Return to the M'Verse: An Ooorah Anthology

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We are pleased to announce a brand-new SF anthology to be hosted on the Ooorah profile

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We are pleased to announce a brand-new SF anthology to be hosted on the Ooorah profile. Each of the stories eventually featured in this anthology will be set within a Universe of the writer's creation, while all being a part of a larger, shared Multiverse.

At the Ooorah Mothership, we call this the M'Verse.

The M'Verse is a place of infinite possibilities. But, just to make things fun, there are five rules that each story cannot contradict. (See the next part for the five rules.) Beyond that, as long as a story is brand-new, 5000 words at the most, as well as being science fiction (cyberpunk, bonepunk, steampunk, stonepunk, generation ship—whatever!), it's suitable for submission.

We are planning a January 2023 release. Why so far away? To give people plenty of time to think about their submission!

We've returned to the M'Verse, 'troopers...

For more information, please check the external link, which takes you directly to the Multiversal Rules chapter of the Return to the M'Verse: An Ooorah Anthology book! 

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