17: Courtship

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*Extras book for this story is now up

Two weeks later, and Philip was finally allowed to start slowly making steps to walk again. Y/N had visited him almost every hour of every day, often eating with him. When the nurse who came to tend to Philip while he was on bed rest said that it was okay for him to start taking baby steps, it felt like watching a kid learn to walk.

Nevertheless, he got the hang of using his crutches to get from room to room. For some reason, Eliza decided she wanted Y/N to be the one to take Philip on a walk outside for the first time since the duel.

So, that explains their current predicament of walking down the streets of upper Manhattan. They weren't very far from Philip's house, but that didn't make Y/N feel any less nervous about being the only on there to help support him.

"I've been thinking," he spoke, grunting from the movement of the crutches.

"Can it wait until we're back at your house? I don't think any of us want to go back to the hospital because you fell face first into the sidewalk." They weren't usually this cautious, but considering everyone's financial situations, they didn't think it ideal to be making yet another return to the hospital.

He stopped walking, causing them to stop too. "I'd rather talk about this when it's just us and nobody is checking in every 5 minutes."

"Fine, but let's stop on that bench over there."

They walked across the dirt road and sat down on a bench on the other side of the street. Philip leaned his crutches on the bench next to him.

"So... okay, I don't really know how to go about saying this in an, I guess, kind way, so I'll just be blunt. What is.. this?" He gestured to the two of them, looking at them.

Y/N knew what he meant, but played dumb anyway. "Uh.. us?"

"Yes. What would you say our relationship is? We've already confessed to each other that we're in love. Is this a courtship? Friends who like each other?"

They just stared at him. They didn't know for sure, but they figured he felt stupid for asking. "Uh.. do you want it to be a courtship?"

His answer was quick. "Yes. I love you, but I don't want to force anything on to you. That's why I'm asking. God, this feels like some sort of cliche romance novel."

He stopped looking at them during that last remark, putting his index finger and thumb on the bridge of his nose.


He looked up. "What?"

"Yes. Make it a courtship."

He sat up, making eye contact. "To be clear, you're not just saying that because it's what I want?"

They shook their head. "Hasn't your Aunt Angelica taught you anything? I'm doing it because I love you, too."

Philip broke out into a smile of pure joy, one that he appeared to have been holding back. It was infectious, and Y/N smiled too. He leaned forward, hugging them. It felt nice. He was warm, even in the cool air, and the embrace was comforting.

He pulled back to face them, but didn't let go. He moved his right hand to turn their chin to face them.

"May I?" he asked, his warm breath brushing against their skin. There was a heat that was spread across their face, a blush evident.

Y/N didn't give him a verbal answer, and instead kissed him first. They both closed their eyes, relishing the moment. Philip's lips were chapped, but they didn't mind.

So many times before, they'd had to kiss Nicholas Falmouth. Initially, they didn't think anything of the action, but now it was different. It felt right. It almost felt ethereal. It was so much more meaningful. The kiss didn't last long, but neither wanted it to end.

They shared another, this time more ardent than the last. Philip's hand was now rested on their shoulder, and Y/N's around his neck. It was longer than the first, but alas, all good things must come to an end.

They pulled away from each other. "We should head back," he said, picking up his crutches again.


Theodosia sat on the loveseat in her living room, tapping her foot rhythmically and rigorously against the wood floors. Her father was sitting on a chair on the other side of the room. He turned the page in his book. She wasn't waiting patiently, far from it. She was too excited.

Her best friend and lover, Susan, was to be coming over for the first time in years. Of course, nobody else knew about the second part, everyone else thought they were just close best friends.

There was finally a knock on the door. Theodosia jumped and ran to the door, startling Aaron. The door opened, and there stood the woman she'd been waiting for so long to see. Susan Reynolds. She took after her mother, with her long, dark hair and short stature, a contrast to Theodosia's light brown waves and tall standing.

The two jumped and laughed, catching each other in a tight hug.

"I missed you!" Theodosia said, taking in the scent of the perfume on her companion. She smelled of flower fields and honey, the loving aroma she missed so long after her lover was an ocean away.

"So did I," Susan agreed. She noticed the slight change in speech of her girlfriend who had been in London for so long. She had picked up on their accent.

Theodosia dragged her inside and up to her bedroom, not allowing a moment for her father to even bat an eye at her. They kissed chastely, overwhelmed with positive emotions knowing that they would now get to share even more memories together.


Honestly Im kinda winging it now, i've changed the end of the story so much since I first wrote the plot and now i have nothing to work off lol
Sorry about the last part it was mostly filler but at least we got to see our favorite lesbians <3 (in the book of course im sure you have other favorite lesbians)


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