[Chapter 22]

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"Why the fuck is gossip girl here?" Jungwon's voice resonated from the doorway.

Sunoo quickly wiped his tears, as he glanced over to the door. Where he saw both Jungwon and Gaeul enter the room. He didn't expect to have to face them so soon, and it left him feeling rather anxious.

"I'm here to help Sunoo, and calling me gossip girl isn't an insult." Jiwon huffed, and crossed her arms. "I should be asking why you're here Yang Jung-weeps in the ice cream aisle."

"Wow, you really do see everything." Jungwon replied, not even surprised. He walked over to the bed, pulling Gaeul with him. Jiwon instinctively shuffled closer to Jake and Sunoo, making room for the two at the bottom of Jake's bed. 

"How did you find me?" Sunoo's voice was quiet, sounding more shy than before.

Feeling that his friend was uncomfortable, Jake intertwined their fingers, and let Sunoo rest his head on his shoulder.

"I have homeroom with Naoi Rei, so I asked if she knew where you were." Gaeul finally spoke, with a less cheery tone than usual. She seemed to be just as nervous as Sunoo. "I hope you don't mind, we need to talk."

"Hold up misses! Rei told you?! That is confidential information!" Jiwon squealed, immediately jumping on her phone to send a strongly worded message to her colleague. "And she's not even here to report on it!"

"Yes I am!" They heard a girl shout from outside the window. Rei suddenly appeared in the same place Jiwon had, with a note book in her hand. 

Jungwon's jaw dropped. "You girls are insane."

"Anyway, Sunoo. I want to clear everything up with you. " Gaeul turned to the boy. "I've know about Hoon's crush for a while, and I always encouraged him to shoot his shot, but he was too scared of losing you. He just wanted to do something nice for you on Valentines, make you feel special, he didn't want it to spiral into all of this."

"So you've known this whole time? Did you know? Is that why you're here?" He directed that at Jungwon.

"No, no, I just guessed at the party." Jungwon confirmed, a sweet gaze falling on Sunoo. "We're friends, aren't we? I wanted to make sure you're okay."

Friends. For real. Not just in his head. Not just their little doll. Friends.

"You probably have a lot of questions, like why me and Heeseung are so involved in all of this." Gaeul added, chuckling at how complicated everything was. "Sunghoon knew he'd never be able to hide it from you without help. That's where we came into things."

It was all starting to make sense. It was Gaeul's writing, and Heeseung was the one to pick up the flowers. If Sunghoon had done any of that himself, Sunoo would have surely known. 

"In hindsight, we should have left it there, but we couldn't help ourselves. We tried to bring you into our circle, because we wanted Sunghoon to spend as much time with you as possible. Now I see we meddled too much, and didn't actually think about how it would affect you. I'm sorry Sunoo."

"It's alright, I'm not angry with any of you. Especially not Sunghoon." Sunoo let out a deep breath. He looked to Jake for reassurance, receiving a few nods and smile from his friend. "I think I like him..."

He and Jake both flinched as a choir of ear piercing squeals erupted in the room. Then a sudden thud caught their attention, seeing Rei now inside the room, sprawled out on the floor, desperately writing notes in her book.

"Is this going to be on I've got the gossip? " Sunoo actually thought he was safe to confess, but maybe not.

Jiwon's eyes widened, then squinted shut, as she literally started to cry. "No! This is it! Rei stop writing! I've got the gossip is over!!!" She full on started to wail.

"Wait Jiwon!" Rei sprung up from the floor. "This is our whole life, we can't stop!"

Jiwon clambered off the bed, and placed both hands on Rei's shoulders. The girl was also crying now too. "We must move on, be strong for me! We'll find a new path, maybe in real journalism, like with politics and stuff. I wouldn't feel guilty about exposing a politicians drama, would you?"

"No." She sniffled.

"Then it's set! From today forward, we are better people!" 

Jiwon pulled Rei into a hug, as the other four watched in confusion. This was all so dramatic, for what? 

"You know, I think this is the first time I've had so many girls in my house. Unless you count my mum and aunty." Jake stated, feeling a hand pat his shoulder.

"Make the most of it, it won't happen again." Jungwon replied.

Sunoo and Gaeul started laughing, whilst Jake almost recoiled in embarrassment. Rei and Jiwon were still thoroughly having a moment, next to the bed. Jungwon was quite unimpressed at how off topic they had gotten. Sunoo literally just announced he liked Sunghoon, and everyone forgot within seconds. 

"So what are we going to do about Sunghoon, are you gonna confess?" Jungwon brought the conversation back on topic. 

"Umm I don't know. I definitely need to talk to him, but I've never confessed before. How do I do it? Did you ever confess to Jay?" 

Jungwon tensed up. "I don't want to talk about that ungrateful, two timing, rat bag. He can go live his happy little life with Yujin, and stay far away from me."

"Yujin? He doesn't like Yujin." Jiwon said, snapping out of her dramatics.

"But he went on a date with her, and Yujin told me to back off 'her man' at the party." Jungwon rolled his eyes at those words. 

"He didn't go on a date with her, he met up with her, and told her he didn't like her. I was there. She must have been trying to get you to back off, because she knows he likes you."

"What?! Couldn't you have told me this sooner?!" 

"I was gonna put it on I've got the gossip, but like I s-said w-we're, w-we're o- o-..." She burst into tears again, collapsing into Rei's arms.

"Doesn't look like you're the only one with a complicated love life Sunoo." Gaeul chuckled, nudging the boy. "I reckon you come to the football game on Friday, no need to confess, but I know Hoon would appreciate you being there."


Final chapter tomorrow😆

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