Chapter 21

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Katibah Elle
Chapter 21

Tahseen gaped at Zuhair, not quite believing what she had just heard.

Did he really propose?
Right now?
In front of her parents, whom she was one hundred percent sure, were going to kill them both?

While her entire body could not help but react in giddy happiness, internally screaming YES, she was completely aware of the different facial expressions of her parents.

It terrified her, and all she wanted to do was snatch Zuhair’s hand and make a run for it.

Her mother looked like she was about to throw up, while her father had the most unusual look on his face.
If thunder had an expression, Ebrahim Hassim matched it perfectly.

Tahseen let out a whoosh of breath, ready to politely ask Zuhair to leave, breaking her heart in the process.

The last thing she wanted was for her parents to cause a scene in front of him, they were sure to make some horrible remarks regarding Aaliyah, and Tahseen could not bear to see Zuhair’s hopeful and loved filled expression turn to one of pain, yet again.

Before she could utter a single word, her father stepped forward, with his hand held out and instructed steely, “Fahmida and Tahseen, I forbid either of you from responding. I will handle this.”

She pursed her lips hard, this was the first time in her life, Tahseen was truly afraid.

Her father was always a man of little words, yet he always made his affections known to her. She was definitely not the spoiled daddy’s little princess nor was she treated in an unreasonable way, but she’d never experienced this much fear for what her father might say in this moment.

Tears began to gather in her eyes, while she braced herself for the inevitable heartbreak.
Ebrahim Hassim stood tall, shoulders pulled back and addressed Zuhair, his voice loud and forbidding, “ Mr Adam, you have some nerve, coming into MY home, asking for MY daughters hand in marriage, while knowing very well that your family holds such a major scandal, with you being the highlight, in the worst possible way.”

Tahseen’s lips trembled as she closed her eyes.
It was as if she were trying to prevent her mind from retaining the memory of heartache, that she was sure was about to come.

Ebrahim continued,  “.. and I absolutely admire that.”

“Wait, what ?!” Tahseen gasped softly, her eyes flying wide open.

Ebrahim walked over to Zuhair and clasped both his shoulders, “It takes some strong willpower and pure love to come baring yourself like that.
I respect the fact that you addressed this like a man, owning up to his actions, even that of the past.
You spoke your mind with the utmost respect, and that is a rare quality to find in men your age.
My daughter deserves a man that not only loves her, but a man that no matter the situation, will fight for her, will fight for the relationship.
Life is very tough and unpredictable, as you very well know, and to give up is the easy way out.
I see a fighter in you, one that will fight by drawing his strength from love.
My Tahseen is my gem, my only daughter and I am more than happy to give my gem over to you, knowing full well she will be happy and protected.
Oh I know, our respective extended families will probably die with the juiciness of such a union, but you know what? I don’t care.
I care about my daughter’s happiness, and it seems that you do as well.
I give you my full blessings Zuhair Adam, that is, if Tahseen will have you, of course.”

Zuhair swallowed thickly with emotion, “ I…  Thank you, Mr Hassim.”

Ebrahim winked at Zuhair and then turned to Fahmida and Tahseen.
Tahseen gave her father a small nod of gratitude and when she parted her lips to express as much, Ebrahim shook his head.
Tahseen understood, that her father was not comfortable with the heart to heart of daughter and father, in the presence of Zuhair, and remained silent.

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