Chapter Twenty- three

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I opened my eyes and got out of the car. Hades helped me of course. As we walked slowly to the door a woman watched us from the porch

When we got there the woman looked at me and said, "You should learn to walk faster,"

"Greta!" Gio yelled and everyone glared at her

"What just stating the obvious and we should get you some food you look like a pale walking skeleton," Greta said

"At least I don't look like a barbie wants to be," I said and the boys laughed

"Why you? Have your father never thought about your manners?" She asked

"My father did, did yours? You act like a bitch and disrespect me when you haven't even met me now I see why everyone calls you an attention seeker and the wicked witch of the west. All you need is green skin. I can fix that for you if you'd like," I said

"You're going to let your guest speak to me like that?" She yelled at Gio

"Leave my grandfather out of it bitch while you add it get a divorce and get a newly rich family who will give you the attention you seek bitch," I said

Everyone tried to keep their laughs in. She looked at me with hatred and came up to me to slap me but before she could a hand grabbed hers.

"Don't you dare touch my daughter," a woman's voice said making me open my eyes again

"Flora. I thought you were in New York," Gretta said

"We were until we heard the news now get the fuck of this property," Hayden said

"This is my house," Greta said

"No it's mine and you just fucked up badly. This was your last strike, Greta. Guards escort her to the gates and make sure she takes nothing with her not even her purse," Gio said

I yawned a bit and Hades picked me up out of the blue. He took me inside as the guards grabbed Greta's arms and took her away

"Your back!" Ginny yelled and hugged me and Hades at the same time. Squeezing me between Her and Hades.

"Ginny let us go. We'll talk later after she got some rest," Hades said

"Movie room," I said and Ginny giggled and said, "There's a TV in your room we can watch movies there,"

I nodded my head and Hades sat me down. Ginny and Flora helped me upstairs and into the room. The three of us sat on the bed and watch romance movies.


Watching May climb the stairs with my mother and sister's help was a bit painful.

I hate seeing her so weak. After they disappeared into the room I went to the living room and poured myself some whisky and drank it all fast.

I poured my second class and sat down next to Daniel. My father looked at me and I sigh

"Guys we found something about who the men were that we're involved in the accident," Fabian said

"And?" I asked sitting near the end of my seat

"You should see this," he said and connected the computer with the TV.

"No this can't be his dead," Sebastian said and asked, "Why would he want to kill the kid he raised?"

"It's because he didn't. That's Shaw Dad's twin brother," May said making us all look at her

"You should be upstairs resting," I said walking to her

"Came to get some popcorn and sweets," she said

"I'll get it for you go upstairs," Daniel said

She looks down and I saw she wanted to cry so I wrapped my arms around her and said into her ear, "I'm going to make sure he dies for what he did. I promise you that, okay? I'll make you feel safe again,"

"Please come watch movies with me," she said almost begging while looking at me with teary eyes

"Lucifer go call mom and Ginny down tell them everyone will be in the movie room," I said and picked her up

I carried her to the movie room and we lay down together. She immediately snuggled up against me and I wrapped my arms around her.

We started watching movies and I could feel she was starting to get cold. I asked Elijah to go get some blankets and he did Immediately.

Taking a blanket from him I threw it over her and she snuggled up to me and the blanket. After a few minutes, we all ate, and May thankfully ate everything on the plate.

We all sat in the living room and May sat on Daniel's lap with her head on his neck. I couldn't help but smile at them but my smile immediately disappeared when my phone ringed

"Hello?" I said answering it as I walked out of the room

"Wow, I see your girlfriend is looking worse. Too bad, she didn't die in the accident like she was meant to," a guy said

"Shaw," I said

"Glad you didn't forget me," he said making me a bit confused, and then he said, "Wait, did you? Oh, that's a shame,"

"Where are you?" I asked looking around

"Look up Hades and smile for the camera. Soon I'll get the bitch and she'll be dead just like you. Jordan wants me to keep the thing alive but I can't let that happen now, can I? I want you all to suffer," Shaw said

"Fabian!" I yelled and Shaw chuckled and said, "That scared look Hades doesn't look all too good on you,"

He hung up and I looked at Damien and everyone else that was there.

"Daniel gets your sister into my room now," I said he looked confused but left with her.

Once I was sure they couldn't hear me I said, "Shaw hacked the camera's fix it now,"

"Was that him on the phone?" Caspian asked

"Yeah I want you to figure out how we know him and who Jordan and he know each other," I said and he nodded his head and left with Fabian

"I'm afraid to ask what he said," Mom said

"He's going to kill all of us starting with May. He wants us to suffer for something," I said and everyone went paled and looked towards the stairs where Daniel and May disappeared to


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