Draw Me

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Many called me special. Or unique.

I thought of myself as scary. Mainly because I knew what power I controlled.

I always had to pay attention when I was drawing, because one small mistake could ruin alot of things.

5 year's old

I ran into the livingroom full of excitement. "Mommy! Look what I drew!" I handed her the notebook paper with a scribbled drawing on it.

She looked at it and her mouth dropped. "Oh my..."

I tilted my head and gripped the crayon in my stubby hand. "What's wrong?"

She stood up and walked in the kitchen. As a curious child, I followed her. She grabbed my dad's arm and showed him the picture. He dropped the spoon that was in his hand.

He looked at me and then back at the drawing. "What?" I asked.

They both stared at me until my mom kneeled down in front of me. She held a blank sheet of paper.

"Honey, why don't you try drawing something for the house?" She handed the paper to me and helped me sit on the stool in the kitchen.

I put my little brain to work and decided to draw a painting that would hang on the wall, right above the back door. I made it as fancy as I could and showed it to them.

The painting contained a ship with a large sail upon the shore. The sky was a light blue and it was quite cloudy.

My mom grabbed the paper and they both examined it. My dad stood up and walked to the back of the house. I heard a loud gasp and my mom ran to him.

"Honey what..." They both stared at the back door. I looked up and that's when I noticed.

My drawing came to life.

He walked over and and grabbed the painting. He turned to my mom with his mouth agape. "You know what this means, right?" She nodded slowly.

She turned to me, showing off her tear filled eyes. "We're gonna go for a drive, alright?" I stared at her but went along with it.

I didn't really know where we were going but I had a feeling that things were gonna change.

With that being 12 years ago, I was now a senior with a quite boring life. You're probably wondering why my life is so boring if I have such a great gift so let me tell you.

I was pretty much banned from drawing after my parents found out what I could do. I would get in serious trouble if my parents found even the tiniest sketch.

I thought that it was kinda bullshit but I did understand.

Only one person knew about my power other than my parents. It was my best friend B/F/N. She was always there to talk and she never tried to make me draw something.

Here we were, sitting in my bedroom. I was kinda pissed off because I was extremely bored and I didn't want to be on my phone.

"Ugh, there's nothing to do." I threw my head back.

After a minute, B/F/N grinned mischievously and threw her phone down. "Ya know, you are always talking about how single you are."

I lifted my head back up. "And? I need something to do not a reality check." She laughed and stood up off of my bed.

"I'm saying that you could always just draw a boyfriend..." She trailed off.

I dry laughed and stood up. "Oh no no no no. I know better than to take advantage of my gift. And who said that I can't get a boyfriend on my own?" She eyed me up and down and layed back down on my bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2022 ⏰

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