Death of Touch

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There was a reason I was alone so much. A reason as to why my parents weren't here. It was my fault but I didn't have a choice.

I was a curse to everything living. I didn't experience touch and love because I ruined it. I can't feel the warmth of something without it turning cold.

I would give anything to be normal. To be like everyone else.

If you don't understand by now, anything I touch dies. That's why I'm alone. I killed my parents, though I didn't mean to. I didn't know.

I remember discovering my power.

I was just roaming around the forest, crying. I had been in foster care for years now and there way no way I would be getting out.

They always kept me away from everyone else and I didn't understand why. I was homeschooled and I had my own room.

Anyway, I started looking around and I saw some beautiful white flowers. At the time I didn't know that they were just tulips.

I walked over and let my hands flow through them. All of a sudden, the flowers turned black and fell to the ground.

I was so confused. I didn't know what was happening.

It took me a while to figure it out, but when I did, I was terrified. Of not just this power, but myself.

My own body could betray me and I had no say in it.

So here I am, alone in my bathtub. I wasn't taking a bath or anything but this is where I could relax.

It wasn't too convenient but, I had a large window right next to the tub that I could look out of. It gave me inspiration for drawings.

It was quite sad though, that I couldn't go out and touch anything.


It was a new day and I had nothing planned. I didn't feel like drawing and I already went to the grocery store. I hated going outside too often though.

In my town, it's like I'm a celebrity. The killer or something. I don't get it. Why can't people just let me be. I haven't killed anybody on purpose.

I, however, grabbed my shoes and went to the forest. I could do anything here. There were animals everywhere but I was careful enough to keep my distance.

I watched as they pranced and leaped. As some ran and jumped. It was a beautiful sight. My enjoyment decreased though when I saw the animals form a circle.

I walked over and saw a rabbit dying. But slowly and painfully. I hated to see the poor thing in pain. I never used my power but there were certain situations where it came in handy and was allowed.

I sat down next to it and placed my hand on its back. After a minute the rabbit completely stopped breathing and the other animals slowly walked away.

I stood up and noticed a few tears staining my cheek. I quickly wiped them away and turned back to the other animals.

I didn't expect to see another person though.

He was beautiful. He had glasses that sat perfectly on his nose along with a gray beanie that was somewhat worn out.

He looked scared though. I mean who wouldn't after you watch a girl kill a rabbit.

"I'm sorry about that. I didn't know someone was watching. I just felt the need to help the little guy..." I said.

He paused and thought about what he was going to say next. "It's fine I just- I never thought that I would meet you. I've heard a lot about you and you seem completely different then what they say." He whispered.

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