11: Mrs. Lucia Falmouth

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Y/N had been waiting for nearly an hour in the outside parlor of the Rosevear's tea house. Analise was supposed to meet them there, and their drink had since grown cold. They found it strange, because Analise was usually earlier than Y/N.

They wanted to talk with their so-called 'therapist' about the controversial feelings they've been having about a certain politician's son lately. They also wanted to bring up how Analise hasn't been doing a very good job at actually making them feel better, and instead just avoiding everything.

About 20 minutes later, William came out to the parlor. He had brought two cups with him, presumably one for himself and a refill of Y/N's drink. "Analise is a no-show, huh? I brought you more [Your favorite tea/coffee/other]."

"Unfortunately. I was just about to head out, actually," Y/N said, taking the cup from William's hand. "But, since you went through the trouble of getting me another drink, I might just have to stay."

William gave them a smile, then sitting down across from them. The sun was beating down, hence the parasol in the table having been stuck up. "How are your sisters? Haven't seen them around lately."

"Susan thinks she's found someone she's interested in, but swears on her life that she won't tell us anything about her, quote, suitor. Joan has been her energetic self as always, especially since her Frenchman came to visit." She didn't really want to mention Georges, because that was a whole other can of worms she didn't feel like unpacking.

"Our mother is doing okay, but she hasn't been the same ever since the Reynolds Pamphlet was published. She's been quieter and exhausted all the time. Once she had fallen asleep on the couch and Susan carried her up to her room, and then another time she slept on my floor. Honestly, we're all just ready for everything to be done and over with."

William stayed silent the whole time, occasionally drinking some of his coffee. "I think I've unconsciously been trying to find more and more excuses to get away from my family. I've even been thinking about trying to contact Philip Hamilton to hang out with him."

"Aren't you two enemies, or something like that?" William questioned, leaning back in his chair and crossing a leg over his other knee.

"It boils down to that we hate it each other. Except, he, for some godforsaken reason, invited me to meet him and his friend and his friend's girlfriend at a park near the Bronx River. I hate to admit it, but I think I might have actually enjoyed myself there."

"Well, as they say, desperate times call for desperate measures." William took one more sip of his coffee before looking down, realizing it was empty, and puttting it back on the table.

The wood door that was trying so hard to look nice but failed so miserably opened up, catching the attention of both people outside. Phoebe was on the other side of the doorway.

"Y/N, there's a woman here asking for you. She says that it's very important, but won't tell me what. Her name is Lucia."

They thought they recognized the name from somewhere, but couldn't remember where. They figured there couldn't be any harm in seeing what this was about, so they stepped back inside.

The scent of the specialty muffins made to go with the tea was strong. Y/N figured that Phoebe had just pulled a batch out of the oven. There were a few people in the area, Y/N knowing each one of them.

Luke the window hermit, as Joan liked to call him, nodded at them from from his book. Abraham and Esther were chatting in their usual spot, showing off their chemistry to the public. Susan often wondered why they wouldn't just get married.

Then, of course, there was Rhoda. She was an old lady that had come to like Y/N a lot. Her husband had passed and she had no children, so she was quite lonely. Y/N thought it would be a good idea to talk to her after she finishes up with this Lucia person.

Speak of which, she was the only unfamiliar face. She was wearing a green dress with lots of white lace at the end of each fold. Her honey blonde hair was tied up in a neat bun, a gold comb with beads in the shape of a pink rose on top of it. Accessories like those were worth a fortune, so she must've been someone of high stature.

That's when it hit them like a carriage running into a concrete wall at full speed. There were only two people with that kind of money that they knew, and one of them fit the description perfectly. This was none other than Nicholas Falmouth's infamous wife, Lucia Falmouth.

From what Nick had told Y/N, Lucia was.. a handful. She was very religious, and at times a control freak, but that was the watered down version. He basically told them to steer clear of Lucia at all costs, but alas, the inevitable has come to play.

Y/N must've been standing still too long, because the blonde clearly noticed.

"Well then, Y/N, have a seat." Her voice was sweet, too sweet, almost, but it was still nice to listen too. It was like eating a chocolate that was too rich for you to handle, yet at the same time, you couldn't stop eating it.

Y/N took a deep breath, and sat down across from her. An anxious pang was sitting in their chest.

"I found one of your letters. I collected our mail today, and I saw one with the name Reynolds. As you well know, I am a woman with lots of money married to a rich man with close ties to men with high power. One of these men in particular is Alexander Hamilton, who had an affair with a Reynolds a few years ago. So tell me, are you and my husband having an affair?"

Clearly she was not the type to beat around the bush. Y/N couldn't stop herself from blurting out a "yes."

Lucia laughed quietly under her breath. It was the sick kind of laugh, something Y/N was all too familiar with.

"You cursed temptress, you will burn in hell."

Y/N stood up to leave, not wanting to have anymore of this nonsense. They walked out the door, fighting back the tears. They couldn't figure out whether Lucia's final words were a threat or just a means of wishing eternal damnation upon them. They stopped walking a few buildings away.

There were footsteps behind them, but she didn't think anything of it. Looking across the street, they caught a glimpse of curly black hair in a window. They couldn't tell if it was Philip or not, because anyone could have hair like his, but they thought they'd go say hi if it was.

They were about to start walking again, until they were tapped on the shoulder. Turning around, it was apparent that Lucia had followed them. Once they were face to face, Lucia slapped them across the face.

"What the-" Lucia pushed them to the ground and kicked them before they could finish speaking. Nicholas had said some pretty negative stuff about his wife, but he never mentioned anything about her being violent.

The quick paced pattering of feet came in their direction again, but it was followed with a voice. Y/N recognized the voice, but couldn't remember who. They could barely make out someone yelling at Lucia to stop before the world turned black.


I think that's the longest chapter yet-
School started last week and I missed today because my sinuses are fucked but that just gave me more time to write. Have a good day!


**Lucia's dress and comb

**Lucia's dress and comb

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