[Chapter 17]

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Loud, mediocre rap music blared through the house, the exact type of music you'd expect any teenage boy to listen to. That one expensive, white rug his parents bought from a high end retailer, trampled on carelessly by semi-conscious drunk teenagers. All sloppily dancing to the beat of the heavy bass now playing over the speakers. A strong scent of sweat and predestined mistakes contaminated the air. 

This was a high school party for sure, and it really wasn't anything special. Only the fact that Lee Heeseung's name was attached to it made it that way. It was exactly what Sunoo expected, so why did it feel so...underwhelming? He wondered if he was missing something. He tried to remind himself of who's party he was at, and how much of a privilege it was to be invited. However, it made no difference, he still felt that same.

Maybe he was thinking too much. This was a party, he should be having fun. No need to wait for a 'bang' of excitement, that was realistically never going to come. 

"Lets get a drink." Jungwon shouted over the music.

Sunoo nodded his head in agreement, just about to follow Jungwon, when he heard his name called from behind him. With Jungwon disappearing into the crowd, he spun around, meeting with a slightly agitated Sunghoon.

"So now you acknowledge my presence." There was a twinge of bitterness to his words, which caught Sunoo off guard. He didn't think Sunghoon would get mad about the 'car situation,' if you can even refer to it as that. 

"I'm sorry about earlier, Jungwon didn't want to ride with Jay." Sunoo explained, assuming that would be the end of it.

"And when were you buddy buddy with Jungwon?" Sunghoon snapped, his tone almost undermining Sunoo's compassion for his new friend.

Sunoo furrowed his brows. "You were the one who said he'd warm up to me eventually, now it's a problem he's my friend?" 

"You can be friends with whoever you want, but don't replace the ones you already have."

This boy was confusing, what the hell was he on about? He wasn't replacing anyone. Sunghoon was all over the place at the moment, he was impossible to understand. This shouldn't even be an issue. Literally two days ago, Sunghoon was encouraging the friendship, but he'd changed his tune real quick. Just like how he had been acting weird about Heeseung, it felt like there was something he was holding back.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have ignored you." Sunoo gave in. He didn't want to start the night on a bad note. "I'll see you later." Though, after that whole 'drama,' he didn't really want to be around Sunghoon either. So, he shot him a brief smile, then immediately turned away, and headed into the crowd.

Eventually, he found his way to the kitchen, where he met up with Jungwon. The brunette was standing by the counter, pouring some clear liquid into a red cup. Wonyoung was standing beside him, pouring out her own drink. Once her cup was filled, she picked it up, and took a sip, wincing at the burning sensation in her throat. 

"I didn't mean to make it that strong!" She whined, eyes opening, she spotted Sunoo coming into the kitchen.

"Sure you didn't." Jungwon took a sip of his own drink, noticing Sunoo also. "Where'd you go?" 

Sunoo unintentionally let out a deep sigh, which was an answer of it's own. Wonyoung's face flushed with worry. She quickly rushed over, grabbing the boys hand, she pulled him towards the counter. 

"Did something happen?! Was someone mean to you?! I'll kill anyone who hurts you Sunoo! I'm being ser-"

"Alright lets calm down, no need to kill anyone yet." Jungwon cut the hysterics short; something he was clearly use to doing. "Go take this drink to Gaeul." He handed Wonyoung the cup he had poured out.

"Fine." She huffed, turning to Sunoo. "You have to tell me when I get back."

"Okay." Sunoo muttered. There really wasn't much to tell, but there was no use telling Wonyoung that.

As the girl left the kitchen, Jungwon hopped up onto the counter, gesturing for Sunoo to sit with him. Sunoo didn't hesitate, pushing himself up, and sitting beside Jungwon.

"Is it about Heeseung? Did he reject you?" Jungwon asked, and Sunoo's eye's widened.

"No, I haven't had the chance to talk to him yet, and I don't even know if I will."

"Then if it isn't Heeseung, do you want to tell me what happened?" 

Sitting here, looking at Jungwon, he couldn't get Sunghoon's words out of his head. Should he really be confiding in Jungwon, when they'd been friends for less than a day? Especially when it comes to his friendship with Sunghoon, it really wasn't any of Jungwon's business. Though, Sunghoon was acting like a dick, and if he had to confide in anyone, Jungwon seemed like the best candidate. He dealt with these guys all the time, who act similarly bad, and/or worse than Sunghoon did.

He let out a deep breath, glancing around the kitchen. It was almost empty, but he still kept his voice quiet. "Sunghoon's mad that I didn't ride with him, and now he's trying to say that I'm replacing him. Its stupid because he was fine with my new friendships a few days ago. He's been so weird lately, like with the secret admirer, he got all annoyed that I was searching for who it was. It's frustrating." 

"Sounds like someones insecure." Jungwon chuckled, picking up the vodka bottle beside him, he started pouring it into a cup. 

"Well I don't know why he'd be. He's still my best friend, nothings changed." Sunoo replied, growing confused as Jungwon laughed more. "What? What is it?"

"Nothing, I don't know, ignore me." Jungwon waved it off, taking a sip of his drink. "Has he only been acting like this since Valentines?" 

"Yeah- wait, now I'm thinking about it. He's been a bit like this my whole life. He seems to prefer when its just me and him, or me, him and Jake. But that's natural right? You'd prefer what's familiar." 

"Sure, sometimes." Jungwon shrugged. "I reckon he's just in a mood tonight, he'll be over it by tomorrow."

"I hope so."

With loud steps, Wonyoung stumbled back into the kitchen. Only a fraction of her past perfection. Her hair was a mess, and her words came out slurred. Sunoo jumped off the counter, just in time to catch the girl from falling face first into the marble. 

"Less than five minutes, a new record." Jungwon snickered, as Sunoo looked back at him for help. "Take her to Gaeul, she can deal with her."

"Yes! L-let's gooooo to Ga-eul *hic* we w-were dannncing." Wonyoung mumbled quite excitedly.

Sunoo gritted his teeth, staring down at the drunk girl in his arms. He didn't really have much of an option, so he followed Jungwon's order. He helped Wonyoung to stand on her own, then gently took her hand, and guided her out of the kitchen. Now he just had to figure out where Gaeul was.

Jungwon watched the two leave the kitchen, a smirk slowly curving his lips. "I think we found your secret admirer." 

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