[Chapter 14]

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The shopping carts wheels shrieked as they turned the corner. Heading down the tinned goods isle, Sunoo sat cross-legged in the cart, ticking off everything on the list. Sunghoon pushed the cart towards one of the shelves, grabbing down a couple tins of tomatoes. He placed them gently next to Sunoo, leaning his arms over the cold metal.

"What's next?"

Everything they needed from this isle had already been crossed off, so Sunoo quickly scanned the list for the next isle over. That's when he noticed an item out of place, clearly something Sunghoon's mother had added at the last minute. 

"We missed eggs, we'll have to go back and get them." He said, showing Sunghoon the list.

The blonde hummed, thinking about what isle the eggs were on. They were on the opposite side of the store, so it was a little annoying having to go all the way back there. "I'll go get the eggs, and while I'm doing that, you can get the frozen stuff. Sound good?"


Sunghoon held the cart steady, allowing for Sunoo to climb out. Once he was on his feet again, the two parted ways. Sunoo took the cart, continuing down the isle, and turning down the next. He shivered at the chill of the freezer section, checking what he needed off the list. He stopped at one freezer, taking out a packet of frozen peas. He placed it in the cart, but as he glanced up, he noticed something very strange down the end of the isle.

It was Jungwon, slumped down next to one of the freezers, eating from a tub of ice cream. As he got closer, he could hear the little whimpers, and see the tear stains over his cheeks. What on earth was going on?


The brunette snapped his head upwards, instantly straitening his posture, and desperately wiping away his tears. "What do you want?" He muttered with disdain.

"Uh, I- well, are you okay?" Sunoo eventually got out, scratching his nape awkwardly. 

Jungwon didn't reply at first, only sighing, and turning his gaze to anywhere but Sunoo. After a few seconds, the boy gave in, tapping at the floor beside him. "Sit with me."

It was a weird request, but who was Sunoo to refuse. He carefully planted himself on the floor next to Jungwon, leaning his back against the freezer. "Do you do this often?"

"Do I do this often?" Jungwon scoffed, in clear bewilderment. "Yes obviously! I love sitting on the dirty, disgusting, grubby supermarket floor, bawling my eyes out and eating ice cream. No I don't do this often actually."

Sunoo winced at the sarcasm, he really needed to improve at talking to popular kids. 

"Strawberry?" The tub of pink ice cream was pushed towards Sunoo.

"I'm more of a mint choco guy."

"You seem like the type." 

Sunoo was about to ask what that meant, when he got distracted by Jungwon's trick. The boy opened the freezer beside him, slamming at the left hand side of the bottom shelf. Like magic, a tub of mint choco ice cream fell from the middle shelf, landing right in Jungwon's hand. He shut the freezer, handing the tub to Sunoo.

His mouth fell open, staring at the tub in front of him, making Jungwon laugh. It was the first time he'd heard the boy laugh. "You'll catch flies." He chuckled, gently tapping the bottom of Sunoo's chin.

"I thought you didn't do this often." Sunoo took the tub.

"Well not often." Jungwon fiddled with a plastic packet beside him, which happened to be a pack of plastic spoons. He gave one to Sunoo. "Sometimes being sad gets a little messy."

Those words felt genuine, showing a completely different side of Jungwon. A more vulnerable, and open person, who had given up on trying to portray a certain image. It sparked Sunoo's curiosity, whilst refreshing him at the same time. He was a lot more comfortable around this Jungwon, but really wanted to know why he was acting like this.

"So what's making you sad?" He asked, popping open the lid of his ice cream. He hesitated eating at first, since he hadn't paid, but then he remembered he could just pay after. So he dug his spoon in, and took a bite.

"You're too nice, it's annoying. I've been such a bitch to you. This is the perfect opportunity for revenge, snap a pic, and ruin my reputation. You won't though, because you're not like that; not like me." Jungwon looked at Sunoo with a similar curiosity. The silent wonder of why a boy like that would be wasting his time on someone like him.

"There's no reason to. You're sitting in the middle of a public supermarket; anyone could see you." Sunoo giggled, taking in a spoonful of ice cream. He really loved sweet things, one bite was not enough. He hadn't even eaten dinner yet, but at this rate, he was going to finish the tub.

"I guess you're right." Jungwon let out a thin laugh, throwing his head back against the freezer. His head remained forward, whilst his eyes drifted to the ravenette beside him. It was like a strike of guilt hit him. "You don't have to forgive me, but for what it's worth, I'm sorry."

Well he wasn't expecting that. "It's fine, really, you don't have to like me, or treat me like a friend. I know I've just been shoved down your throat by Wonyoung."

Jungwon groaned, leaning forward, he pushed his hands up and through his hair. Then turned to Sunoo. "You don't get it. It's not that I hate you, it's that stupid, petty me, got a bit jealous."

"Jealous? Why would you be jealous?" Sunoo was shocked, unable to wrap his head around the idea. 

"The gesture." Jungwon stated, tone disheartened. He dropped his gaze to the floor. "You know how long I've been dreaming of getting something like that? A big, romantic, unapologetic display, showing everyone, that someone does actually care about me." His tounge licked over his lips, curving into a depressed smile. "I don't know why I'm not use to it by now."

"Is that someone...Jay?" Sunoo asked with gentle consideration.

"The whole school talks about us, but they won't for much longer. He's on a date with Yujin right now. All the years I've put in to trying to make us work, only for him to do this. I'm an idiot." 

Sunoo found a new sense of respect for Jungwon. He wasn't just this ruthless popular kid, like once thought as, he was actually more human than he let on.

"Well, you know only fools fall in love, you should embrace it." Sunoo's attempt at humor, went down a treat, with Jungwon bursting into laughter.

"So are you a fool too?" Jungwon asked playfully, Sunoo cocking his head in confusion. Jungwon slapped the boys thigh. "Don't act dumb! You can't expect me to believe this secret admirer bull crap. You have to have some idea of who did it for you."

"I didn't before, because I didn't think anyone liked me like that. I do have some idea now though, but It's a long shot." 

Jungwon turned to face Sunoo, leaning forward, his expression lit up. "Ooh okay, who do you think it is?"

"It's sounds silly, but hear me out." Sunoo spoke cautiously. "Lee Heeseung." 

"Wow, I wouldn't have guessed."

"I've been digging up clues for the past few days, and everything points to him at the moment. Though, I don't really have much to go off of." Sunoo explained.

"You should ask him about it." Jungwon encouraged, but Sunoo immediately shook his head. "It's scary, I know, but Heeseung won't be offended by you asking. If it's not him, and he rejects you, then no one will know. He keeps that shit to himself."

"Do you really think I should? I mean, it's a bit big headed to think that someone like Lee Heesueng would be interested in me." 

"Trust me Sunoo, you're not this loser you think you are. Lee Heeseung would be lucky to have someone like you." 

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