"Don't worry about that, Robby, because rick says that he is paying this months rent, right?" She says as I looked at the dude shocked. I roll my eyes and not wanting to be apart of the conversation anymore i walk over to lay down on the couch again.

The time i hear the door close i feel arms wrapped around me again and a small im sorry. I say nothing and shift to give him a hug.

The next morning Robby and i have breakfast and we both leave for karate.

I was changing in the bathroom into my gi, when I came out I saw Bert, Hawk and Aisha in front of the two guys from yesterday. 

"What do you think? Shithead one and Shithead two ?" Hawk said rubbing his chin. 

"I was thinking more Mary-Kate and Asshat" Aisha said making Hawk laugh 

"Well, I'm Chris.." one of the guys tried to talk but Hawk stoped him 

"Did I say you could speak?" Hawk shouted at them. 

"Guys, look, they're just messing with you "Miguel said to them 

"Thanks man" Chris said to him 

"Besides everyone know your names are Assface and Douchebag" I said making everyone laugh 

"Dibs on Assface" said the guy I still don't now his name.  I saw my grandfather walk into the dojo.

"Who's that?" Hawk asked Miguel  "I don't know" Miguel said to him and them walked to him and started talking.

I almost want to say that he is my grandfather nut i dont. I dont think that would be very professional. I saw Sensei walking out of his office and talk with this man, he then came up to us and started the class. 

"Class, we have a visitor, this is Mr. Kreese" he said presenting the man beside him "He's just an observer, pretend like he's not even here, Mr. Diaz, warm them up. Y/n, you sitting this out, i got a call from you parents that you need to relax and take an easy after the tournament." 

I nod and walk off to the side and stand beside my grandfather and oldie.

Miguel walked in front of the class, he bowed to us and then started the warm up.  "Fighting positions, front kick, yuh!" He said and they did the front kick "Forward strike, yuh!" They did the strike "Side jab, yuh!" Everyone did a dab I was just confused and kinda embarrassed  at this. This is awful.

"Miguel what are you doing?" I whispered to him 

"What the hell was that?" Sensei asked angry 

"We were just messing around, we have 11 and a half months until the next All Valley" Miguel said to sensei 

"Yeah, besides, we already know how to kick ass" Hawk said laughing 

"Shut up" I whispered to him harsh 

"Oh yeah, really, huh? So, you know everything, there's nothing left to learn, huh?" Sensei looked disappointed, and then Aisha started laughing "What's so funny miss Robinson?" 

"I'm sorry, Sensei, you just wouldn't understand" she said still laughing

"Try me" Sensei said 

"It's a snake-do" she said laughing again , Ok am I stupid?, cause I don't get it.  I also feel very embarrassed foe even standing hear. My grandfather looks like he wants to die or kill some one. They are normally the same expressions.

"What's a snake-do?" Sensei asked and everyone started making snake noises and moving there hands like a snake.  I'm cringing so bad right now, I closed my eyes waiting for Sensei to explode. 

-𝙵*𝚌𝚔 𝙼𝚎𝚛𝚌𝚢-   Robby X ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ