Chapter 10: part 3

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"Kyuubi talking"
"Kyuubi thinking"
"Normal talking"
"Normal thinking"



"This was not a C-rank mission anymore."

Present time:

The walk to Tazunas house wasn't long, but the hot weather made it difficult to keep moving. Naruto had already taken off his jumper, which was black with orange stripes, and now was constipating taking off his shirt as well. The rest weren't doing too good either, Sakura was down to her last bottle of water, while Sayuri was covering her head with a giant leaf she had found on the side of the road. 

Kakashi, Zabuza and Haku hadn't expressed any discomfort from the hot weather which angered the girls to no end. It just wasn't fair that they had to suffer in the heat, while they could keep walking as if it was nothing to them. Tazuna, being the only one from here, was already used to the heat.

"We will be there in about ten minutes" Tazuna finally said after what felt like forever. As the conversation had died down a long time ago, they had just been walking in silence. After a couple made attempts of trying to talk to Naruto, Sakura had given up, while Sayuri was just giving the blond side-eyes. Naruto acted like he didn't see it, but of course, he did. He found it amusing, the seemingly unapproachable girl was showing more and more interest in him. Not that he minded of course.

Naruto was not as daft as he was when he was little. Traveling with two grown women did have its perks, especially if both of those women were healers and knew all about the human body. He had learned about the birds and the bees a long time ago, well, it happened when he had told Tsunade about a girl in a village they were staying in at the time.

She had listened to him babble on about her for weeks, until one day when he stopped. Tsunade didn't know how to ask him what had happened, she just guessed that the silly little crush  ended and that he didn't want to talk about it, but that wasn't the case this time. 

When they left the village, Tsunade finally asked him about it. At first, the boy didn't want to tell his grandma, but unfortunately for him, the women had ways to make him talk. And so he did.

Tsunade was...surprised to say the least. What Naruto told her, she was not expecting at all. The girl, Ayumi, who was a few years older then Naruto at the time, had tried to touch places he hadn't liked and told him it was okay and that he should enjoy it.

well, Naruto didn't enjoy it and in an attempt to get away from her, he accidentally destroyed her house. he told Tsunade that it was an accident, but she didn't care. the women was ready to go back and destroy not only Ayumis house, but Ayumi herself. 

Naruto begged her not to tell Shizune, because he knew that his sister would surely do the same. She promised the young boy she wasn't going to do it, but of course she did. And Shizune flipped. sadly for her, Tsunade made her promise not to do anything dumb, because even after what Ayumi had done, Naruto still cared for her.

So with that i mind, they decided to teach him everything a boy should know about girls, and in the end, Naruto was left with wide eyes and an opened mouth. He didn't know what to say or do with the information he had been given. But of course, the first thing he did was go up in his room and...

"We finally made it" Tazunas voice brought Naruto out of his thoughts. He looked up and saw a pretty standart house for a fisher\builder. He heard Sakura let out a sigh of relief "I thought we were never gonna arive" she said, making Sayuri nod in agreement. 

"Yes, yes the walk was long, but we are here, and we have to finish the mission now" Kakashi said with an eye smile. "That can wait till tomorrow, i am tired and hungry, kakashi sensei!" Sakura exclaimed. Naruto didn't want to agree with the girl, but she was right.

They hadn't eaten anything the entire way here, and that needed to be changed. "Yes, please come in and set your things down in the house" Tazuna said, walking up to the front door, but before he could open it, a seemingly young women opened the door and looked at Tazuna with shock in her eyes.

Then she immediately threw her hands over the old mans neck and gave him a crushing hug. By the looks of it, it was the same type of hug Tsunade usually gave him.

"Father, i am so happy you made it home"


well...its been a while

Wait?! They're awake?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang