Chapter six

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It's been a few days since the accident. I haven't left out the house since. Cole stays with me while his father, brother, Benji, and Ably usually come and visit.

Today's the funeral. Owen did almost everything all I have to do is call people. Right now I'm standing in the living room trying not to cry.

Owen came in which made me look up. He nodded his head making me grab my phone and keys. We got in his truck and he drove us to the church

When we got there I didn't recognize half of the people. Everyone told me they knew how I must feel but they had no idea.

I made Owen arrange the funeral today so that I could say properly goodbye to them on my birthday.

"Almost everyone has arrived," Owen said

I nodded my head and said, "Thanks for helping me although you didn't have to,"

"We'll always help you that's what's friends are for," Noah said

I just gave them a small smile. A few black cars suddenly showed us and many people got out.

"Oh crap this isn't good," Owen said

"Who are they and what isn't good?" I asked

"That's your father's brothers and their sons," a guy said next to me.

I got a good look at him and saw it was the tattoo guy who's Blake's friend

"Don't worry. There will be no fighting today," the guy said and looked at Owen

"You sure Jaden?" Noah asked

"We're only here to bury our family no blood will spill today, especially with her here," Jaden said

"Good," Owen said

"Someone please explain," I said

"Don't worry about it," Cole said

I wanted to ask something but the guys that are my supposed to be my uncles and their sons stopped in front of me

"Owen it's good to see you again," an older-looking guy said

"You to Sebastian," Owen said

"And you must be my niece. It's good to meet you," Sebastian said

"You too," I said

"We should go in the ceremony will start," Jaden said making the guys in front of me glare at him

"Are there more people coming?" One of the guys asked

"No you were the last," Owen said

"Good. Come on," the guy said and wrapped his arms around my waist and led me inside

We sat down in front and the priest started. I kept my eyes on the caskets. When the priest told announced that someone could say some words my brother's friends went first.

They spoke very kindly of my brother and mentioned stuff I didn't even know about. Some of them made me smile even though my tears rolled down my cheeks

After they were done my uncles said something about my father.

"You want to say something?" The guy next to me asked

I just shook my head because I know I'd only break down in front of all these people.

When the ceremony was done my cousins and uncles took the caskets and help them put them in the vehicle.

We made our way to the graveyard. Once we got there I watch the caskets being lowered to the ground.

I couldn't anymore. I turned away and my uncle wrapped his arms around me and stroked my hair as I cried.

The people started leaving after they threw in a flower and said their goodbyes.

"Hey May, Your brother was a great friend and he loved to talk about you. I wished we met before," His friend said and hugged me before saying goodbye.

Once he and his friends left it was just my cousins, uncles, Owen, and his sons and nephew's with me

"You guys should go," I said

"We're not going anywhere," Cole said

"Yeah plus what kind of friends would leave you alone on your birthday?" Noah asked and my uncles and cousins snapped their heads toward me

"Why would you let us bury your father and brother on Your birthday?" Uncle Sabastian asked

I just shrugged my shoulder and started walking to the cars.

"Owen please tell me this is a joke. You let us bury them on her birthday?" One of my uncles said

"She wanted it, Raphael. A way to spend one last birthday with the only family she knew she had," Owen said

"She has us now," uncle Sabastian said

"Yeah until when? She's eighteen and none of you has met her until now. Because of that..." Owen said

"Enough. We'll be there for her now okay," Uncle Raphael said

When I got to the cars I turned around and looked at the bickering.

"We'll drive you home," Cole said

"Like hell, you are. You're going to stay far away from my little cousin," one of my cousins said

I smiled and said, "Please don't you guys start to. Their bickering is torture enough,"

My cousins started laughing and one of them asked, "What do you want to fo for the rest of the day?"

"We're going celebrate duh," another one said

"Nope. I'm going home. Alone," I said

"Yeah nope. You're not alone and I will certainly not leave you alone, especially today," Cole said

"We could go to our house and watch a movie with popcorn and Ice Cream," Owen said looking at me

I smiled a bit and nodded my head. My Uncle Sebastian said I could ride with them.

When we got to Owen's house Cole and I raided the freezer and took the ice cream while Noah and the triplets made popcorn.

We sat in the movie room and watch a comedy to brighten up the day as Noah said

My phone started to ring and I excused myself. I went out and answered the phone

"Hello?" I answered

"Good evening Princess. Happy Birthday," Xavier said

"Thought it might be you," I said with a smile

"I'm sorry for what happened and that I couldn't make it to the funeral or your birthday," he said

"It's fine I know you're busy," I said

"Well, I'm am glad that you dumped that asshole," he said

"He's your brother," I said

"He was my stepbrother. He's not anymore," he corrected me

"My apologies oh great one," I joked

"Mmm glad to see you still can make jokes," he said

"I hide my pain in them," I said

"I know. I miss you," he said

"You know where to find me so come and see me," I said

"If only that was possible. Look I have to go I'll call again later," he said and hung up

"Who was that?" A voice behind me ask making me jump.

"An old friend and don't ever sneak up on me again," I said

"Old friend?" He asked

"Yeah," I said and we went back to the movie room

Strange Life With Secrets and Liesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें