This is Michael Way and I expect you all to make him feel welcome." She smirked and walked out.

Our math teacher, Mr. Lin, directed Mikey to an empty seat in the back of the room. Where we sat.

"Girls," We looked up at him. "Do you mind showing him around and what to do?" We both nodded and he smiled while walking away.

Me and B/F/N were both hesitant at first but then we both got up and walked over to him. We sat a little far from him because we didn't want to overwhelm him.

I started the conversation. "Hi I'm Y/N." I held out my hand and he grabbed it.

"Hi. It's nice to meet you. You can call me Mikey by the way, I don't really like being called Michael." I had to admit, he was really cute and sweet.

"I'm B/F/N, Y/N's friend." She waved to him and he waved back.

He sighed and giggled. Now he was really cute. I laughed. "What's so funny?" He looked over at me. "I was just so worried to come to a new high school. I thought everyone would pick on me."

I frowned a little at the thought but covered it up. "Well surprisingly this is a very welcoming school. There aren't many reports of bullying. If anything it would be vandalism."

He seemed a little tense. "Don't worry. It's mainly just the soap dispensers getting stolen or ripped off of the wall. Nothing too serious." After that he seemed relieved.

B/F/N was called over by the teacher so it was just Mikey and I. He just smiled at me for a moment and I felt my face getting hot.

Damn, why did I have to draw such a good looking guy.

I bit my tongue and straightened out my shirt. I tried making myself look presentable but Mikey just grabbed my hand.

"You know, I think you and I could be great together." He leaned closer to my ear. "As anything."

He smiled genuinely as B/F/N walked back over. They both engaged in a conversation while I smiled to myself.

I definitely did not regret that drawing.

I don't know if I should make a part 2 or not. I literally can't make up my mind.

Listening to: Say It Ain't So - Weezer
Date: 6-11-22
Time: 10:10 pm
Mood: sjsjjfjwosjddnwk

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2022 ⏰

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