UA celebrations

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"Izuku what are you doing?" A quiet voice asks peeking into the kitchen. "Ah uncle! You scared me!" Izuku whines dusting his hands on the pink apron he wears. There's not just flour on his apron however.

Izuku has managed to get flour in his hair on his cheek and most if not all of the small table he's using. "Oh your baking?" The brunette says. Izuku smiles wide! "Yep I'm making a muffin for my- anyway I only need one so you guys can eat the rest!" The older man smiles. "How kind of you kitty, I'll be in the living room not that I'm any help Katsuki should be leaving with your mother in a few minutes don't forget to see him off."

"I won't! He's going to do great!" The green boy laughs. "I'm sure he will."

Izuku watches him leave with a smile. He loves his family they're always here for him. And they really are the best, he couldn't thank them enough for all they've done for him especially taking him in and raising his without question.

He bakes a lot to show his appreciation. He can cook too but never wants to take that away from Katsuki and mitsuki who have mini food wars. So he sticks to baking something both blonds have trouble with. But Izuku never tries to teach them. It would be pointless anyway.

They wouldn't listen and compete with each other making more of a mess than Izuku does and at least he cleaned up after himself!

The boys just put the muffins into the oven when the too devils themselves appear. "What's that smell?" Katsuki questions sniffing the air. "Oh Izuku must be baking. How lovely!" Mitsuki claps. Izuku who was in the middle of tidying emerged from the kitchen still covered in flour and bounded over.

"Kacchan! Auntie! Good luck today!" He says turning to the older lady. "I hope you meeting goes well auntie! When you arrive home you can have a muffin to celebrate!" The woman scratches behind his ears telling him how sweet he is. Izuku let's out a purr loving the attention.

The other simply tch's gaining the nekos attention. A grin takes over Izuku's face as the blond steps back clearly trying to work out what the boy was thinking. It was too late the boy pounces onto him knocking him to the floor and nuzzling his face all over the boy.

"Get off you heavy deku!" Katsuki complains. "Nya~ Kacchan you'll do so well but don't be nervous you're already my hero!" Izuku purrs out.

The blond escapes the grasp of the green haired boy glaring at him slightly. "Yeah whatever I'm not nervous." He says flatly. Then dusted off the flour Izuku got on him. Izuku giggles as he can see the nervous aura around the boy. "Kacchan can do it! Yay!" The boy cheers as the others start to leave. "Have a good day! Bye bye!" He shouts as the door closes.

"Ah better check on the muffins. When they're done I'm going to go out for a while I'll be back for when auntie and kacchan come home!"

The brunette nods going back to his paper. "Alright that's fine have fun."

Once every thing has been tidied and cleaned Izuku finally takes a break. "Come on muffins cook faster!" Izuku complains from the floor. Again doesn't seem comfortable but the heat coming from the oven warms the area nicely and Izuku is a sucker for warmth. Honestly anything warm. Like the sun, his bed, Kacchan's hands, eijiro, the oven-

His thoughts are cut off by the buzzer telling him the goodies are baked. He cheers scampering up and taking them out. While they cool he writes a note and leaves his signature paw print at the bottom.

Then Izuku carefully takes the cake In cat form to kirishimas house. That was very funny he'd placed both items in a bag they had laying around and carried it in his mouth. The people on the street found his behaviour funny some laughing while others cooing and taking photos.

He soon arrived and found the window open as promised. That was a really bonus for the boy since he really didn't want to be transforming out in the open at midday. Too many people would see then probably call the police.

Anyway the cat leaps up and let's himself in. Jumping onto the bed dropping his bad he starts to make a nest, pulling pillows around and blankets, even the clothes left on the floor all placed together to make a warm comfortable bed. Another reason he does this is because he gets lonely easily and the sent on the items helps calm his anxiety.

After he was happy and satisfied with everything he curled up falling asleep waiting for his eijiro to come back.


"Ah yeah thanks mom!"
The light to the room is suddenly flicked on as the boy enters.
Izuku annoyed that his nap was ended early let's out an offended cat noises. "Wha- midori? What are you doing here and yo wait? Did... did you do this?" He questions to the pile on the bed. Izuku gets up stretching then looks to the boy who has just asked a very stupid question.

"Right yeah of course you did this." He says rubbing the back of his neck. He's about to sit down when Izuku let's out a screech running to where he almost sat down. "Whoa! What?" He says looking around. His body is up right and stif looking for what made the cat so angry.

"Meow." Izuku says trying to ease the boys nerves. He rubs against his Hand licking it twice. Maybe he didn't stop the boy in the best way but he was about to sit on the cake. Once the Raven haired boy was calmed he looks down to where he was about to sit.

"Oh- oooooh." He says again laughing. "Midori you could have told me instead of screeching at me!" He says looking very seriously at the cat. "Meow?" Izuku says back. How is a cat supposed to calmly tell someone something when they don't have a voice box to do so?

Kirishima picks up the bag and looks inside. "Oh beat a cake! Aaaaand a letter." He looks over to Izuku who's watching with much interest. "Did my moms bring this?" He questions. Izuku shakes his head letting his bell chime on the collar. "I can't tell if that was coincidence or not..." he says happily munching on the muffin Izuku made.

His eyes light up when he sees the boys reaction. "Oh wow this is so good!!!" He exclaimed hardening his hand a bit. "Midori you wanna try?" He says extending it.

Not to seem rude but Izuku ignored the offer licking his paw were some flour still remained. The boy snorts and eats the rest of the muffin then looks towards the letter expectantly. "Now to see who sent the muffin!" He says unfolding it and glancing at it. His face turned puzzled the more he scanned the page.

"I- er Midori did you- I don't know how but did you get me this?" He says sitting in the bed and scratching the boys chin. Izuku looks up at the boy then to the letter. He paws it gently untill eijiro laid it on the bed. The green cat then happily placed his paw over the one on the paper looking up to the boy. "Meh."

The other male looked stunned for a moment before laughing brightly. Izuku loves that laugh especially when it's paired with that big smile. Gosh Izuku likes this boy. He's never liked someone before but he's almost positive he could love this boy.

The boy plucks Izuku into the air before plopping him back down onto his chest. They both lay in the mess of a bed- don't tell Izuku it's a mess he worked very hard on it. "You're one cleaver cat. That is if you're even a cat." Izuku places a paw to the boys mouth shushing him. The two stair at each other in silence before eijiro nuzzles the cat. "What ever you are you're my Midori, right?" Izuku trills happily jumping slightly when a voice called the boy for dinner.

He looks almost sad to leave but sighs placing Izuku down. Trying to make him feel better the cat hops down off the bed then up onto the window sill. A sort of weird goodbye so Kirishima doesn't have to feel bad about leaving.

The black haired boy nods before leaving into the house. Izuku stays a moment before jumping out onto all fours and trotting back to his own house.

He's a cat boy unironically (mha/bnha)Where stories live. Discover now