Angy kitty

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Midoriya was in a box.


How undignified. He's a purebred!he deserves the vip luxury treatment and instead he got this?!

Okay, so it wasn't an actual box, not like the cardboard kind. But it was a plastic cat crate and Izuku didn't like it.

He also made sure Kirishima knew he didn't like, by meowing very loudly every five minutes. He's been doing this for at least ten minutes now and he's impressed Kirishima has been able to ignore him.

"meoOOOOOW!" Izuku practically screams.

"Okay okay midori I get it, you hate the carry crate but these are the rules for pets. Please calm down." He explains for the nth time.

"Meooooow." Izuku screeches again in protest. "Midori!" Kirishima scolds. Midoriya humps turning around so his fluffy tail facing the red head. "Aw come on, don't be like that." He says pouting.

"Midori~" he coos.

"Lil kitty~" he tries again when he gets no response.

He racks his brain for a nickname that might work. "I guess my cutie doesn't want any strawberry milk then." He says sounding none fussed

There's shuffling from the crate and soon two green eyes stare at him. Kirishima laughs. "I got your attention? Good." He smiles and Izuku momentarily forgets he's angry. "Look. We're here."

UA was big, like huge and as a cat it was only bigger. Izuku stayed in the crate silent observing the surroundings. Kirishima chatted away happily about something or other but Izuku wasn't listening.

The two walk up to a building which Izuku guesses is the dorms. It was really big as well. Why is everything so big?! Kirishima greats a few faces but Izuku doesn't spot Katsuki. When he's done he walks in and up to the first floor.

"-And our room is..." Kirishima pauses, "Ah this one!" He reaches out to unlock it and smiles. "Hay look it even has a cat flap for you." He laughs entering.

"Whoa!" The red head sighs. "It's pretty big, has a bathroom and ac too. And look all our stuff is here. Let's unpack shall we?" Midoriya meows. "Yes, yes, you can come out now."

Izuku isn't proud just how fast he ran around the room checking everything out. And if asked he definitely doesn't remember playing with the cat flap ten times.

"Do you like it midori?" Kirishima asks placing the last of his stuff away. Izuku trills. Happily bumping against Kirishima's legs. "Aw that's good." He says leaning down to pet the floof.

"Want to explore? I need to throw out a few boxes that ripped." He asks. Izuku doesn't know if he ment explore the room, the campus, or to go with him to explore the bins.

The red head seemed to understand his confusion and laughs. "I trust you to explore on your own midori, just try not to get lost and come back before lights out."

Oooooo so that what he meant. Suits Izuku he needs to find Katsuki. So with one last head boop Izuku scampers off.

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