Photo Album

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I was sitting on our bed with a photo album, photos, tape, and writing tools, trying to put together a good present. Well a good enough present for a five year anniversary.

Our relationship started back when I was 19 and we got married when I was 22. Man, I was so in love with him. I was fresh out of highschool when we met. We had become really good friends and then I started to develop feelings for him. I told myself not to because I knew the consequences but I ignored that feeling and I'm glad I did.

When we started dating, everyone was shocked. I'm not sure why but it was probably because they thought I would never get a relationship.

Once we got married, Mikey told me everything about him. It was so unexpected but he said that he wanted to confess all of his secrets once we were married. It was so vulnerable that I did the same. After that we have been so comfortable around each other. Nothing could get better.

Around one year ago Mikey sat me down. He was so scared and I understood why. Mikey confessed on how badly he wanted children. But not just any children, my children. He wanted to have my babies and he literally wrote a whole speech on it. I giggled on how silly and cute he was being. I had wanted a whole life with him since we first met. Children included. So we tried for kids. We wouldn't try every single night but at least a few times a month. And some of it wasn't even for kids.

I was mainly putting this album together for one thing. I was finally pregnant. It was to surprise him instead of just shoving the test in his hand. I am about 2 months in and I just went to the doctor's monday. Tomorrow was friday, our anniversary.

I had thought that it was a good enough time for kids. I was 24 and Mikey was 25 so why not? We had already had a good experience with Bandit so having our own kid wouldn't hurt, right?

I pushed my thoughts aside and continued putting the album together.


It was now friday morning and I quickly slipped out of Mikey's grip. I took a shower and got dressed. I was wearing something quite nice. I was wearing a pair of heels with a loose (and I mean very loose) tan turtleneck with blue jeans. I styled my hair is a low bun with my side bangs curled. I thought that I looked decent enough for lunch.

I walked out into the bedroom and saw Mikey glued to the television screen.

"Ha, I like spongebob too." I wrapped my arms around his head and pressed a kiss to his temple.

Mikey was always such a kid at heart. It was so cute. He lifted his head and just stared at me in aw.

"Awwww baby. You look so pretty...." He had tears start to fill his eyes. "Your hair is just so pretty and your skin is just so glowy and-" Mikey broke out in full tears.

I wrapped my arms around him even tighter. "Honey are you alright? Why are you crying? You're not on your period are you?"

He sniffed and wiped his tears. "No, I just noticed how beautiful you are."

My heart started to beat faster. "I love you so much. Words can't even explain." I kissed his nose gently and then his lips. I couldn't get over how soft and gentle his lips were. Even when we had our 'hot' moments, he still seemed really sweet and gentle.

"Come on, lets get you ready for lunch."


We were back from lunch and I had Mikey sit down on the couch in the livingroom.

"Y/N, are you done yet?" The boy with his eyes covered asked.

"Almost, almost." I hurried up the stairs and grabbed my present. I ran back downstairs and sat in front of Mikey. I leaned over to his ear. "Happy fifth anniversary..." my lips lingered.

He uncovered his eyes. I handed the present to him and he started to unwrap it. When he saw the front of the photo album he looked at me confused.

"What's this?" He looked happy-confused.

"You'll see." I giggled.

He flipped open the cover and gasped. "Oh Y/N. You didn't." He smiled.

The first few pages were of our friendship, which was only a couple months. But it was so fun. That was when we met each other's families and fell for each other.

The next pages were when we were dating. That was when we lived in the city. We had this beautiful apartment in the middle of the city. We would always stay up late at night at sleep in enough to see the buildings shining.

After that were photos of us when we got married. Our wedding day and our honeymoon. Man, our honeymoon was pretty wild.

"Baby these are amazing." He said teary-eyed.

"Just keep going..." He looked at me confused.

"What else could there be after this?" He flipped the page and froze. He covered his mouth and started crying. He shakily raised the book. "Are these real?"

He lifted up the album showing my ultrasound pictures.

"Yes." I said about to cry.

He set the book down and crawled into my arms. "We're finally gonna have a baby? Oh my god. We're gonna be parents."

I nodded and he went crazy. He started kissing my lips and then my jaw. He wrapped his arms around my waist and sat in my lap, curled in a ball. "God I love you. I love you so much that it hurts." He whispered.

"I love you too baby." I ran my fingers through his hair.

"Wait! I forgot to give you your present."

I placed my finger over his mouth. "Don't worry, you are my present."

Awwwwwwww this one is so cute.

Please leave requests here :)

Also my cousin fucking got me hooked on Naruto. Oh well.

Listening to: hosdudjfoq
Date: 3-12-22
Time: 10:21 pm
Mood: skfjdiejfiairjfi

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