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valentina walked into school with eleanor by her side , she was the only one out of all her friends who knew what was going on , besides alaska of course. "good luck in biology" eleanor winked as she walked into the class room right next door.

valentina walked to the very back of the class as sat in the empty seat , unpacking her bag. as she looked up grayson smiled at valentina as ethan stood behind him "hey val" "hey grayson" he sat down in the seat in front of her

"you coming over to ours to study?" valentina shook her head "awh why not?" grayson asked "i just dont really feel like it" grayson nodded as ethan was observing "no no thats okay , maybe next time? and if you have time next weekend would you and all your little girl friends like to come to a party we're hosting?"

valentina nodded "im guessing your parents arent home?" she asked "and neither is cameron , out on a skiing trip" ethan mentioned as valentina didnt take her eyes off grayson "im guessing thats a yes?" he asked again as she rolled her eyes jokely "yeah fineeee ill ask the girls"


eleanor <3
your mom stfu
(liked by kay🦹‍♀️ and val)

today at 8:29 AM

dolan house on the weekend?

lrya !
count me in


"we'll be there" graysons smile grew bigger , he pulled a seat and sat in front of valentina "im not gonna lie to you , youre little friend group is adorable" valentina put her head in her hands "oh yeah? i would agree" the teacher walked in starting the leasson and and the end grayson walked out with valentina "dolan house , saturday" grayson told the girl one last time before they walked diffrent ways to their classes

valentina walked towards her locker as all her friends stood around her "update , im no longer on speaking tearms with ethan" she looked around her friends pausing at kay as a smile lit up on her face "really? im glad you came to your senses" valentina nodded "i just dont want to be used" lyra looked down "awhh you guys seemed like such good friends thought?" valentina shook her head

"yeah its over now ish" she didnt talk to him and he didnt talk to her so they bascially werent on speaking terms. it felt awful not taking to ethan, valentina was never the type or ignore the person she liked , she was often very open about it with her friends but maybe since it's ethan it's different

eleanor seemed to have warmed up to ethan , it seemed that she didn't hate him as much anymore due to the fact valentina explained everything to her the night before. kay on the other hand was first passenger on the ethan dolan hate train

"was there anything in the first place?" kay asked confused "well we're friends and all but i just don't want to talk to him right now" valentina explained as all of the girls didn't bother to ask more questions "glad that's over" kay smiled as the girls started to walk towards their next class

513 words

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