[Chapter 15]

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Straight through the flaky crust, into the luscious, red gooey center. The silver fork scooped out a heading pile of baked cherry pie, that disappeared into a certain ravenette's mouth within seconds. Sunoo shut his eyes, and beamed at the flavor. It sparked a happiness that leaked down to his soul. He went in for another bite, just like the other two boys next to him.

Sat around the dinning table in Jake's kitchen, the boys indulged in the buffet prepared by their parents. They could hear them chattering in the next room over, catching up before they got on with their weekly book club. 

It was going 17 years strong.

"Did you see the bookshelf? Is it good? Mum wants to brag about it today." Jake's interest was sincere, looking to his friends for genuine answers.

Sunghoon shrugged, taking in a spoonful of mac and cheese. "Looks like any other bookshelf."

"That was three hours of hard work." Jake groaned. "I actually thought I did a good job."

"Well you did, if you didn't, I wouldn't have said it looks like any other bookshelf." Sunghoon replied, unbothered by the boys offence. He pushed over a bowl of potato salad, knowing that would get him out of his mood. "Here, you can stop pouting now."

"I wasn't pouting." Jake pulled the bowl towards him, immediately digging his spoon in, he pushed the food around while he spoke. "Are you guys staying over tonight? I wanna binge Alice in Borderland."

Sunoo stayed quiet, guilt creeping over him. He still hadn't told Jake about the party. He not only lacked an invite, but he was also specifically told not to come. He wasn't sure how Jake would take it. He was use to Sunghoon attending parties like that, and hanging around with the popular kids. It was normal, but for Sunoo, it wasn't. They use to be in the same boat; now they were in completely different oceans.

"How many times have you re-watched that?" Sunghoon asked, rather amused at Jake's ability to watch a show more than once. He much preferred variety.

Jake started counting with his fingers, shaking them off after a few seconds. "I've lost count. It doesn't matter though, it's the best show. Sunoo agrees with me."

"Yeah, no matter how many times I watch it, I always cry at episode three." 

"Oh don't remind me." Jake wiped away fake tears, alongside letting out some fake sniffles. He stopped when he received a playful nudge from Sunoo. "I should have enough tissues, we can cry together. I can guarantee you'll be needing them too." He points his spoon at Sunghoon, then shovels the spoonful of potato salad into his mouth.

"Well that does sound fun, but I won't be here tonight. I'm going to Heeseung's party."

"I guess it's just me and you then." Jake said obliviously, smiling at Sunoo.

"I, uh, I actually got invited too." Sunoo spoke awkwardly, eye's glued to Jake's expression. He saw the boys smile fade for a moment, then instantly curve back up, less sincere this time.

"Oh...that's okay. I hope you have a nice time." Jake slowly turned his gaze from Sunoo, smile dropping, as he stared at the bowl of potato salad.

This news obviously came unexpected for Jake; Sunoo's popularity had grown to an extent he hadn't yet comprehended. It made Sunoo feel really bad. He wanted nothing more than to stay home with Jake tonight, but, he got invited by Lee Heeseung. It wasn't something he could just pass up.

"You're getting ready at Gaeul's right?" Sunghoon tapped Sunoo's arm, taking his attention off of Jake.

"Yeah, how did you know?"

"Wasn't she the one who invited you? Or was it Wonyoung?"

Sunoo shook his head, going to speak, but hesitating before any words came out. Saying Heeseung was the one that invited him wasn't anything bad, so why did he feel like he couldn't say it? 

The blonde noticed the hesitation, furrowing his eyebrows slightly. "Yujin then? Or do you not want to tell me?"

"No, it's not that." Sunoo blurted out, only making himself look more suspicious. He really wanted to smack himself, this wasn't some big secret, there was no reason for him to be acting this way. He swallowed down the lump in his throat. "Heeseung invited me. I was talking to Gaeul in chemistry, and he just...asked me to come. It's no big deal really."

"He asked you?" Sunghoon sounded shocked, like he didn't believe it. 

Sunoo shyly nodded. "Is that a problem?"

"It's just- never mind." Sunghoon switched back to his regular self, leaving behind the confusion. It was strange how he could change so much in an instant.  "I'm going with the boys tonight to pick you guys up, so I'll see you there."


He was like a whole new person. He knew he was looking into a mirror, but that person staring back at him, was like no one he had ever seen before. Who knew clothes could transform a person this much?

He wore a black button up, covered by a zebra print jumper, and over that was a black buckle harness. He accompanied it with black, ripped skinny jeans, and black boots. With two silver chains hanging close around his throat.

"Oh. My. Goodness! You look amazing!" Wonyoung's excited squeals filled the room, as she ran over to Sunoo. She circled him, checking every last inch of the outfit. "I'm so glad they fit! I didn't know your size, so I had to guess. Do you like it?"

"Yeah, I really do. Thank you so much for buying it, you really didn't have to." Sunoo muttered in a bashful tone, covering over his stomach area with his arms.

Wonyoung immediately slapped them away, grabbing his hand, and dragging him over to the vanity. "Stop hiding yourself. Clothes can only do so much, the confidence has to come from you."

"Well I'm not really that confident."

"Not everyone is, it'll take time." Gaeul said, jumping up from the vanity. She gently guided Sunoo to sit down, eyes meeting through the mirror. She gave him a reassuring look. "Until then, you have us."

"What do you mean?" Sunoo asked innocently.

Gaeul chuckled, leaning over Sunoo's shoulder, she grabbed the brush that was on the vanity. She brought it back to Sunoo's hair, brushing through his raven locks. "You're ever too shy to talk to someone- we'll do it for you. You're ever to afraid to go somewhere new- we'll go with you. You ever feel insecure about how you look- we'll remind you how beautiful you are."

"Exactly! You're our friend Sunoo, which means that we'll always have your back." Wonyoung added, fiddling with her makeup bag beside Sunoo.

Always. It was unexpected to hear, since Sunoo had been under the impression this friendship was only surface level. He really had such little faith in these girls, assuming they would just drop him once they were bored with him. Though, he started to question if that was the case. Maybe those words were true, but only time would tell.

"Hey girlies." Yujin greeted as she entered the room, the other two girls muttering their own hellos. She was already fully dressed, and her makeup was done.

"Have you heard from Jungwon? He was meant to be getting ready with us." Gaeul asked Yujin, who was currently taking a seat on the bed. 

"Running late, must be struggling to get that stick out of his ass." She snickered, completely unphased as she checked her nails. 

"None of that when he gets here please, I want us to have a good night." 

"No promises."

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