Chatter box

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Dose Izuku ever shut up, is a great question to ask. And sadly for bakugo a question he asks every single day. If only as a voice in his head.

"-oh oh then I went to eijiro house!! Eeek I love it there. We slept together again too And he gave me strawberry milk. Did you know he put my paw print on his wall it almost made me start purring on the spot so cool-"

"Hold up kitty did you say you slept with, wait who is this eijimoro? OMG YOURE SLEEPING WITH A STRANGER!" The boy rages. Mostly protective of his green haired brother not that he'd admit to it out loud.

His hands suddenly start popping as his chair falls backwards. It spooks the smaller boy who frantically tried to clear up whatever mess he made.

"Waaa- Kacchan what's wrong I've slept with him twice before! And his name is kirishima to you. He said only I can call him eijiro!" The boy puffs crossing his arms from his place one the bed. Well half on the bed.

Izuku had a weird habit of not using furniture right but it's always blamed on the cat thing. For example right now he's laid half off half on the bed in such a way that bakugo's back hurts just looking.

"Y-you've already.... twice... y-you," bakugo looses all colour as his face deflates. "Ahhh no Kacchan you look like you're gonna fall here sit down!" The boy says flipping of the bed and dragging the shocked boy over.

"Why are you like this? Are you jealous? I promise I'll give you more of my attention! You my big brother your my top spot on the stairs!!"  At the mention the boys colour returned and he looks over angry. "I'm. Not. Jealous. I'm con- concer- c-concerned that you fuc-"

"AH NOPE! K-Kacchan I ment napping like in cat form!! N-not anything else. P-promise. He's just stressed lately about school and exams and he's not sleeping properly s-so I cat nap with him."

Izuku explained flustered and embarrassed. It was clear Katsuki was mitsuki's son they were scarily similar.

"Oh why didn't you say so you damn nerd!" He says standing and sitting back down at his desk. Slamming his chair upright, and receiving a muffled shout from downstairs. Most likely mitsuki. "I did! not my fault Kacchan doesn't listen to me!" He argued back. It was playful and not serious tho others could miss interpret it.

"Ah whatever I'm busy coming up with a hero costume! I'll need it once I pass the exam tomorrow!"

Izuku squeaked. "It's tomorrow?" He asked rushed. "Yeah nerd why?" Izuku gets up shifting into his cat form leaving a pile of clothes for Katsuki to put away before sprinting out the door and down the stairs.

He can't believe he almost forgot it was tomorrow! Eijiro must be so stressed or worried or or tired! He has to go and check on him. It's like his duty as his friend or cat? Something like that!

He passes by two confused parents and keeps running through the cat flap. He could just about hear auntie yelling at Kacchan asking why Izuku was in such a rush.

He follows the path he knows well having visited almost every day since first meeting. Eijiro didn't live far away but for a cat it was harder to get to climbing and weaving through people before making it to his neighbour.

He hops up onto the window sill staring in to look for his human. The room was surprisingly empty yet Izuku was sure he was home.

His ear flicks signaling a noise was made. Then the door to the room swung open reviling the black haired boy. Izuku let's out a happy chirp as the boy looks over. He jumps and clutches his shirt not expecting to see Izuku staring back.

Izuku paws the glass asking him cutely to open it whilst letting out a small meow. Dang thumbless paws. He glares down at his two feet hoping to speed evolution up. It unfortunately doesn't work but, The boy however luckily gets the hint Izuku gave and opens up the window letting the cat boy in.

"Man midori you scared me I wasn't expecting that!" He complains flopping onto the bed. Izuku rolls his eyes plopping beside him. "You know you'd be a terrible human." He continues. Izuku slightly offended since hello he is human but obviously the ravenett doesn't know that but still he tilts his head letting one ear flick.

Eijiro laughs and elaborates. "Humans that sit by a window looking in are called stalkers if you ever see one of those scratch em in the eyes. It's a fit punishment." Little did the boy know he'd regret giving the cat boy this advice.

But this satisfied the cat knowing it wasn't a jab at himself so He lets out a small trill licking the boys cheek before placing his nose against his. This was his way of kissing the boy. He heard Kacchan say that it can help ease people's stress and worries even tension! Izuku not being stupid knows exactly what this also means so he's started doing it to Ei and it seems to work both ways. Win win if you ask him.

He climbed onto the boys chest surprised at how hard it was. This boy must work out like crazy. Izuku almost drools at the thought of him having a six pack. He must be so strong. Izuku wonders if he'd be able to pick the green haired boy up in human form. Probably he wasn't very heavy but still.

Whoa wait why is he even thinking like that? No bad Izuku get your head in the game. Your here to support your friend not accidentally shift and freak him out then you'll never get a chance to-

Wait to what?

What was he expecting? Did he want something more from the boy? Oh man is this what Kacchan was on about when he said one day Izuku would fall?

"Ha- dori?"


Hay midori!"

The cat looks up blushing noticing he'd been zoning out and staring at the boys chest. Thank the lord for fur!

Izuku nuzzled the boy in response.
"You okay little dude you seemed to leave me for a moment." He laughs.
Izuku loved that laugh because when he laughed he smiled and Izuku love his smile.

It was so happy and genuine oh and he had these cute shark teeth like some of Izuku's Ah no he's getting of topic again! "I'm glad your here kitten." He says softer. Did he just call Izuku kitten. Okay this is so stupid he's his friend! Why is he acting like this? He's nothing more than a cat to him-

"Your so cute and you think just like a human. I love that about you, and how you always addicted to my strawberry milk." Izuku sits there shocked. What is this? He's never known anyone say things like this to him. Not even Kacchan has complimented him like this why is his heart beating so fast?

No no no no! This is too much ah gosh. "Meow." Izuku let's out he's glad he can't speak in cat form he's sure he'd be mumbling a storm. "I have an exam tomorrow," he says petting the boys head.

Izuku let's out a pur laying down and facing the boy. "I think I'm scared. What if I'm not enough. I really hope I am I'd love to help people. My friends going too I'm meeting her there. I think I'll be a good hero with training. What do you think?" The two lock eyes for a moment. Izuku leans up to touch his nose to the boys.

Kirishima smiles looking at the cat. "You so kind to me midori. Will you visit me tomorrow after the exam? We can celebrate if I got in or not."

Izuku lifts his head and meows happily. Before snuggling down again. "Great I'll leave the window open for you..." he says before yawning. Izuku nuzzles him again soothing him to sleep with his purring.

Yeah they can celebrate tomorrow.

Eek okay for the purpose of this story I'm going to change it to they will find out immediately if they got in or not. Artist liberty if you will. Anyway enjoy!

He's a cat boy unironically (mha/bnha)Where stories live. Discover now