[Chapter 18]

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The rest of the night was a blur,

For everyone except Sunoo.

The ravenette hadn't drunk a drop of alcohol. Not for any specific reason, he just didn't feel like getting drunk tonight. It didn't dull his fun though, as he still managed to enjoy the party sober. He danced the night away with Jungwon and the girls, partaking in a few games here and there, or just watching the multitude of guys who wanted to do a keg stand. It was a great party, but as the night drew on, he noticed the moments becoming quite monotonous. 

Just like now, as Wonyoung and Gaeul were playing beer pong, and Jungwon had been dragged away by Yujin. Sunoo was left alone, feeling out of place. He tried to entertain himself by going on his phone, but realizing how low his battery was, he decided to put it away. He debated trying to make friends; ditching the idea almost as quickly as he thought about it. Who was he kidding? he had no where near enough confidence to 'mingle.'

So what could he do? He didn't want to stand in the corner all night looking like a loner. Then something popped into his mind. Something he wanted to avoid, now became a point of interest. Jiwon's little camera resided in his pocket, and he had nothing else to do. With a click, he snapped it onto his harness, near the buckle, surprised to how discreet it actually was.

He took a slow stroll through the bottom floor of the house. From the lively atmosphere of the living room, to the now hotbox of a kitchen, he saw it all, eventually taking himself upstairs. He hadn't been up there yet, and felt almost uncomfortable veering into such territories. He didn't want to invade anyone's private space, or stumble upon any questionable activities. So he was way more mindful when walking around up there.

At the very end of the hall, a dark, oak door was slightly open. He was cautious when peeking inside, quickly evaluating that it was empty. Jiwon wanted drama, and unless there were some ghosts in there having a fist fight, then that room was useless. Though, as he went to turn away, a shimmer of gold caught his attention.

He felt his body drawn into the room, pulled towards the item like a magnet. He stood in front of the familiar desk, but he didn't register that, instead he moved aside the few books stacked on top of it. Picking up the small, rectangular shaped, gold paper that was trapped underneath. It was in perfect condition, other than some slight creases, but not a single puncture mark in sight. 

Maybe it was all coincidental. Maybe this person had just gotten the half off voucher from his favourite tteokbokki place by chance. He gripped the voucher, almost in denial, spinning around, he took in his surroundings. This was a room he'd seen before, yet only through a screen. That desk, he'd seen the same way, and it had given him his strongest lead.

"I don't really like people in my room."

That sweet, honey like voice. 

Sunoo's breath hitched, instantly turning towards the door. "I'm so sorry! I'll leave now!" He blurted out, rushing forward without much thought.

He found himself stopped, as Heeseung stood in his path, eye's meeting with the boys chest. He gulped, veering his gaze upwards, he felt his heart stop. The red head wasn't mad, actually holding a charming smile. "It's alright. It's quiet in hear, come have a sit with me."

His eyes followed Heeseung all the way to his bed. The boy took a seat on the edge, glancing over to Sunoo expectantly. He couldn't really comprehend what was going on, staying frozen in place.

"You looked like you were having fun down there. I'm glad."

Sunoo held back the urge of asking why. Why was Lee Heeseung glad he was having fun? Why was Lee Heeseung paying any attention to him at all?

"Well it's a fun party." He mumbled, eyes looking anywhere but Heeseung.

"You should come to more of them then." He heard the bed creak, nearly causing his heart to jump out of his chest. "You've been friends with Sunghoon for a while, right?"

Sunghoon? Why was he getting brought up? Sunoo hummed out a yes, eyes still glued to the floor. His mind clouded at each step he heard, loosing all control of his nerves as he felt two fingers grip his chin, lifting his head upward. He couldn't look away now.

"It would be good if you hung around us more..." Heeseung trailed off, like he wanted to say more. It came only a few seconds later, with a much more reserved tone. "For Sunghoon's sake."

He didn't know how to reply, and even if he did, he couldn't. He was stuck in such a state of shock, he couldn't even muster a hum anymore. Lee Heeseung was looking at him. Lee Heeseung was holding his chin. Lee Heeseung was telling him to come to more parties. That was all he could think about. Unintentionally, he found himself clenching his fists, the small paper in his hand eliciting a rustling noise.

Sunoo was barely aware of the quiet rustle, but Heeseung heard it. Dropping his gaze to Sunoo's fist, he reached towards it, gently opening it. "What's that?" He asked before examining the item.

Sunoo snapped back to reality, clenching his fist shut once again. Though it was evident that Heeseung had worked it out, eyes widened slightly, his whole demeanor switched now. He tensed up, trying to keep his regular cool vibe, but he was clearly panicked.

This panic transferred to Sunoo, who began freaking out much more obviously. "I shouldn't have touched your stuff! It was only this I promise! I'll get you a new one, it's actually my favorite tteokbokki place so they'll definitely give me more!" Sunoo abruptly stopped, and began holding his breath. What was he actually freaking out over? The fact that he had scrunched up a tteokbokki voucher? or that he may have exposed his knowledge of his secret admirer [that still might not even be his secret admirer] to his possible secret admirer? This was a mess.

A low chuckle broke his frantic thoughts, sending a chill down his spin. Heeseung was laughing. Why the hell was he laughing?! That did not relive Sunoo in the slightest.

"It's fine Sunoo, you know-"

"You're my secret admirer." He cut Heeseung off out of panic, staring at the boys now changing expression. The shock grew more, which confused Sunoo since he thought Heeseung was about to confess. Had he got this wrong? In his anxious state, he started to babble. "You had the florists number, and you had one of the vouchers. Plus you talk to me now, and you never did that before. You're a private guy too; I kinda put it all together, but I should have respected that you didn't want me to know."

Silence. Sunoo could only listen to the sound of his beating heart, waiting for what felt like an eternity.

"I-" Heeseung gulped, sporting a look of confliction. For the first time, he spoke without making eye contact. It worried Sunoo, of course it did, was he about to get rejected? "I was the one-"

"Heeseung! There you are! This is meant to be a party, why are you up here?"

Sunoo didn't turn to the voice, so entranced in what Heeseung was about to say. He so desperately wanted to cling onto the boy, and beg him to finish his sentence. He was so close to having an answer. He needed to have this answer.

"I'll talk to you later, okay?" He patted Sunoo's shoulder, then stepped past him. "Had some business to attend to, you know how it is."

The boys voices got quieter, and quieter, until they couldn't be heard at all. Sunoo didn't know what to think. Was that an answer? Well he wasn't rejected. Heeseung was a straight forward kind of guy. He got confessions left, right and center, so he was use to rejecting people. The fact that he hesitated, and that he didn't shut him down. It had to mean something.

"He was the one." Sunoo mumbled to himself, his heart fluttering at the fact. 

The Admirer| SunSunحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن