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~(Nightmare's POV)~

I sighed as I looked over a picture of me and my brother as children. When things used to be simple. I did miss that sometimes, but I've gone too far to turn back now. "Hey, Boss?" Killer said from beyond the office door. "Come in, Killer," I said, putting the picture in my drawer and closing it. He walked in with a bandage on his cheek. I assumed Dust finally punched the shit out of him. "So, uh, we got a problem."

I stood up and walked towards him, seeing his arm was bandaged too. "What now?" "Well, uh, we went to Underswap for some food and got our asses handed to us by the Stars and...they took Horror..," My eye widened as I hurried to the living room, where Dust was laying covered in bandages. "He got the worst of it..," Killer said, rubbing his arms. "What do you mean they took Horror?" I asked, watching Dust avoid eye contact. "DUST!"

"They convinced him to switch sides! And I'm convinced, too! They said it would be better- I can be happy!" I growled and grabbed Dust's neck with my tentacle, watching him gasp for air. "If I hear that shit again, I will not hesitate to put you in the basement and torture you for shits and giggles, you worthless piece of shit." I slammed Dust into a wall and walked to Killer, who seemed more sad than scared. "Are you going to switch sides, too?

"Of course not, Boss. I'll be on your side until I die," he said, his grin faded from his face. "At least someone respects me. I'll be in my room, don't bother me," I said, walking down the hall. I lost one of my best fighters and almost lost the most calm and collected one. My army that used to be made of nearly one hundred has dwindled to two. I don't know if I'm doing the right thing anymore...

~Ink's POV~

I smiled and patted Horror on the back as he hesitated outside the meeting room door. "Don't worry, Horror! I know you'll be able to at least find a couple people who want to be friends off the bat!" The taller skeleton smiled weakly and turned towards the door. "I never really had to worry about this before...since everyone was insane, heh..." I nudged him slightly and we walked into the room, the chatter going silent.

"Sup, Horror, brah?!" Fresh said, almost immediately appearing in front of Horror. He stepped back and put his arms out in a defensive position. "Woah, broski! I ain't gonna hurt ya! I'm just a radical bro sayin' hi!" Horror nodded, as if trying to convince himself. "Uh, hi...Fresh...nice to...meet ya..," he said awkwardly. I chuckled and watched as G and Sci walked over, ushered by Blue.

"Hiya, Horror! G and Sci wanted to come say hi!" he chirped, smiling. "Heya, Horror. Nice ta have someone a little less obnoxious around. I'm Echotale Sans, G." "Yeah, hey Horror. So, like, are you dead? I've heard that you're already dead, which makes no sense beca-" Horror laughed and rubbed the side of his head that wasn't broken. "I'll get ta all yer questions later, okay? I really just wanna get this over with. I ain't a fan of a lotta people, ya know?"

G and Sci nodded, Fresh slapping Horror's shoulder before skating away on his wheelies. God, I should get some of those- "Ink, are you ready to start the meeting?" Dream said, coming to my side. Blue had ushered Horror next to him at the table, which was also next to Sci. He was a lot more clever than most people gave him credit for. He just chose to be happier and look on the bright side of things.

"Alright, everyone. As you might be aware, we've converted another of Nightmare's group to our side! As of today, Horror is one of the Stars!" Mostly everyone clapped, even if some people were more hesitant. "Go ahead, Blue," I said, seeing Blue fidget. He stood up nervously and fiddled with his gloves. "W-Well...you see...u-um..." Horror snickered, causing Blue's face to turn dark blue. "N-Never mind..," he said, sitting back down and covering his face.

"Okay then...anyone else have anything they want to say?" "Yeah, I got somethin'," Red said, standing up. "Yer gonna let a funkin' cannibal into the Stars?! The Funk kinda joint are ya runnin'?!" The silence of the room was almost deafening, before Blue stood back up. "Red, as much as I like your friendship, you're being a jerk! Horror's not a cannibal- he's the only one from his AU who isn't! Instead, he was starved for all those years! So maybe instead of insulting someone, check your own ignorance."

Red's face flushed and he sat back down, Blue sighing and sitting as well. Dream stood up and crossed his arms. "We've covered this issue before. No harassing of former Bad Guys' members will be tolerated. This was a big problem, especially with Error and Reaper. We understand they may not have done admirable things in the past, but they're trying to change. That's all that matters, right? What was it? 'Anyone can be a good person if they just try.' So maybe you all should get that into your skulls and stop spreading such negativity. Please."

The silence once again filled the room. "Anyways, on that depressing note, we can end this meeting! You can go back to your AUs now, with the exception of Sci, thank you!" The members dispersed from the room through the portals on the walls, aside from those who lived in the Doodlesphere, Geno, Reaper, Error, Sci, and Horror.

"So, Horror," Dream started, "you have the option to live with us in the Doodlesphere, or live on your own AU. The decision is completely up to you, and you can always change your mind." "I, uh, would like ta stay here, please," he said, smiling slightly. Blue beamed and hugged his arm, causing Dream and Geno to giggle a bit. "I'ɱ ɠʅαԃ ყσυ ʝσιɳҽԃ υʂ, Hσɾɾσɾ. I ɱιʂʂҽԃ ყσυɾ ʅαυɠԋ," Error said, smiling a bit.

"𝖄𝖊𝖆𝖍, 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖓𝖔𝖜 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖈𝖆𝖓 𝖇𝖚𝖑𝖑𝖞 𝕽𝖊𝖉 𝖎𝖓𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖆𝖉 𝖔𝖋 𝕶𝖎𝖑𝖑𝖊𝖗," Reaper said with a smirk, causing Error and Horror to chuckle. "Sci, ya mentioned ya had some questions...didja wanna go ahead and talk?" Sci's eyes shined and he nodded, the two walking off to talk. "I do really like Horror. He seems like a nice enough guy," Geno said, smiling a bit. "Hҽ ɯαʂ ԃҽϝιɳιƚҽʅყ ƚԋҽ Ⴆҽʂƚ ɱҽɱႦҽɾ σϝ ƚԋҽ Gαɳɠ. Jυʂƚ ϝɾιҽɳԃʅყ αɳԃ ϝυɳ ƚσ Ⴆҽ αɾσυɳԃ. I ҽɳʝσყҽԃ ԋιʂ ρɾҽʂҽɳƈҽ ƚԋҽ ɱσʂƚ, ԋσɳҽʂƚʅყ."

"𝕳𝖊𝖞𝖞𝖞, 𝖜𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝖆𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖙 𝖒𝖊?!" Reaper said, crossing his arms and turning to Error. Without skipping a beat, Error said, "Yσυ'ɾҽ αɳɳσყιɳɠ." Reaper pouted and hung his head low, making Blue giggle a bit. "What do you think, Cross?" Cross, who was mostly silent until now, seemed a little uncomfortable. "I dunno, guys...he was pretty damn creepy back when the whole X-Event thing was going on...but he makes good jokes, I think." 

Error and Reaper nodded in agreement before the former left to the Antivoid. Reaper took Geno to Aftertale, even if Geno looked like he would rather die. Oh wait- "So, how long before you force Horror to personalize his room?" Cross asked, smirking a bit. I shrugged and walked off, hearing the laughter of everyone else in that room. I'm glad they've forgiven me for the X-Event. XGaster's influence over me was...something I hope never happens again...

Date: 7/22/22 21:31

Word Count: 1253

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