Her reaction caught everyone else's and a girl about my size came darting out and damn near shoved me.

"Watch it, she's fragile," she glared into my eyes and I glared at hers equally.

"Get your hands off of me," I softly spoke.

"Uh-oh... girls, am I right?" Kent nervously chuckled in the background.

Can you please just shut the fuck up for five minutes?!

"I'm nineteen thank you," she sassed.

"Yeah, next year!" Apparently this abomination has another sibling by the sound of that remark.

"Father, may I remind you my date of birth? 'Girl' doesn't really fit me. If it's one thing I bring myself to agreement with you, let it be that," I snatched her hand off from me.

She immediately plants her finger at my collar bone with her nostrils flaring and eyebrows scrunched.

"what's the hostile response? I'm not allowed to talk to the prune? You actually look like a child with your face all wrinkled up like that," I scoffed and stepped aside.

"Stefani!" Kent yelled and Lillian was in utter disbelief.

As if I give a damn right now, this bitch is on my ass and for fucking what?

"Don't mind Cinderella here. Gwen just got her thong up her-

"Hey!" She yelled

"Language!" Lillian's mother pinched his ear.

"Anywho, I'm Chase. I put the chase in Chase your dreams," he stuck out his hand.

"The bank would love that for a slogan," I shook his hand but remained emotionless.

"Nice to meet you," I looked in his eyes and he actually looks sincere. There's no motive, he actually wants to greet me- why? I just insulted both his family members back to back.

"And in advance, I do apologize for name calling," I looked over at Mrs. Simmons but she just smiles and waves me off....

Fucking weirdo.

"Not nice, she almost gave gma a fucking heart attack," Gwen's pathetic glare found me- to my surprise, Mrs. Simmons pinched her ear too.

"Leave her be, it was small talk- an interesting one but it was small. Im old, not fragile. Now go fix my coffee- black. Just like the ham will be if you two don't stop bickering and harassing out guests," she scolded the both of them.

"Gwen, show Stefani her room," she brushed the entire situation off.

"She doesn't have one," Gwen was completely confused.

"Oh god," i revolted and almost hurled.

"What- no, please!" I figured she caught on by that tone.

"Run along and get acquainted," Mrs. Simmons gestured me and I shrugged.

"That- that actually turned out better than I imagined," kent spoke behind me.

"No kidding," Mr. Simmons spoke.

There was a slightly larger swarm of family members as we walked in and a wave of heat smashed my senses. It smelled like Christmas, I was beyond stunned.

"What, never seen poor people celebrate Christmas?" Gwen retorted as she looked down the steps.

"I've never seen Christmas this festive at all," i softly spoke and I sensed she was taken aback but I continued to follow her behind. She hates me.

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