1: The Calm Before the Storm

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Sailors have observed that before every storm, the weather is eerily calm. The waves are smoother, there's a slight breeze, yet dark clouds. You can always sense when it's going to rain.

Y/N Reynolds, the adoptive child of James and Maria Reynolds, could feel something was off. It was the summer of 1797. James was out in the city trying to get people to trade in their war debt for property that was practically worthless, and Maria was making dinner in the kitchen. Y/N was sitting in their room with their younger sister, Joan, reading. Joan was writing a letter to a boy she was seeing in secret while in her sister's room.

"Hey, Y/N, are you ever going to go out with someone? You're two years older than me and I have a boyfriend," she said pointedly, glancing up from the parchment.

Y/N sighed. "Yeah, a boyfriend who lives in France that you've only ever met once because he was at the market while his father was visiting friends in America."

Joan rolled her eyes. "Georges and I still keep in touch!"

Ending the conversation, Y/N turned back to their book. They were reading The Federalist Papers written by James Madison, John Jay, and Alexander Hamilton. By now they were old news, considering they were published in 1788 and James Madison had switched political parties, but they were among the few political materials Y/N enjoyed reading. While they didn't particularly like Hamilton himself, they agreed with many of his political views.

As they were about to move on to the next essay, Joan spoke up again. "When do you think we'll be out of this hellhole of a house?" she asked, eyes glassy while she continued to write her letter.

Y/N didn't know how to respond. Way back in 1791, James came up with the genius idea of forcing his wife to go to the house of the Secretary of Treasury while his wife and children were visiting Eliza's father, and for her to start an affair so that he could use Hamilton for money. He didn't even use it to help his family, instead using it for himself.

"I wish I had an answer. All we can do is hope that someday we'll have enough money for mother to file a divorce and pray that she gets custody." They couldn't even look at their younger sister, afraid that she would break and start crying. They may have been the middle child, but they wanted to be strong for their little sister. Susan didn't need to have all of the glory.

Suddenly the door violently swung open. They were so used to the motion that neither of the two flinched. "Alright, you little bitches, come and eat your food," James said, clearly not wanting to give them the time of day.

Waiting until he walked away, the two shuffled their way down the stairs, not looking forward to eating dinner with the demon.


The front door opened, startling the kids sitting in the room. The 5 Hamilton kids were sitting in the living room. Philip and Angelica were playing chess together while the other 3 watched. Alexander had come home surprisingly early. Usually he wasn't back from work until past 11 pm.

"Daddy!" John shouted, running to his father and wrapping his arms around him. Alex Jr. followed his little brothers path quickly, running up to Alexander and giving him a hug just as tight.

Alex smiled. "Hey, boys! How has your day been? I hope you didn't have too much fun without me."

Before they could answer him, Angie spoke up. "You're home early," she commented, making her next move in chess and getting a checkmate against Philip.

Their father looked over to her. "There wasn't much going on. We had a cabinet meeting, but that was the only exciting thing. By the way, have I mentioned how much I hate Jefferson?"

"Yeah. A lot," Philip said, rolling his eyes.

Eliza walked in, wiping her arms on a towel. "Alex? Since when do you come home early?" she asked as she watched her husband walk towards her. He pressed a quick kiss to her lips.

"Not much happened. Besides, I wanted to come spend time with my family."

"Well, you're right on time because I've just finished cooking." Eliza grabbed Alex's hand and dragged him in to the kitchen, probably to make him help set the table. "Kids, come sit at the table for dinner!"

They did as told, making their way to the dining room. Everyone was served food, and they ate while talking.

"We received a letter from Lafayette," Eliza said. "He said that he's looking to plan another visit to the states sometime this month."

Angelica smiled. "So I finally get another girl to hang out with other than Theodosia!"

"I thought you liked spending time with Theodosia," John spoke sarcastically. Angie rolled her eyes.

Philip had stayed silent through the whole meal. The conversation was lighthearted, yet he could feel something was wrong. There was something off about this whole situation. His father said that things were slow at work, but did that matter? He's the Secretary of Treasury, surely he's got plenty of work to do. Also, it's Alexander Hamilton. If there's no work to be done, you can bet he'll find something to work on.

The only conclusion Philip could come to was that President Washington had sent him home, because that was something he'd do quite often, but something still bugged him. What was he missing?


So, how'd you like the first chapter? Personally, I'm very excited for this book. I want to revive the Hamilton fandom because it fucking died and I want it back. Happy 4th of July!

-----By the time this book is released, it will have been a few days, but I wanted to make a note about Technoblade's passing. He was an amazing content creator, I don't know what I wouldve done without him. His content helped me through really rough times, and I wanted to just say something about it. Thank you, Technoblade, for the amazing years you provided for us. Blood for the blood god; you will never die in spirit. Rest in peace.


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