2: The Reynolds Pamphlet

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"The Reynolds Pamphlet... have you read this?!"

August 25, 1797.

This was it. This is what had felt wrong the day before. Philip couldn't tell if he was more angry or disappointed. He was staring down at the papers in front of him in disbelief. How could his father do something like this? He's ruined his social status and his political career, let alone his relationship with his family. He could hear Eliza shouting at Alex in the other room.

"So, what are you going to do?" Angie asked from behind him. "We all know something like this can't happen without Philip Hamilton doing something he'll probably regret later."

Philip sighed. "I'm going to find James Reynolds' wife and I'm going to give her a piece of my mind."

"No, Phil. Not if I have something to do with it." He didn't turn to face her, but he knew for certain that she definitely put her hands on her hips and was staring holes through his head.

"Well, you don't have anything to do with it." He walked over to grab his coat. "Also, you act too much like your namesake."

He heard a faint, "So do you!" as he walked out of the room.


Tears rolled down their cheeks as they read the papers in their hand, glancing out the window occasionally. They could hear Joan crying her eyes out and Susan trying to comfort her. They could hear James shouting at Maria upstairs. Clanks and bangs were heard too, indicating James was throwing her about and beating her like she was a dead animal.

This settled it. Y/N hated Alexander Hamilton, and can you blame them? He's always been a powder keg about to explode, and when he did, it caused a lot of damage. They tore the papers up, not wanting to stare at the horrid pamphlet any longer. People stared at their house as they walked by.

Y/N walked over to the couch and sat next to their sisters. Joan's tears were finally drying up. "This is it," Y/N said. "Our lives are officially over and we'll be suffering from public humiliation for eternity."

"Don't be such a pessimist. Maybe, just maybe, we'll have normal lives, even if it takes 50 years," Susan assured, though her voice was anything but optimistic.

"I'd rather be dead in 50 years!" Joan cried, tears forming at the corners of her eyes again. She grabbed a handkerchief to wipe her nose on. "Y/N's right. We're doomed for life, and it's all because of that, that bitch, Alexander Hamilton!"

"Joan!" Y/N exclaimed, surprised at her outburst. Joan rarely used foul language. They sighed. "Well, at least we know Hamilton'll never be president now."


Philip didn't dare ask his father the address of the Reynolds, so instead he asked around the city. Word would get out to his father eventually, but at least it would buy him some time. He walked to a side of New York City that made him uncomftorable. It was shady with plenty of dark alleyways. He swore that even the cat sitting on the side of the road could kill him in his sleep.

Once he found the house, he knocked on the door, which opened about a minute later. He was expecting to see a gruff old man, but instead it was somebody different. At this, he swore he made a mistake. The one who opened the door, seemingly his age, was quite literally the most beautiful young person he'd ever seen. Did he have the right address?

Please Don't Leave Me, I'm Helpless // Philip Hamilton x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now