Chapter 47 "The girl in the alley"

Start from the beginning

"What?!" Paul spat.

"I'm just joking, sweetie" He winked.

We don't know when he's joking or not lately.

"Is he?" Paul spoke in my ear as he glared at him.

"Of course he is, Paulie my love" I chuckled as I pinched his cheeks. "You boys get ready for dinner, John, go wash hands"

"I already did" He smiled as he sat down on the table with his arms crossed.

"What is happening to this boy?" I turned to George.

"No idea" He shrugged his shoulders. "He's been acting sort of strange lately"

"Oh okay"

"Couldn't care less" Paul joked. "I will go kiss Michelle goodnight, I'll be right back" Paul said before he went upstairs"

"So how was your day, boys?" I asked as I began to serve dinner.

"A bit exhausting, but I think you're going to love this album" Ringo said before he sat down next to John followed by George.

"You bet I will" I winked.

"Hey Vicks" John scared the hell out me when he poked my shoulder; I almost dropped the plate on my hands. "Yes?!"

"Huh... can I ask you a girls question?" He murmured.


He dragged me away from the other two, and murmured closer to my ear again. "At what age do girls get their period thing?"

"Uhhh... what...?"

"What? You're not sure?"

"Uh, starting puberty 12-13 I guess" I shook my head. I couldn't process John was asking me this.

"Oh, okay. Hmmm" He hesitated. "Alright, thank you" He shrugged, and went back to sit down on the table. I served him his food, and didn't touch the subject at all. It's John. Nothing is weird about him. He's just... natural.

"She's sleeping like an angel" Paul came back smiling before he sat down with the other three.

"I know right? She's so lovely"

"This was delicious, Vicky! I'd love to have another plate, but I've got to go now" Said John.

He finished the damn plate so fast!

"Are you a vacuum...?" Ringo looked at him closely. "Where are you heading to?"

"I've got things to do, Richard" He cleared his throat before he got up from the table, and grabbed his coat.

"Uh, John, about tomorrow schedule we-"

"Oh yeah, I won't forget, Paulie. 8 am. I'll see you there. Bye" He waved before he left in a rush.

"What the hell was that?!" George said.

"I think we'll have to order take out dinner..." I said looking at nowhere.

"What?!" They all exclaimed


"I miss the times when we used to sneak out to have sex, y'know? Now, we're sneaking to follow John as if his life was very, VERY important to us" Paul complained as he drove after John's vehicle.

"I'm so hungry, I should have stayed home with George" Ringo complained too.

"Aw, I'm sorry for making you do this, boys, but I'm very intrigued by John at this moment" I said.

"Right there! He pulled over right at that alley!" Ringo said pointing to a very dark alley.

"Don't park very close!" I said to Paul. He parked at a decent distance for us to watch him without being noticed.

"He's getting out, and it looks like he's waiting for someone" Paul said.

"Now I'm sure he is" I said as I noticed a girl approaching him. She jumped to his arms; he picked her up, and hugged her. He then put her down and kissed her. We were shocked.

"He's meeting with a girl, is that unusual?" Paul frowned. "He gets a different girl every week, so what? Can we go home now, dear?"

"Oh, Okay... I suppose I was thinking of something else"

"Like what?" Asked Ringo.

"I'm not sure, I suppose- wait! Why does he have to hide to meet with this girl? Why didn't he want us to know?"

"Honey, I believe he must have his reasons" Paul said.

"Yeah duh! You still very innocent, my love" I pinched his cheeks once again. "The girl just left, let's go confront him, come on"

Exhausted Paul obeyed, and approached him as he was about to leave.

"Hey there" Paul smiled to him.

John was very surprised we were there. He was definitely caught; that's how he looked like. He almost went paled. He swallowed, and looked around somehow anxious.

"Err... what are you doing here?" He asked quietly.

"We were just driving around to-"

I had to interrupt Ringo. I pulled down my window and..."JOHN! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US YOU WERE SEEING AN UNDERAGE GIRL TOO?"

"SHHHH" He got out of the car quickly to cover my mouth. "Vicky, please" He opened his eyes wide.

I bit on his hand.

"OUCH!" That came out very girly.

"Underage girl?! You are dating an underage girl?! What were you thinking?!" Paul spat.

"Seriously, Paul?! You? YOU?!" Ringo exploted for the first time.

"Obviously we can't have a second time, can we?" He frowned very exalted.

"BOYS! Shut up!"

"Yeah, you shut up" Rotter John crossed his arms.

"John! Did you do this on purpose? How old is she?" I asked him.

"17" He looked away.

"Really? You're telling the truth?" Ringo asked him.

"At least she's not 15" Paul joked.

"Paulie" I glared at him.


"John you-"

"What? You're going to tell Brian on me?"

"It depends, how serious is this?" I asked him.

"How did you find out?"

"Is it serious?!"

"No, it's not!" He bit on his lip. He was lying.

"Then why did you hide it from us? You never did that before" Paul said.

"Because she's fucking 17, alright?! I don't want to go through Paul's shit over again"

"Oh yeah, because you went to prison yourself, you quit the group, and everyone hated you, yeah sure" Paul rolled his eyes.

"Whatever. Please, Vicky, don't tell Brian about this. I will know how to tell him later on, but please"

John's begging eyes got me.

"Fine" I sighed. "But at least introduce her to us. We want to meet her, right Paul?"

"Of course! As long as she's not attracted to me too" He laughed.

"Ok that's enough!" I gave him the threatening look.

I didn't want to tell the boys about this, but I didn't have much hope that this would turn out good, and it's maybe because of the experience Paul and I had, but it just a feeling...

We'll see.   

I've Just Seen A Face 💕Paul McCartneyWhere stories live. Discover now