Percy just hummed in response. He remembered Thalia telling him years ago that something happened between the two of them in high school. He couldn't remember what it was about, but they despise each other.

"Since you had zero incidents with her, better than what I would've done, I got you a gift."

He dug in his pockets again and produced another set of keys. He tossed it at Percy, which he caught.

Percy raised his brow quizzically, "I can't drive."

"Who said they're keys for a car?"

What else are these keys for? Percy turned them over and saw writing on the keychain. He squinted in attempts to read through his dyslexia.

Percy dropped the keys and stared at his father in shock. "These aren't... You couldn't have! I thought they were going demolish the cabin last year? How did you get a chance to rent it again?"

"The mayor actually shut the project down and used the funds to improve the subway station instead. I didn't rent it either, I bought it. That's yours forever."

Percy bolted out of his chair and jumped into his father's arms almost knocking him over. Poseidon returned the hug eagerly, patting him on the back.

These are the keys to the Montauk cabin. It's a cabin by the beach thirty miles away from here. Before Percy's dad married Amphitrite, his mom would fly up to visit him during the summer for two weeks to rent out this cabin. Even though they broke their relationship off, Percy's father would join them for those two weeks. They're Percy's favorite memories. He was completely devastated once he found out they were destroying the cabin to make a resort on the beach.

"Merry Christmas Percy!" Poseidon said as he pulled back from the hug.

"Merry Christmas dad!" Percy let out a genuine smile. This is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for him. The fact he bought it alone rather then renting it makes more authentic.

"There's also something else that I need to tell you. Your physical therapist pulled me aside during your last appointment."

Percy sat back down on at the table with a confused expression. He thought he was doing well, he has been doing his daily exercises they have been telling himto do. "What is it?"

"How do you feel about relearning to drive again? I knew you already practiced before the accident, and your physical therapist told me you can start practicing again. If you do want to learn, you can have Triton's old car. We'll maybe do some modifications on it if need be."

"I can drive? I thought I wouldn't be able to do without my leg?"

"I looked into it, and many amputees can still drive. You can still use your prosthetic as you would as an ordinary leg. I waited for you to be comfortable with prosthetic, before I brought it up to you. You're getting around much better than you were a month ago. If the prosthetic isn't comfortable for you to drive with, there are devices we can install into the drivers seat if need be."

Percy sat there dumbfounded. All of this time he was mourning not being able to get the freedom of driving. He just needed to heal enough and get used to the prosthetic to be able to do so.

"So what do you think? You wanna start driving?" You're lucky that you have your learners permit still. We can probably start driving in Montauk, they have an open area with no traffic."

"Yes! Can we go today?" Percy asked.

Poseidon laughed, "Of course we can."


Living With Complications Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora