Telling tail

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The cat boy is the first to wake up stretching out and rolling to face the new boy. He's so peaceful and seems to have such a happy aura. He must have been so tired, he seemed to fall asleep almost immediately.

Izuku feels pride in helping out a new friend. Can he call him his friend? Is he more like ejiros cat? Either way he will keep visiting this house but for now...

The setting sun outside is a clear indication he should head back home. Hopping down he climbs up onto the desk dipping his paw into the strawberry milk and placing it down onto some scrap paper. A sticky pink paw print shows up, it's slightly smudged and not perfect but hay he's a cat. They don't teach cats art and without a proper thumb he's basically useless.

Yet he's satisfied with his unique way of saying farewell, licks clean his paw and heads towards the window. Today has been so nice. Not just anyone opens there doors to a strange green cat so Izuku's trust in this kirishima is starting quite high to say the just met.

But anyway he needs to head home so back through the window he goes- Huh it was closed. Well then, time for his secret weapon. The boy focuses his energy and concentrates as he slowly begins transforming. He grows back to his human self or half human self he still had features of his cat form a unseen sadly permanent draw back to quirk overuse when he was small.

Another down side is that cats don't really wear clothes... they don't need to so they just don't. That means Izuku doesn't wear clothes when he's in cat form. Since that would make him seem even weirder.

...Which means he doesn't have clothes on when he transforms back.

Basically he's naked in a somewhat strangers, very attractive stranger at that's , room picking a window lock. Man the things he gets himself into. He can only pray ejiro doesn't wake up for dinner or his family comes in. How would he even explain that?

He has no lack in confidence tho. It would be hard to be shy when he's basically naked for half his life. He's plenty confident and body positive even with his more curvy figure, that seems to come with the cat quirk. However not everyone is as confident as he is so randomly transferring can cause others to be uncomfortable.

Very uncomfortable-

That's enough of that anyway, the window lock clicks as it opens and the small cat boy slides it up quietly cringing when it gets stuck makes a loud squeaky noise. On instinct the boy transforms back into a cat landing onto the floor on all fours.

He stands holding in his rapid heartbeat as The boy in the bed stirs slightly but never fully wakes rolling over and going back to sleep.

Letting out of breath he didn't realise he was holding he jumps up scrambling onto the window ledge he found himself on earlier in the afternoon. Glancing one last time back at the black haired boy he hopped out not even closing the window behind him.

He strolls down the streets and alleyways meowing at other cats he finds on his way back to his house. Man did izuku have a story to tell when he got back.

How he ended up Making a new friend well sort of. And how said friend is very handsome and kind if not slightly sleep deprived. But so is Kacchan, something about big exams coming up. So he understood as they both seem to be around the same age.

Maybe they'd end up going to the same school. Then Izuku would be able to meet him properly. Not in cat form. Maybe Kacchan can get them together! No stop it! Bad Izuku! Not getting together with a boy you don't know!!!

Ah jeez. He found himself walking up to his house slipping through the cat flap the family had installed and making his presence known to all.

This mainly consisted of rubbing against his uncles legs then making his way to Kacchan's room to annoy him that caused his mother to yell at him letting he know Izuku is home.

Fun times. Fun times.

"Oh Izuku your home! I almost stepped on you." Ah yes his uncle was the sweetest kindest, but also stupidest man you'll ever meet. The only reason him and auntie are together is because he can't say know and auntie aggressively flirted with his at work.

And as you may or may not know, aggressive flirting really wears down a mans defences. So here we are. Honestly Izuku is more like his uncle he doesn't shout, doesn't swear. Can barely say no to people and gets flirted with at an aggressive pace.

Izuku meows rubbing against the mans legs. "Aw you are so cute when you're in your cat form! Who's a good neko-chan? Izuku is a good neko!" Izuku sucks up all of the mans compliments. Loving the attention. The older man continues to gush and fuss around him untill Izuku feels his limit crawling in.

The only man noticed the shift and let the boy go so he could transform back. They really didn't need any more side effects of over using his quirk.

Izuku thankfully licks the mans hand before hopping up the stairs in a weird but understandable manner since again he is a cat. He made it to his room and pawed it open. Safely shifting back into his normal form he goes to shower. Grabbing a change of clothes on the way.

He enjoys the steam coming from the showers temperature but shudders slightly at the thought of water. More cat traits he supposed.

"Ahhhhh." He exhaled as the hot water soothes his aching muscles. A problem that often occurs if he's pushing the time restrictions. His ears flick when water gets too close to the making the small boy laugh.

But as comes with the territory his peace is quickly interrupted. "Damn deku dinners being dished out you better hurry up! It's fish your favourite. I'll eat it if your not out in 5 minutes!" Ah Kacchan. Poor naive Kacchan.

Never threatened a cats meal especially if it's their favourite.

It was like a switch flipped. The cat boy switched the shower off pouncing onto the towel drying off so fast his hair and fur was even more poofy. He fought against his clothes not caring his shirt was on backwards and slammed the door open.

He ran out his room skidding to a holt at the top of the stairs before keeping down all of them landing on all fours gracefully at the bottom. The light thud gathered the attention of the three day at the table.

Izuku's gaze locks onto the youngest. The boy watches at the other pupils shrink into tiny slits. "Ah shi-" he was tackles onto the floor.

Izuku sits on him proudly. "Get off you heavy fur ball!" Izuku sticks his tongue out in reply. "Auntie Kacchan said he wouldn't let me eat unless I rushed down here! Am I too late? Is my fish still here?" He asked frantically looking towards the table.

The two adults laugh before pushing a plate forward. It held a big piece of salmon on. Izuku's eyes had starts in them. All thoughts of the blond boy disappeared as his mind and body drooled. "M-my favourite!" He squealed.

"Flipping cat." The othe cursed under his breath. Of course Izuku's ears came in very handy at times like this. "Trying to insult me?" He asked innocently. The blond scoffed starting to eat his own meal. "Thanks for the meal!" Izuku chirped before digging in.

"Ahhh so good!!!" The green haired boy whines out, plate empty. "I'm glad you enjoyed it kitty." Mitsuki says collecting the plates together. "Katsuki go put these in the sink would ya!" She yelled at the boy opposite her. "What! Why me? Why not ask kitty here!" He argues back. "Because he's not strong enough now do it brat!" She fought back.

Katsuki reluctantly complied gathering and stacking the plates before cursing at a fork. Once he was satisfied the fork wouldn't do anything other than be a fork he walking into the kitchen to was the plates.

"Auntie!" Izuku whines once the blond boy left. "I am strong!" He pouts. The older lady simply smiled. "Oh I know honey you tackle katsuki every day. But I just wanted him to do it." Izuku giggles at the other lady. "Your so bad auntie!"

She simply winks at the boy.

He's a cat boy unironically (mha/bnha)Where stories live. Discover now