01. The Art Gallery

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Anamika: "Adya everything is ready right?"

Adya was holding an Art Gallery. She was always into drawing and painting and finally decided to take it up as profession.

She usually painted out designs and sold them to various companies and also sometimes held art galleries.

Usually it's just simple paintings but this time she decided to add one special one.

The one of Neel Rathore.

In an isolated section of her art gallery, an area was dimly lit by red lights and long red stone string was covering it like curtains. There hanging was the painting of Neel Rathore.

Adya: "Yes ma everything is ready. We can open the gallery now or exactly at 9pm."

Anamika: "Exactly at 11am as time is better."

Anamika went to check on few of her party members and council members that she invited as guests while Adya went on to do a final check.

Soon the art gallery opened and all people entered looking at the pictures and commenting about them.

Adya greeted people and had small talks with them.

She felt kind of thankful at the fact that everyone overlooked that tiny red corner in the bright pink lit room.

Suddenly there was a commotion outside and Adya went to see it.

There he was. Neel Rathore, standing in his all glory. His white shirt with two buttons down and red suit and pant. In his hand was a bouquet of red roses and his hair was all messed up. Few gold chains hung on his neck and surrounded his fingers. A Rolex watch was on his hand shining ever so brightly.

Anamika: "what, what are you doing here?"

Neel: "i didn't knew I needed to be invited to be somewhere."

Anamika: "Neel Rathore!"

Neel ignored Anamika and looked around the room until his eyes landed on her. Adya.

He ignored everyone else and went straight to her. People immediately moved away to empty the way for him.

She felt the air of her lungs drain out. Her chest felt heavy. She took a step back when Neel raised his hand holding the bouquet of bright red roses.

Neel: "You are so beautiful that even the beauty of these hundred roses feels like nothing in front of you."

A tint of red spread over Adya's face.

With shaking hands she accepted the roses and held it close to her.

Adya: "thank you for them."

Neel: "now, are you even going to show me around or keep me standing here?"

Neel raised his eyebrows. Adya chuckled nervously.

Adya: "um sure.. please follow me."

Low gasps were herd as soon as she said that.

Neel: "follow you? Hmm?"

Adya realised her mistake and took a step back.

Adya: "please move forward, i will follow."

Neel nodded his head and started walking forward looking at the paintings.

While walking and quietly being the company of Neel she suddenly realised about the painting in the isolated corner.

That painting was just 7 more paintings far.

Each paintings Neel crossed Adya thinked about how he will react.

The man who's not a single picture was on the internet, she drew him, and now possibly so many people would be able to see him. And that man was now in front of her, walking as if he owns the world.

Adya wished and prayed with her whole heart and soul that he, just like others doesn't notices the painting and ignores it.

Right before that painting, Neel stopped in front of the painting of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati.

Right before that painting, Neel stopped in front of the painting of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

I do not own this picture in any form, this picture has been taken from 'Pinterest'.

Neel: "How much is this?"

Adya: "these are not for sale."

Neel: "but i want it. How much is it?"

Neel now turned to look at Adya.

As soon as his eyes met with hers he felt his whole world stop.

Her dark brown eyes surrounded by black eyeliner and the kajal under her eyes mesmerised him. Her long earrings bounced as she moved her head and her red cupid's bow shaped lips released heart arrows in form of words that hit him right in his heart.

He was snapped back with Adya waving her hand in front of his face.

Adya: "sir? Are you listening?"

Neel: "no. And i won't. I want the painting and that's it. Even if it takes me to buy the painter."

Adya: "You can't do that!"

Neel: "And why is that?"

Neel took a step forward as Adya took one back.

But before Neel could say or do anything more Anamika stepped in between them guarding Adya.

Anamika: "Neel Rathore, stay in your limits."

Neel: "My limits are like the sky. It's limitless."

Anamika: "Neel Rathore please. This painting is really important for both me and my daughter. Not this one."

Neel nodded his head and looked back. His eyes suddenly landed on the painting at the back.

With slow steps he moved towards the painting. Adya immediately held his arm to stop him from moving but a single side glare from Neel made her take her hands off him.

Adya: "Please not that."

Neel: "Not this not that not what? Why is this painting even here when you don't want anyone to see it?"

Neel rolled his eyes and pulled off the bead string curtain. The strings tore off and the beads fell on the ground creating noise.

The beautiful painting of Neel Rathore himself captured everyone's eyes in the room.

Gasps were herd. Neel Rathore himself was shocked.

He slowly moved towards the painting and picked it up with his hands.

Adya: "sir-"

Neel: "You're coming with me."

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