What about red?

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The next day Izuku wakes up extra excited. He decides to transform immediately and even skip breakfast instead trotting out the cat door and down the street towards the house he new surprisingly well.

In all the commotion yesterday he completely forgot to find out if his ravenett passed the exam. Staying lost in thought untill his feet stop in ground of the familiar window. He jumps up pawing on the glass a few times as if it would magically open for him.

Spoiler alert it didn't.

Becoming frustrated he checked to see if anyone was around before slipping into his human for opening the window and quickly slipping back into a cat. The noise must have caught the boy's attention because as soon as Izuku jumps up he's face to face with a...

Hold on who's the blond? "Midori? How did you even get in?" The cat blinks slowly trying to figure out who this is before he slaps himself mentally of course.

Kirishima dyed his hair or more like bleached it. "Meow?" Izuku says hopping into the boys arms. "Heh took you a while to recognise me huh?" He laughs showing his pointy teeth off. Izuku purrs happily as he's carried around the room. "I've been wanting a fresh start you know?" He mumbles down. "I decided to act on my instinct without thought." The newly blond boy picks a box up. "I'm thinking red. A very manly colour. And it's the same a crimson riot." He walks up to a projector laying on a shelf. "He was such an inspiration to me. I feel I have to honer him. Almost a legacy."

Izuku stays still listening to the boy with interest. He's happy to learn more about eijiro. In fact he's been wanting to but being a cat means he can't ask questions easily. The blond presses down on the top of the disk and a hologram appears.

Standing tall not literally but still standing there is crimson riot. He stands still for a second before speaking out. The blond stiffens as if holding in emotions. Izuku senses his aura change and feels lost at what to do.

"Hay eijiro,
if your getting this it means the worst outcome is playing out. I gave your mom this in hopes I'd never go out without telling you in person. But it seems my time has come to an end.

Being a hero is dangerous but I wouldn't have it any other way. You want to become a hero and I support you fully. You are plenty capable and I'm always so proud.

I wish I had the chance you see you debut.

Your mom won't like you becoming a hero especially if she has to give you this. It will be hard for her to accept her brother is gone. I know you'll find this hard too. But I'm always with you.

Ei, I'm sorry I had to go. I promise I love you and your moms. Our family is the best I could ask for.

I know we'll see each other again.

Untill the red riot,

Crimson riot signing out for the last time."

The hologram glitches and flickers before shutting down back into the disk.

Izuku climes the boy to his shoulders and curls around him trying to comfort him. He knows what it's like to loose someone your close too. He knows the emotions you hold back. No matter what age you are you still are forced to understand the situation and that brings a big toll on you.

No words can help someone who goes through loss. No problem can be solved. You can't just let go. The apologetic looks only make it worse the shoulder squeezes the flowers and cards. You start to notice that everything reminds you of them. And no matter what you can't go back.

You can't undo their mistakes.

You can't bring them back.

And that's something that will stay with you forever. So no matter how much Izuku wants to hug the boy and silently help him he doesn't. He stays as Midori the green cat. He stays warm and purring on the boys shaky shoulders.

When the tension lifts and his aura lightens slightly Izuku slips down to nudge the hair dye. It serves as a good distraction and the cat can see the boy smile even if it's strained it means he's trying and that's all Izuku cares about.

He's a cat boy unironically (mha/bnha)Where stories live. Discover now