[Chapter 12]

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The locker door elicited a tight creak as it shut, locking away all of the ravenette's books, and school supplies, plus that weird camera Jiwon had given him. Jake was leaning against the locker to his right. He shot him a quick smile, silently saying he was ready to go. The two headed down the corridor, past the cafeteria, chatting as they usually would. 

He did think about inquiring into their conversation this morning, but he chose not to, as he didn't want to make it awkward between them. Jake had changed his mind, for reasons he didn't understand, and it annoyed him. So if he brought it up, he'd surely get himself angry, then the two would get into a fight. And he obviously didn't want that.

"Sunoo! Where are you going?" Both boys recognized that voice, and felt a similar unease. Jang Wonyoung was standing in front of them now, only looking at the ravenette. "Come have lunch with me."

"I'm having lunch with my friend though." Sunoo muttered, lacking any confidence. It was hard to go against one of the most popular girls at school.

"Well we're friends too, aren't we? Stop being silly, we'll have lunch together." Wonyoung still didn't acknowledge Jake's presence, linking her arm with Sunoo's, and ushering him in the other direction. 

All he could do was helplessly glance over his shoulder, mouthing apologies to his friend. Jake held a disheartened expression, standing frozen in the middle of the hall. He just watched his friend be dragged away, and into the life, he'd never be accepted into. 


It was strange eating lunch with Wonyoung. He'd done it the day before, but it still didn't feel normal. Sitting at the nicest table in the whole cafeteria, where only the most popular of kids would sit. Was he really considered one of them now, a popular kid? All of the girls were very talkative, meaning he couldn't get a word in edge wise. So, he mainly ate his lunch in silence, just listening to the other girls conversations. Every once in while, he'd lock eyes with Jungwon, who was sitting further down the table, and the boy would send him the most spine chilling glare. Sunghoon said he'd warm up to him eventually, but that wasn't going to be anytime soon.

"I bought the most gorgeous dress for the party, I'm so excited to show you guys." Wonyoung squealed, clapping her hands together happily. "What are you gonna wear Sunoo?"

"Um, I haven't thought about it yet." He replied, but it wasn't really the truth. He'd actually been stressing about it all day. Heeseung's parties were big deals, he had to make sure he dressed to impress.

"Ooh I have so many ideas! Let me style you!"

Did he really have a choice? "Alright."

The girl let out an excited giggle, instantly starting to discuss all of the outfits that would suit Sunoo. She had clearly thought about this before, which wasn't surprising, since everyone knew she was heavily interested in fashion. He zoned her out pretty quickly, becoming lost in his own thoughts again. Now the party had been mentioned, it was the perfect opportunity to ask about something important.

"Am I allowed to bring someone with me to the party? Like one of my friends?" He asked, becoming more shy, as the happy go lucky Wonyoung, faded into a more confused Wonyoung.

"Who would you need to bring? All of your friends will already be there." She spoke obliviously, showing how little she actually knew about Sunoo. She must have assumed he had no friends before being adopted into her group.

"Are you talking about Jake?" Gaeul questioned from across the table. "I'm sure it would be fine if-"

"Wait! Who the hell is Jake? Does he go to our school?" Wonyoung furrowed her brows, and pouted her lips. Letting out a frustrated huff as Gaeul nodded her head. "I don't know who that is."

"He's- well...It doesn't matter. I just wanted to know if I could bring him." Sunoo didn't bother trying to explain, because Wonyoung still wouldn't know who Jake was. It's not like she had spoken to him two days ago...

Wonyoung seemed off put by the idea, visibly showing an uncomfortable expression. It was almost like Jake coming would affect her in a negative way, which was obviously not true.

"You're new to this, so you don't really get how it works with us. The parties are only fun, because of who we invite. If we started to invite strangers, then it would just ruin everything. I hope you understand."

Sunoo looked across to Gaeul, who seemed more understanding about this all. She gave him an apologetic smile, unable to do anything more than that. He then turned to Wonyoung, who was acting like what she said was perfectly reasonable. He didn't agree. "Then why did I get invited? You guys barely know me."

"Because you're cute, and nice, and- uh...We just like you. You fit in with us." Wonyoung remained cheerful, though Sunoo couldn't say the same for himself.

These people knew nothing about him; it was all about status for them. They'd found a cute, shy outcast, that could easily be molded into whatever they wanted him to be. If Valentines had never happened, and they bumped into each other in the halls, would they act the same way? He knew they wouldn't. One boost of fame, and Sunoo was shot up to the top of the food chain. It may seem safer up there, but when you're at the top, there's only one place left to go.

"You fit in for now." Jungwon's voice cut into the conversation, followed by the squeak of his chair. He slowly walked around the table, slamming his hand down right next to Sunoo. As the boy flinched, he moved closer, breath fanning over his ear. "We'll see how long you last."

Sunoo gulped at those words. So full of hatred, it only added to how degraded he already felt. He didn't dare look at Jungwon, keeping his eyes fixed to the table. He waited until he couldn't feel the boys presence anymore, glancing up, he could see him leaving the cafeteria. 

"Just ignore him. I don't know why he's being so bitter." Gaeul said, a look of worry gracing her face. She tried to make Sunoo feel better. "We're all getting ready at my house before the party, do you want to come?"

He didn't get a chance to answer. "Yes! You've got to come! That way I can pick the perfect outfit for you!"

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