△Chapter 5△

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''Follow me''

Rat Man led them down a hallway until they reach a door.

He swipes his keycard through the slot, and the door slides open.

Alex licked her lips as she watched the silver metal doors slide shut.

''The procedure will take place in this room. You will not feel pain during this procedure as you will be completely asleep''

On each side of the room,were the beds, where a metallic device was hanging from the ceiling. "This it's called a Retractor, and it will be performing this procedure''

Next to the beds was a doctor-each doctor was dressed in a one-piece, somewhat loose-fitting green suit with WICKED written across the chest.

"Those staying in this room are ..." He called out a few names, including Sonya and Aris, but not Alex, Thomas or any of the Gladers. ''Now, those of you that for some reasons will not be performing these procedure...follow me''

They walk down another hallway before stopping at another door.

When they entered the room they notice that it looked exactly like the first one. The only difference was a couple of armed guards standing there- all of them dressed in black. Alex stared at their weapons-shimmering with blue light-a clear tube in the middle was filled with shiny metallic grenades that crackled and fizzed with electricity.

''What's the hell is going on, Rat Man?" Minho asked.

''Grab them!'' He didn't answer, he just motioned the men to grab the Gladers and hold them in place.

Four men appeared behind Thomas and Alex, grabbing their arms tightly. And five more men appeared, grabbing Minho, Newt and the others.

"LET HER GO" Thomas screamed at the guards that were grabbing Alex but they didn't let go of her, they just held her tighter.

''My name is Assistant Director Janson,"

"What are you doing?!" Alex whispered harshly.

The front door opened and Thomas finds Brenda standing there. Thomas's eyes widened for a second.

''What's she doing here?" Minho said as he tried struggling free.

Thomas looked to Brenda who had a sad expression on her face. He frowned at him and looked away.

Rat Man-Janson- walked over to stand beside Brenda.

''Did you honestly thought she was your friend? Well, you're not going to believe this, but it turns out she's been part of WICKED from the very beginning''

"Take them away'' He ordered and the guards holding them dragged them out of the room.


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