(3-1) Terasaka Gang Reassemble

Start from the beginning

"Sure." Yoshida said. The two boys then walked off, leaving Hazama to her own company once again.

The next two people to get were Muramatsu and Itona. They decided to split, Terasaka going to find Muramatsu and Yoshida to find Itona.

Muramatsu was not hard to locate. He was in the middle of a pretty busy shift at Koronoodle when Terasaka entered. The blond immediately noticed the big oaf and sighed, just as Hazama did.

"Hey Muramatsu!" Terasaka shouted, causing everyone in the restaurant to look at him.

"Hey Terasaka." Muramatsu replied. "What brings you here."

"I'm reuniting the old gang for a holiday. You in?"

"I'm sorry, but can we talk about this after closing tim? It's kinda a busy day."

"Sure, I'll be back in a few hours." And with that, Terasaka left the restaurant in order to find something to entertain himself for the next few hours.

While this was occurring, Yoshida had found his way to Horobe Electronics- Itona's business. He entered the foyer of a large building and was greeted with a smiling receptionist.

"Can I help you?" She asked. Yoshida was taken a little by surprise. He didn't know Itona had turned his business into such a large corporation in just seven years.

"Um- yeah. Can I speak to the CEO?" He stuttered. A frown appeared on the face of the receptionist.

"Do you have an appointment?"

"Um- no."

"Then I can't let you see him. Sorry."

"But we're old friends. Can you at least pass on a message?"

"Yeah, I can do that."

"Tell him-"

"Hey Yoshida, long time no see." A voice called from behind him. Yoshida turned to see a large, silver haired man standing smartly in the entrance.

"Itona?" He asked.

"Yup. That's me. Now, I'm a busy man, what do you want?"

"We were reuniting the Terasaka gang for a holiday. Do you wanna join?"

"Let me check my diary." Itona pulled out his phone and tapped something into it. He smiled. "I'm free all week. I'm in."

"That was easy." Yoshida muttered. "When you finish work, meet us at the central library."

"Where are we actually going?"

"South Korea."

"Okay, tell the gang to come to my place. We can use my private jet."


"Yeah. Comes with being a CEO. See ya later." With that, Itona left the foyer, heading through a large double door into the main building. A few minutes later, Yoshida received a text from Itona detailing  his address.

Several hours later, Yoshida, Terasaka and Muramatsu arrived at the central library to see a frowning Hazama stood in the car park.

"You're late." She said. "And where is Itona?"

"He said to meet him at his house. We can use his private jet." Yoshida explained. The rest of the gang's faces twisted into an expression of shock.


Several hours later, the five friends had reunited and were flying over the Pacific Ocean in Itona's private jet.

"So Tentacles," Terasaka began "since when did you become rich? And why did you not tell us sooner?"

"I was hoping to get away from you clowns." Itona replied coldly.

"You seemed to be very enthusiastic about this earlier." Yoshida protested.

"That was before I met Terasaka again."


"Some thing really don't change do they?" Hazama muttered. Muramatsu nodded at her.

"They really do not." The blond said.

"Hey Muramatsu, you still selling that vomit?" Itona asked, once again insulting one of his friends in a very nonchalant manner.

"Watch what you're saying tentacles. You ever come in my restaurant, I'll give you salmonella if you don't watch your tone."

"That's fine. I'd take any excuse not to eat any of your stuff."

"Trust me, it's got better since father retired. Customer numbers have shot up."

"Yeah, he is right. People were actually eating in the restaurant when I picked him up." Terasaka said, defending him.

"Thank you Terasaka." Muramatsu sighed.

The trip continued on like this for the whole journey. They asked each other about their lives, hurled insults at each other and laughed when they were not the one getting attacked. All apart from Hazama, who no-one could insult. They all knew how much of a psycho she could be. Besides, they couldn't even insult her brooding appearance anymore. For some reason, she had become good looking, a far cry from her appearance in junior high.

The holiday in South Korea was much the same, but with the inclusion of bats and a lot of alcohol.

Yoshida managed to pick up this girl in one of the bars and went missing for a day due to the fact he got lost trying to find the hotel in the morning. He ended up wandering around the streets untill Terasaka found him later that night.

A girl tried flirting with Itona, who refused, saying he 'was taken', much to the suprise of the rest of the party. It turns out he had gotten into a relationship with the receptionist, a relationship straight out of a cringy office romance movie.

Muramatsu ended up confessing that he had a crush on Hazama at some point in junior high. He was adamant that he had lost it, but in fact he hadn't. If anything, his love for her had grown even more when he saw her new appearance.

Hazama didn't really know how to take it. She just sat there, awkwardly, hoping that it was a joke. A small part of her, however, tried to rebel against this mentality, but the rest of her pushed it back down. She didn't want to be in love, especially with a guy who cooks noodles for a living.

Terasaka managed to pick up a girl on each night, yet also made them absolutely despise him in the morning once they were sober and found out what he was really like. He sighed. He was never going to get a girlfriend, he told himself.

Somewhere, in Japan, a man stared at his computer in a dark room. A list of names were shown on the screen.

"Spiked drinks." He said to himself, "I'm a genius. These five were easy to get. The rest will only be harder, but still. My associates will lend a hand."

The man changed the colour of five of the names to red. He then left the room to find another board, full of names and pictures. He removed the photos of the same five people.

He then picked up the phone. Phase two was in order.

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