Chapter 1

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Adam: You're deflecting by making jokes about how hot you are!

Adam: Ryan, eat your vegetables. They have antioxidants.

Ryan: Why do I need antioxidants?

Jack: So you don't oxidize.

Adam: ...
Adam: I don't eat them cause they're shaped like dinosaurs. I EAT EM CAUSE THEY'RE FUCKING CHICKEN NUGGETS!
Jack: So you want some tea?

Ryan: what are the options?

Jack: yes or no
Jack: the girls in high school had cute little nicknames for me, like "run here he comes."
Adam: Sorry, I'm late. I broke down on the way here

Erza: damn, how's the car?

Adam: car?
*Ryan and Jack in trouble*

Ryan: God, I wish I had listened to Adam

Jack: What did he say?

Ryan: I don't know. I wasn't listening!
Ryan: The only things keeping me together at this point are bio freeze and spite.
Adam: we have to get to the hospital and get there fast.

Jack: then I should drive!

Adam: why you?

Jack: I have nothing to live for, and I drive like it.
Ryan: I think Adam was right.

Jack: I'm surprised he hasn't marched in here to say, 'I told you so.'

Ryan: He wouldn't do that.

Adam: You're right, Ryan. For once in your life, you're 100% right. I would never say that.

*Adam turns around, The shirt he's wearing says "Adam told You So" on the back*
Adam: man, what the fuck???

Jack: excuse me, we don't use those types of mother fucking words in this god damn household.
Alba: I beg your pardon

Jack: then beg.
Ryan: are you ok?

Jack: just high on life!

Ryan: and?

Jack, sighs: and glass cleaner
Ryan: What time is it?

Jack: I don't know; pass me that trumpet and we'll find out.

*Jack plays trumpet loudly and extremely out of tune*


Jack: It's 2 am.
Adam: I don't get why everyone loves sleeping so much.

Jack: it's a free trial of death.
*The brothers are getting into the car*

Adam: I'm driving.

Jack, out of view: Shotgun!

Ryan, turning to face Jack: But you had it on the way here-

Jack, holding a shotgun: No! I found a shotgun! And I want the front seat!

*Pumps gun*
Adam: I trust Ryan.

Jack: You think he knows what he is doing?

Adam: I wouldn't go that far.
Adam: Naturally, we are on the cutting edge of technology.

Ryan, amazed: Wow...

Ryan, to Jack: Well, what does that mean?

Jack: I don't know.

Ryan, to Adam: What does that mean?
Ryan: we call it a near-death experience.

Jack: I call it a vibe check from God.

*Adam sighs loudly*
*Adam cracks knuckles*

Jack: Is that supposed to scare me?.

*Adam's fingers start glowing like glow sticks*

Jack: Okay, I'm scared, but that's rad.
Jack, crawling into the kitchen at 3 am: wHEre iS tHe aPPleY jUOoZ

Ryan, hitting him with a broom: WHAT *smack* THE *smack* FUCK *smack smack smack*

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