Chapter 10: part 2

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"Kyuubi talking"
"Kyuubi thinking"
"Normal talking"
"Normal thinking"

{Sorry for any grammatical errors}


"Hey, why are you dressed as a cow?"

Present time:

The said man turned around with disbelief written all over his face. There had been only one person to call him that and live, but there was no way that the kid was back in the Leaf, let alone doing missions for them.

But of course he was wrong, because there Naruto was, the kid he had trained for over three years, standing on the ground with a wide smile on his face. Huh, i didn't think we would meet this soon again The cow-man thought to himself.

"Brat, what are you doing here? With Leaf ninja of all people." Zabuza spat the word Leaf. It seemed like he still didn't like the people for how they treated his second favorite student. But it seemed like the brat was there on his own free will. Kami-damn it why is he with the person i was sent to kill.

"Well, i thought you had forgoten about me mister Cow-sensei" Naruto teased the a rogue Ninja, earning a growel from the man. It looked like he still didn't like the nickname. Its not like i care Naruto laughed to himself.

While Naruto and Zabuza were buckering, the rest of the team were standing still, shocked at the Naruto for simply talking to the man who was there to kill them. Well, all except Kakashi, who knew who the assassin was.

"Hey, by the way, where is Haku? I know she's always around you." The boy expressed his confusion. Did Cow-sensei do something to make Haku run away? Nahh, that doesn't sound like Haku. He thought to himself.

A few seconds later, Naruto jumped in the air after sensing something coming towards him. While in the air, Naruto looked down to see three senbon needles coming towards him at a blinding speed. The boy weekly created Shadow clone, and had him throw the real Naruto out the way.

Once Naruto had fallen on the ground, a body slammed into his making him stumble over. At first, Naruto didn't understand what was going on, but when his nose picked up the person scent, he realised that it was none other then Haku herself.

"H-Hold on! I knew you missed me, but you're cousing a scene" Naruto playfully said pushing Haku off of his body. The girl quickly got on her feet and kicked Naruto in the back making the blond boy Howl in pain.

"How. Many. Times. Do. I. Have. To. Tell. You." Haku worded out her sentence with a menacing Aura around her "I. Am. A. BOY!" He screamed the last word, making everyone wince from the velocity of the Scream. Naruto was just laying on the ground with blood coming out of his ears. At that point, even he knew he had fucked up.

Surprisingly Sakura was the first one to recover from everything that had just happened. She pointed a trembeling finger at Haku, then Zabuza, then Naruto. It was all too much for her small brain to comprehend, so she passed out, falling on the ground with a thud. This time, not even Kakashi tried to catch her.

Sayuri just looked unimpressed. She had read the Bingo book and knew exactly who the so-called Cow-man was. He was Zabuza momochi, a rogue Hidden Mist shinobi turned assassin. Had a decent sized bounty on his head as well with the man with the mask.

Zabuza, who was still satnding on his massive sword, was shaking his head in disappointment. Hadn't he taught Naruto anything? Haku hated being called a girl, that was one of the reasons he wore a mask. But for some reason, the blond brat really liked to get on Haku's nerves, so this was how all their training sessions would end.

At this point, Haku had calmed down and collected himself. Looking around the Leaf ninja, his eyes narrowed when they fell up on Kakashi. The Copy Ninja, Hatake Kakashi. The older boy looked at his Master for any kind of sign to take them out, but got none. Just because he knew Naruto, didn't mean their mission was over. They still needed to kill the bridge builder.

"N-Now now, H-Haku. Is that a-any way to treat an old friend?" Naruto asked, slowly picking himself up from the ground. Damn, he's gotten stronger. He thought. Haku didn't answer him and turned around to get closer to Zabuza.

At this point, Zabuza had enough. He jumped down from his sword and landed right next to his Apprentice. That coused Kakashi and Sayuri to quickly go into the defensive stance, in front of Tazuna. But much to their suprise, Zabuza just raised his hand and said.

"Calm down, we won't attack you just yet. I need to talk with the blond idiot" Naruto hearing this, threw his arms up like an upset child who is being punished. Me?! And idiot? I'll have you know, Cow-man, i can be smart when i want to be. The boy fumed in his mind, earning a deep laugh to come from the back of his mind.

"In what world am i and idiot?" He yelled at Zabuza, who just raised an eyebrow "This one" Was the only thing he said, before Naruto pulled out a kunai and threw it at the man. The Knife didn't even make it to him, before Haku easily kicked it away with his foot.

"Like i said, we won't fight now. I have a hunch that our client isn't going to pay us like he promised. So we have a deal for you." That caught Kakashi's attention. Why would The Demon of the Mist want to make a deal with a bunch of kids? That just didn't sit right with him. And what did Zabuza mean by saying 'right now'? Will they fight in the future? Is this a trap?

All those thoughts were running in his mind. But before he could decline, Naruto butted in first "What's your deal, sensei?" Goddamn it, had Lady Tsunade tought him absolutely nothing about negotiating with an enemy?

"We go with you. Until our client comes to check if the Builder is really dead. If he says that we get paid, we fight. If he says we don't get paid, we leave you alone." That was the dumbest deal Sayuri had ever heard. If they came with them, that would give Zabuza and Haku unlimited chances to kill them. Only a real dumbass would take it.

But of course, it was Naruto "Well, that seems like a decent deal. And, i don't really like the idea of us fighting. It wouldn't be Fair." Kakashi and Sayuri wanted to smack him so hard right now. They weren't scared of the consequences with Minato or Kushina.

Finally, Tazuna spoke "B-But wouldn't y-you try to k-kill me?" Zabuza gave him a not so pretty smile, making the old man shudder and fear. "Isn't that the fun of it?"

"OK, enough with scaring the man. If you promise not to attack as you can come with us." Naruto said with a tone of finality. He knew Zabuza was just fucking with them, but still, who was the man that orderd Tazuna dead? The man was just a bridge builder. Nothing special about him.

"Haha, can't you let me have some fun? Im just messing with him" That didn't seem very funny. Sayuri thought to herself. Even if the man that was going to be coming with them was a rogue, he was still a very strong Ninja. Maybe if she asked him nicely enough, he would teach her a thing or two.

"Looks like the band is back together again" Naruto excitedly said, wrapping an arm around Haku, who just sighed and started to walk with the blond. Sayuri and Zabuza following right behind them.

"Im so going to regret this later" Kakashi said to Tazuna before picking Sakura up Bridal Style and walking to catch up to Naruto. He didn't know what the future had in store for them, but Kakashi knew one thing.

This was not a C-rank mission anymore.


And done!

Hope you enjoy and sorry for the wait!

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And as always, thank you for reading!!

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