You have a.... Backpack? (2)

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Izuku scratches at the window when he arrives at the red heads house. He will admit the red definitely suits him. Izuku likes it a lot... maybe too much...

"Okay okay I'm coming!" Kirishima says from inside. "Midori?" Izuku meows very loudly. "Oh good morning to you too!" The red head babbles. Izuku purrs rubbing against the out stretched hand. "Oh what-" Kirishima pauses. Izuku looks up and tilts his head. It's like hes asking "what?"

"Midori you have a... backpack?" He questioned. Izuku let's out another loud meow. Honestly is it really so unusual to see a cat with a backpack?!

Yes. Yes it is.

"What's in it? Are you hiding your treasure in there?" The boy asks. Izuku ignores him jumping into the room. "Right, come in." Kirishima laughs watching the cat as if he owned the place. "As you can see I'm all packed and ready to go." Izuku meows turning to look at him. "What is it?" He asks Izuku.

The green cat stares. The red head stares back. "Meh." Izuku whines. Kirishimas eyes light up instantly. "Awwww midori what was that?! That was so cute! Do it again? Do it again!!" Izuku licks his leg as Kirishima continues to persuade him. Truth be told he hadn't ment to make that noise. He was aiming to speak something before he realised he couldn't and it was too late to stop it so instead that pathetic noise appeared.

"Midori? Midori?" Kirishima yells gaining that cats attention. Midoriya sneezes. "That was cute," Kirishima admits. "But it didn't answer my question." Izuku stays sat. He wasn't listening, what was the question? Welp when all else fails just trill. And trill he does. "Okay then." Kirishima says nodding as if Izuku just made the best decision of his life. Izuku nods with him causing a toothy grin to appear.

Izuku loves that smile! Pointy teeth, so cute so precious!"

He's a cat boy unironically (mha/bnha)Where stories live. Discover now