[Chapter 21]

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It had been exactly a week from Valentines day, and five days since Sunoo discovered who his secret admirer really was. Still extremely overwhelmed about it, he hadn't gone to school at all this week. Instead, he spent the days at Jake's house, lying in his bed, while Jake was at school. He did this whenever he needed a break from life, so his mum's were supportive of that.

He couldn't show his face at school, not after what happened. He didn't want to deal with Wonyoung hanging off his arm, or trying to face Gaeul like he knew nothing. He was already a mess when talking to the popular kids, there was no way he'd be able to hide that Sunghoon was his secret admirer. 

He didn't want anyone to know, because he still didn't know how he felt about it.

Then there was the issue of Jiwon's camera. First of all, he lost it. So he wasn't sure how the girl would react. Secondly, she quite possibly had footage of him talking to Heeseung, and Sunghoon kissing him, which is all footage she could expose on I've got the gossip.

He spent these past five days worrying more about that, then getting his head straight. He couldn't handle the whole school talking about him again.

Oh he never could escape these frantic thoughts. With Jake gone, he had no distraction. Having to wait another hour before the boy got back from school.

Rolling over in the sheets, Sunoo frustratedly banged his head into the pillow. "Why is life so complicated?" He groaned, pushing himself up into a sitting position. He ruffled his messy bed hair, and pouted, glancing to the picture frame on Jake's side table.

It was a cute picture of him, Jake and Sunghoon, from their joint holiday last summer. 

He took the frame into his hands, sighing as he stared down at the picture. The past: when everything wasn't so confusing. Did Sunghoon like him back then? Does Sunghoon like him at all? Jake hadn't confirmed more than, that Sunghoon was telling the truth about the gesture. He had found out the night they stayed at Sunoo's house, and promised Sunghoon he wouldn't tell Sunoo anything. 

It's not like he could be mad at Jake; he was in a tricky situation. Of course he wanted to tell Sunoo everything, but he wasn't only friends with Sunoo. He was also friends with Sunghoon, and thus, didn't feel comfortable breaking his trust.

All Sunoo could do was wonder. 

Unless he actually spoke to Sunghoon, but it's not like he was ready to do that.


"I'm back and I brought pie!" Jake came bounding into the room, holding a plate of cherry pie.

Sunoo instantly shot up from his lying position, nearly bursting into tears out of happiness. "I love you Jake." He said, taking the plate, and breathing in that delicious cherry scent. "You're the best."

"What can I say? I know my best friend too well." Jake replied in a cocky tone. He threw his backpack onto his desk, and came over to sit with Sunoo on the bed. "How are you feeling?"

"Better now I have this." Sunoo shoveled in a spoonful of pie.

Jake chuckled. "That's good then, I have more down-"

Suddenly a low creak echoed through the room, both boys shot their eyes to the window, where they could see two hands pushing up the glass. Their hearts raced, as they looked at each other, completely astounded to what was going on.

"Hey boys!" Jiwon's face suddenly appeared, which brought them extreme relief, knowing it wasn't some robber or something. Though it quickly turned into confusion, watching the girl hoist herself through the window.

"Jiwon? Why are you here?" Sunoo asked hesitantly. "And couldn't you have used the front door?"

"Don't worry, I'm used to doing this." She stated casually, joining the two on Jake's bed. "I needed to speak to you, because I'm in a crisis, but you haven't been coming to school. This whole secret admirer drama has sent me into a frenzy!"

"What do you mean?"

"For the first time in my whole journalistic career, I feel...g- g- guilty!!!" She dramatically collapsed backwards, springing up a second later with her hand over her mouth. "I shouldn't have admitted that! Ahh everyone's going to think I'm a fraud! I can't feel guilty, I have news to report on!"

Neither boy knew what to say. Jiwon was getting really worked up over this, with no real explanation to why. They needed to get this girl back on track, so they could actually discover why she came here.

"Um Jiwon, are you feeling guilty because of Sunoo?" Jake questioned cautiously, flinching as the girl slammed two fists down on his sheets.

"Of course! How could I not?! This is the juiciest drama of the whole school year, and yet, I can't seem to post it! I just heard the way Sunghoon spoke about you and it melted my heart!" 

"She must have nearly fainted when she saw the kiss then." Jake mumbled under his breath.

"The kiss?! What kiss?!"

Maybe Jake should have kept his mouth shut. However, this did prove one thing, Sunoo had lost the camera some time before he left the house. So what was she talking about? Sunghoon talking about him, he hadn't heard any of that.

"Uh Sunghoon kissed me, but I still don't know how to feel about it." Sunoo replied awkwardly.

"Wow! This is amazing! I have something I need to show you!" The girl reached into the pocket of her overly sparkly skirt, pulling out her phone. She scrolled for a few seconds, before she turned it towards the boys.

It was a video, of what appeared to be, a coffee table leg?

"I'm such an idiot. I should have just told him from the start." Even though the music was still really loud, anyone could tell that was Sunghoon's voice.

"No you're not, don't be so hard on yourself."  They heard Gaeul say. "I don't actually think he's mad that you kept it from him, it's more the shock of finding out that his best friend likes him."

"I mean, it is a lot to take in. He'll come around."  That was Heeseung.

"I really don't know guys." Sunghoon sighed. "All my life he's been there, by my side. Through all the good times, and through all the bad. We were always together. I don't think I can go a day without seeing him smile, or hearing his cute giggles. My life will be miserable without him. I can't lose him, not when I love him this much."

Sunoo couldn't stop the tears from falling. Sunghoon hadn't said much, but for some reason, he felt extremely moved by his words. Truthfully, being away from Sunghoon had been really hard for him, because they were such big parts of each others lives. He knew he couldn't keep hiding away, if he wasn't happy, then neither would Sunghoon be.

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