Deaf Piece of Sh*t

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I just chose to ignore it.
After all, I'm not the sensitive type.
Let's just brush it off.

"Staff, I'll go home early today. I need to do some things first. Take care of business today." I told them. Then I radioed my other businesses to tell them too.

Danni looked at me eagerly.
I just patted her head to appease her.

I really like you, Danni.
But it's true when I said that getting in a relationship isn't my priority now.

"Let's talk later." was all I can say.

"No." she said in her most stoic expression.

I laughed and replied, "Ok?"

"I'm coming with you. Let's discuss your business info designs." she says and pulled my car keys from me. She walked fast away towards the exit.

I followed her but she already sat at the driver's seat.

Wha- Wait. She can't come home with me! She'll see my guitar! And my backdrops. What should I do?

I intended to not bring her home. I had already decided. I am so determined.


As I sat on the passenger's seat, she suddenly leaned at me and her face came so close in front of mine. This is freaking- I couldn't take my eyes off her. Then she pulled on my seatbelt to be placed around me.

"Neil." she called my name and I gulped at her tone.

Then she placed her hand on my thighs and firmly pressed on it as she continued to ask "Let's go back to your place."

I checked the vibe. Her eyes traveled from my eyes down to my- uhh- then bit her lip.

Okay. I've decided. I am so determined. We're going back to my place. So I pressed the navigation to be routed to my condo unit. I can just quickly change things up there and hide my guitar before I let her enter.

She snickered and said, "Let's go." then started driving.

"That was your brother, right? Why is he looking for Nemo?" she was casually asking as she drives.

"His client wanted to recruit him in their talent and recording agency. He's a lawyer now." I answered.

"Has he always been so cocky? He seemed really caring and sweet to you when we were younger." Danni says. And I chuckled to it.

I answered, "He's got bragging rights, anyways. He's successful. He's somebody now. Unlike me."

"Unlike you? An annoying menace who's just casually building a humble empire in our neighborhood." she mocks playfully.

"Ha-ha-ha. But seriously, I'm a nobody compared to him. At this age, what am I even doing with my life? I'm not a child anymore. Where did my life go?" I told her.

As she was parking, she teases "I didn't know lizards can also undergo quarterlife crisis."

She's still annoying. Annoyingly cute.
I decided to wait for a moment to spite her back.

While she's busy stopping the car and turning away at me, I readied my fingers to poke at her cheeks from the side.

When she turned to me, it poked through her cute cheeks and I laughed uncontrollably. It's just too funny that she still falls for this prank.

But then, she bit my finger and I groaned "Ow!" to it. Afterwards, she used her lips to trap my index finger on her mouth and began suckling on it. I felt her tongue tease my finger pad inside. As she was pulling her mouth off it, she looked at me seductively then said, "Naughty Neil."

Finding NemoHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin