[Chapter 16]

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They were all ready now, and just waiting for their rides to get there. Sunoo had his hair done by Gaeul, and his makeup done by Wonyoung. It was nothing extreme, only enhancing the beauty he already had. It was a pretty weird change, getting so dolled up like this, but putting aside the unfamiliarity, he liked it. 

Still in Gaeul's bedroom, the four of them chatted about the party. 

"I'm not drinking much tonight, especially after last time." Wonyoung stated, triggering the other girls to roll their eyes.

Gaeul looked back at the girl from her seat at the window sill. "You always say that, and yet I'll be the one carrying you home at 3 am." She said, bringing her gaze back to the window. 

"I'm being serious this time"

"You mean you're being serious about not wanting to throw up all over Nishimura Riki's new off-whites?" Yujin gasped sarcastically. 

Wonyoung puffed her cheeks in annoyance, letting out the air, only to grumble about the memory. 

"So Sunoo, got any plans for tonight?" Yujin poked, causing Wonyoung to immediately perk up. "Gonna make a move on anyone?"

A layer of pink blush spread across the boys cheeks, as he nervously fiddled with his fingers. "No-"

"That means you are!" Wonyoung squealed loudly, and Sunoo flinched at the volume. "Who is it? Is it the secret admirer? You know who they are, don't you?"

Before Sunoo could even think about answering, Yujin spoke again. "Calm down will you. It's Sunoo's business, stop pestering him." The response seemed way too nice for the person who brought it up in the first place. "He won't be able to hide it at the party anyway, he's not slick enough for that." That was more like it.

"Aww I don't wanna wait." Wonyoung whined. "How about a clue?"

"I don't know what to tell you-"

"What about a yes or no game? I'll ask a question, then you answer yes or no. Sound good?" Yet again, he didn't get a chance to speak, as Wonyoung continued on. "Is it one of the main boys? Like the ones that are close with Heeseung."

Sunoo was stumped for an answer, because he didn't know who it was. Yes he had his suspicions, but that wasn't anything solid. Wonyoung wouldn't believe it if he told her, so what was he meant to do? She wasn't the type to just drop it.

"It's not Jay."

All three of them snapped their heads towards the window sill.

"So you know who it is?!" Wonyoung screeched, so taken by surprise she jumped to her feet.

"I never said that." Gaeul chuckled, sending a wink Sunoo's way on the sly. What was with all the winking recently? "I don't actually know, I just wanted you to lay off the questions."

"Oh! You got all me excited for nothing!" Wonyoung stomped her feet. Pouting as she dropped to the floor. 

"Way to blue ball us. I actually thought you might know for a second." Yujin said, growing bored of the conversation, she started scrolling on her phone.

"When did you care? I thought it was 'Sunoo's business.'" Gaeul replied in a mocking tone. "Or can you admit you liked the fact that Jay was out of the equation?" 

Yujin kept her gaze on her phone, strangely holding back from eliciting a bitchy comment. "Focus on yourself Gaeul."

Gaeul also seemed confused by the casual response, just humming, then continuing to look out the window. 

A beeping sound came from Wonyoung's phone, the girl quickly checked it. "Got a message from Jungwon, he says he's nearly here."

"Good, I can see the boys coming down the street now."


"What took you so long?" Wonyoung asked as she exited the house, arm linked with Sunoo.

Jungwon was standing outside the door, already dressed for the occasion. It was hard to see with all his makeup, but his eyes were a little puffy. "I guess I lost track of time."

"Is that why you look such a state?" Yujin snickered, followed by the slam of the door. She walked over to Jungwon, eyeing him up and down, then bringing her gaze to Wonyoung. "Your lipsticks smudged."

"Oh no! I left my lipstick inside!" Wonyoung nearly burst into tears.

"Don't panic." Gaeul's keys jangled as she placed them in her bag. She dug around for a second, taking out a red lipstick, and handing it to Yujin. "I've got some."

As the girls fixed Wonyoung's lipstick, Sunoo felt something tug at his jumper. "We should get in the car." Jungwon said, cocking his head towards the two cars pulled up outside Gaeul's house. Sunoo nodded, with the two taking a slow walk down the girls driveway.

"How are you feeling?" 

He couldn't help but be reminded of what he saw yesterday. Jungwon was back to his pristine self, acting like he was perfect. Though, from the obvious tells he had been crying, it seemed he wasn't feeling any better than before. They may not have gotten off on the right foot, but Sunoo still worried about him.

"I wasn't sure if I wanted to come, and comments like that don't make it any easier." He said in reference of Yujin's insult. "I didn't want to miss out on the fun, so, there was only one place I could be."

"I'm glad you're here."

"Me too."

Taking one final step, the two boys arrived at the end of Gaeul's driveway. Now met with two black cars parked in single file. Sunoo checked out the first car, locking eyes with the guy in the passenger seat. The blonde rolled down his window, flashing a charming smile, he waved Sunoo over. Sunoo didn't think much of it, since it was Sunghoon. But when he felt his wrist grabbed, stopping him from moving, he turned to see Jungwon staring back at him.

"Not that one. Jay's driving." The boy whispered, gently nudging Sunoo in the direction of the second car.

Like deja vu, he was dragged away from his friend, helplessly watching the confusion spread on Sunghoon's face. Of course he wanted to explain, but he could always do that later. He'd only just got on Jungwon's good side, he couldn't risk gaining back his hatred. 

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