05. Respect

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After getting dressed up Adya walked straight up to Neel's room.

She pushed open his bedroom door without even knocking and saw him walking out of his bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist.

Adya: "SORRY!"

She immediately walked out of his room and closed the door with a loud bang.

She went over to the railing of the hallway looking over to the backyard of the mansion and rested her hands on it breathing heavily.

She squeezed closed her eyes trying to shake off the image of Neel Rathore in only a towel but she couldn't.

His image was plastered in her mind. The way the towel wrapped around his waist lightly. The way his perfect abs shone under the dim light of his room and the way he was drying his hair with another towel.

Suddenly there was a cough behind her.

Adya flinched and turned around. There she saw Neel Rathore but this time dressed in black sweatpants and a white tshirt.

Even through the tshirt Adya could imagine the muscles under it.

Neel: "are you done looking?"

Adya flinched again and nodded hastily. Neel chuckled looking at how she was behaving.

Neel: "what happened?"

Adya: "huh- oh, sorry for entering in your room like that, i should have knocked."

Neel: "it's ok but why were you here? It's alredy so late."

Adya: "i just wanted to talk about few things with you if you are free.."

Neel: "ok say."

Adya: "umm the first thing is the room.. have you seen how they decorated it?"

Neel tilted her head with a confused expression.

Adya immediately thought about how a puppy tilts it's head in confusion. A soft smile spread on her lips.

Neel: "no i didn't even go towards your room. Why?"

Adya: "they decorated it like we are having our first wedding night."

Neel: "they did?"

Neel took a step forward towards Adya. She took a step back and her back touched the railing. With one more step Neel caged her between his arms and moved his face towards her.

Neel: "and?"

Adya with a shaky voice continued speaking.

Adya: "They- they are behaving like-"

Neel was slowly moving forward as Adya was moving backwards.

Neel: "like?"

Adya: "I'm"

Neel: "you are?"

Adya: "I'm your slave and i came here to serve you."

Neel stopped moving and a cold expression covered his face.

He held her waist and pulled her up so that she was standing straight.

Adya held his arm to gain balance. She felt his tight muscles flexing uner her touch.

Neel: "no one is going to treat you like that anymore. I will make sure of it."


The next day Neel Rathore woke up early and immediately held a small meeting with the workers in his mansion.

All the maids and guards were present.

Neel: "i am saying this once and i won't repeat this again. Give Adya as much respect as you give me and even more than me if needed. If she feels disrespected by any one of you, i will sever your head. And someone go wake her up."

One maid went to her room to wake her up.

No matter how much she tried Adya won't wake up. She would just sush her or say her to shut up and go back to sleep.

The maid called up few others to help but every time Adya ignored them and continued sleeping.

The maids couldn't even do anything extreme to get her up like throw water on her or something as Neel clearly said to not make her feel disrespected.

At last feeling defeated the maids decided to call up Neel himself.

Neel: "What's the matter?"

Maid: "She is not waking up. She even threw her pillow at us."

Neel walked over to her and saw her sleeping peacefully.

He slowly removed the strand of hair from her face. She scrunched up her nose and shook her head making the strand of hair fall on her face again.

Neel chuckled and looked at the maids.

Neel: "everyone get out."

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