Chapter Five

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I watched two movies before it turned dark. As I skipped through the channels to look for another movie I stopped and watched the news.

It was an accident. I saw my father's car and tried to call him over and over again but nothing

I started freaking out when suddenly someone answered his phone

"Dad please tell me your okay?" I said

"Sweetheart this is officer Samuel. Where are you right now?" The guy who answered asked

"Oh God please tell me my father and brother is okay?" I asked as tears slipped out of my eyes

"Your brother was taken to a hospital but your father died on impact," he said

I dropped my phone and started screaming. I grabbed my keys and my phone and drove to Cole's house.

The guards let me pass and once I got to the door I knocked. Tyler opened the door and once he saw me he looked shocked and yelled Cole's name

Cole ran down the stairs and once he saw me he immediately hugged me and asked me what was wrong

I told him the channel and he and Tyler took the remote from a guy and turned to it. The accident was all over the news.

"Dad went back in because of the accident," Noah said

"May, what's going on?" Tyler asked

"My father died and my brother is on his way to the hospital," I said and their eyes went wide

Cole hugged me tighter and said, "Noah call dad and tell him we're coming,"

"I'll get the car," Tyler said and left

"Hey look at me," Cole said and made me look at him, "Your brother will be okay,"

"Cole I can't lose him too," I said crying

"You won't," Cole said and kissed my head

We got in the car and Noah drove us to the hospital. When we got there a cop came to us after he heard Noah say we are here for Blake Garcia

"Hey, I'm officer Samuel I talked to Blake's sister on the phone,"

"Do you know this happened?" Cole asked

"A car we chased crashed into two vehicles he killed himself as well as two others and placed four others in the hospital

Blake's the only one in critical condition. Doctor Blackwood and Grey are working on him now," Samual said

I felt a bit relieved when I found out that Owen was working on my brother. But it all vanished when I saw him coming through the doors with tears

"No," I said and shake my head

"We tried everything we could but he's brain dead," Owen said and I started crying harder.

Owen hugged me and tried to calm me down but I couldn't I just lost everything.

Owen took me to my brother's room and I saw him lying peacefully on the bed

I stood beside him and took his hand in mine He was ice cold.

"I know this is hard Ms Garcia but we need to know if you have any other family members?" A nurse asked

"No she doesn't," Owen answered for me

"Do it," I said looking at my brother

"Do what?" The nurse asked

"My brother is long gone I don't want him to suffer anymore please just," I said

"May, you sure?" Owen asked and I nodded my head

He took the tube out of Blake's mouth and I heard the beeping sound stopping and Owen turned the machines off.

I turned away and Cole just held me close as I cried. Owen pulled me away from Cole and hugged me before whispering, "We'll handle everything for you okay? You're not alone,"

He took the rest of the day off and took me to their house. When we got there Cole made some popcorn for us and Tyler put on a movie.

Noah brought me a tub of ice cream and tissues. We sat down and started watching a film

I didn't watch it because I was staring at the ice cream. I felt numb. He lied to me when he said he'll come back.

I saw Owen in the corner of my eye. I looked up at him and he said, "We need to go identify your dad,"

"Dad not now. She just watched her brother die," Noah said

"It's fine," I said and stood up.

"After that, I'll handle the funeral and ceremony," Owen said

"Thanks," I said as we walked to the car.

I told the boys to let me and Owen go alone and Cole was very hesitant but let me go.

When we got to the morgue I told Owen to wait for me outside. I went in and a guy showed me to a table. He took the sheet off and I saw my father he had bruises and cuts all over his face.

"Is this him?" The guy asked and I nodded my head.

"I'm so sorry for your loss," the guy said

"Can I have a minute alone?" I asked

The guy nodded his head and left me alone. I kissed his head and said goodbye before leaving.

I couldn't cry anymore my tears were all dried up. Owen and I got back in the car and he drove us back to his house

When we got there we went inside I couldn't stand it anymore and turned around walks out and got into my jeep

I went back home before anyone could say anything. When I got home I went straight to my father's room and laid down on the bed.

I felt like crying again until I heard the doorbell. I went down and opened the door to see three guys I didn't know.

"Can I help you?" I asked

"Your May, Blake's little sister," one of the guys said

"Who are you?" I asked not really in the mood

"Friends of Blake. We need to speak to him do you know where he is?" The one with tattoos asked

"Dead," I said and they all looked confused

"The accident this morning took his and my father's life," I said

"I'm so sorry," one of them said

"Is there anything else I can help you with?" I asked

"No when's the funeral?" The tattoo guy asked

"My best friend's father is helping me with that I can call you when I have a date," I said

The guy gave me his number and he left with the rest. I was just about to sit down when Cole and Tyler came in.

Strange Life With Secrets and LiesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon