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I woke up, I was freezing and I was sore.. Completely sore. Remembering that I gave my virginity to my stalker. It isn't considered rape, is it? No, rape is not a word to describe what we'd done. He didn't force me. I allowed him and I never resisted, I loved every second of it.

"Good morning," I heard a mumble. I quickly got off the bed. It was Damon. "What are you doing here," I questioned as he placed a coffee on the table for me.

"I came since last night," he smiled. How did I not know. I didn't hear the door but Damon has a key to this mansion so maybe I didn't hear when the door opened. "How didn't I know."

"You were sleeping and I didn't want to wake you so I slept over in the guest room," he stated then took a sip of his coffee. He must have seen the stalker because he was here last night. "Was anyone else here."

"No why," he got worried.

"Nothing," I stated since I didn't want to seem stupid. I could've sworn that he was here. Wait, did the stalker actually come last night or was I dreaming. That means that we didn't... "What are you thinking about baby torres," he murmured.

"Nothing," I replied. I didn't want to seem stupid. Nobody was here so maybe I was dreaming. It just seemed so real. It didn't feel like a dream. I got off my bed and took long bath. About 1 hour long. I like long baths. I felt sore and couldn't help but wonder, if maybe, just maybe I had actually slept with my stalker.

I got out of bath and threw on a black top and pants. I turned on the TV and Damon and I watched a few movies together. I know. We had a love hate relationship but it was nice to have someone here with me besides my stalker.

After a while I fell asleep on Damon's shoulder. When I woke up, I was covered with a blanket. He's not a bad brother after all. I got off the bed and looked at the time.

Its already 8. I had no idea that I slept so long. I felt like taking another bath then probably watch some movies. Damon was probably eating in the kitchen so I got ready. After finishing I walked to the living room and I saw Damon at the table with his keys in his hand. "Where are we going," I questioned.

"To a race," he smirked. I had never seen him race before but I know that he is a good racer. I didn't really feal like racing today, don't get me wrong I loved every second of it. I went into my room and saw a letter on my bed. What the fuck? That wasn't here before. I opened it and it wrote,"You’re not the type to run away from problems but you should. I’ll hunt you down if I have to." There was a smily face at the end of the note, I touched it and realized that it was blood. Who the fuck would put a smiley face with blood. Whose blood is it? This had to be Axel.

I placed the letter in my bag and brushed it off. I threw on a black outfit and we both went to a street. I followed Damon who was in a matte black car, my car behind his. I also carried my matte black car.

We pulled up and cars were lined up everywhere. Suddenly I couldn't find Damon. I don't know where he was. I didn't see where his car went. I watched as two cars overtook each other. They were racing towards the end. The crowd went wild, shouting out names. I heard some saying Axel while some said Ace.

I wonder if it was him. Of course it was him, who else would it be. I knew that he would win the race, I mean he is Axel Ford. I was dying to see him and I didn't know why. Uhhh, and his gray eyes are mesmerizing.

A black race car crossed the finish line. The winner came out of the car, pulled out his helmet and his messy hair fell on his face. That wasn't Axel so does that mean that Axel lost the race. He had a defined jawline and intimidating eyes.

I could've only see half of his face. His eyes were facing down and as soon as he raised his face I could see his blue eyes. The crowd ran towards him. The guy who lost came out of his car and to my surprise also wasn't Axel.

But I thought that they were calling his name unless it's a different person. The guy looked similar to the winner. As if they were related. He smirked, " here's your money Axel."

Oh so that's why they were chanting Axel. The winners name was also Axel. I honestly thought that it was Axel Ford that I knew. After a while I still didn't know where Damon went. I felt eyes on me. I looked and it was the winner of the race, Axel. He had a nice smirk as he stared at me.
"I'm flattered that you're watching me sweet heart," he smirked.

"I wasn't watching you, I was looking for my brother," I sassed. I honestly didn't want to be here anymore and I am annoyed so naturally I had a bitchy attitude.
"Well then maybe I can help princess," He continued.

"Nah I don't need your help. I don't take help from assholes," I rolled my eyes and he threw an unimpressed look at me but then replied,"Big mouth for such a sweet girl. I will teach you how to keep it open only when needed darling."

"Why don't you learn how to grow a dick," I sassed. The guy that lost the race came towards Axel. I think that his name was Ace. "Fuck. She dissed you man," he grinned as Axel shot him an annoyed look. "Shut up asshole," he growled.

"I'm Ace Martinez. That's my brother Axel Grayson Martinez," the guy who lost said while putting out his hand. His name was Ace and the one who was being a dick is Axel. Wait.. They are both Martinez. "You two are brothers," I questioned already knowing what the answer would be.

"Sadly yes," Ace shrugged.

"Hi. I'm Sofia Torres," I smiled since he wasn't rude to me. He was much nicer than his brother. "Torres,"Axel turned to Ace. "Yes," I replied. They both looked at each other as if they were both thinking about something.

"I'm going home now so just tell my brother that I left," I told Ace. "Damon," Ace questioned and I nodded my head in response.

"What," Axel blurted out. He continued,"Damon Torres."

"Yes why," I responded. They are probably friends of Damon and they didn't know that he had a sister but honestly we both found out that we were siblings recently too so it was still all a bit shocking.

"He's going to race now," Axel pointed at his car that was lined up against someone else. I knew that it was Damon since it was his matte black car... It had his name carved on it. "Stay. He's going to race Axel Ford," Ace smirked. Ace probably didn't even know that I met Axel already.  But Axel never lost a race, he's the best.

I walked to the front and it was indeed Axel. His gray eyes met mines as he smirked upon seeing me. Damon also saw me and waved. They both then looked at each other. It was a competition.

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