[Chapter 2]

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"Welcome back I've got the gossip viewers! We're here in room 108 on reports that a grand gesture has taken place. It's already our third of the day, so lets see how this one compares."

I've got the gossip: A live streaming account run by two girls at Upper Side Academy. They cover all of the scandals that break out in the school, and it's rumored that the girls know everything about everyone.

Kim Jiwon strutted into the room, microphone in hand. She wore a blue top with ruffled sleeves, that had intricate beading over the front. She paired that with a blue faux fur skirt, and white heels. Her blonde hair tied up neatly in space buns, which was a change, since that was usually a staple of her partner.

Naoi Rei followed behind the girl, Iphone pointed at Jiwon. She wore something equally flashy. A dark blue turtle neck, with a sparkly two piece over the top. She paired that with knee high white socks, and chunky blue shoes. Her black hair was down today, with one blue plait on each side.

The girls usually wore lavish clothes like these ones, which only intensified their dramatics.

Sunoo knew he was done for. With no escape, he was going to have to face Jiwon. She was ruthless in finding stories, and no begging could stop her from getting the scoop. She lived and breathed drama. Valentines day was like her Christmas.

"For anyone unable to make it to room 108 today, we'll fill you in. Just like we will with all of the valentines news today, make sure to keep tuning in to our lives." Jiwon spoke professionally, almost like this was a proper news station. She always treated it like one.

Rei took the camera off Jiwon, panning around the room. This was when Jiwon finally made eye contact with Sunoo, a devilish smirk crawling onto her face. The boy gulped, as he saw her walking over.

"Up for an interview?" Was all she said.

There was a heavy silence; Sunoo found himself unable to speak. He couldn't fathom the idea of being on I've got the gossip. The whole school would be watching, what if he embarrassed himself? He'd rather be a nobody, then have everyone tease him for the rest of his school days.

"Don't be nervous." She chuckled, walking to the back of Sunoo. She shoved her microphone towards Jake, forcing the boy to take it. Then placed her hands on Sunoo's shoulder, and began massaging them. "It'll only last a few minutes, just answer anything you can. Make sure to look into the camera, smile, and don't say anything inappropriate. You understand?"


"Straighten up, you're on air." Jiwon quickly released her grip, going back to stand beside Sunoo. As Rei came over, she took back her mic, mouthing to Jake 'Out of the frame!'

"This grand gesture has been dedicated to Kim Sunoo. You may not know who he is, but his admirer surely does. Though, they have chosen to remain anonymous. So lets see if we can find out more." She turned to Sunoo. "You must be flattered by a gesture like this, how are you feeling?"

The microphone was pushed towards him. He swallowed down the lump in his throat, looking into the camera. "I am. It's all really nice."

He automatically wanted to kick himself, why did he sound nervous? Everyone was going to think he's a dork.

"I think we can all agree on that." Jiwon nodded, plastering on her professional smile. "So, this mystery admirer, any idea on who it is?"

"N-no. I, uh, I-" He paused, taking in a deep breath to calm his nerves. "I can't think of anyone who would do this for me."

"Well there must be someone, and don't you worry, I've got the gossip will find out in no time." Jiwon stated.

Sunoo noticed Rei signalling for him to get out of the shot, so he awkwardly waddled over to Jake, who was standing by the window. He watched the girls wrap up the stream.

"That's all we have for room 108 viewers. If you have any information on who could have set up this grand gesture, then message us on the I've got the gossip insta page. Unless there is another big gesture, the next time we'll go live is- Hold on!" Jiwon shouted loudly in attempt to keep her watchers from leaving the stream. She ran over to the door, with Rei following quickly behind.

"What's going on with them?" Sunoo asked, brows furrowed.

"I don't- Oh, they're interviewing Heeseung." Jake replied, his understanding coming mid sentence.

Sunoo's eyes darted to the door, seeing the tall, and very handsome red head saunter into the room, alongside two other, very handsome boys.

Lee Heeseung, the captain of the football team, and the most popular guy in school.

"Heeseung! Can we get your opinion on this grand gesture?" Jiwon was more frantic than before, probably due to the fact that Heeseung wasn't really interested in I've got the gossip. He was known for staying out of drama.

"It's cool I guess." Heeseung shrugged, attempting to walk past the girl. She stepped in front of him again.

"We're all patiently awaiting your plans for Valentines, which we're very excited for. I'm sure you have something great up your sleeve, but for now, I was wondering if you have any idea on who could have done this gesture?"

The boy groaned, pushing the microphone out of his face. "How am I meant to know?"


"We're done here." Heeseung cut her off, leaving the girl with no come back. Her jaw hung low, until she shut her mouth, ushering herself and Rei quickly out of the room.

The three boys walked further into their homeroom, taking a better look at what was surrounding them. The other boys started talking to each other, with Heeseung only looking around more, even mirroring Sunoo's behavior from earlier, by gently touching the flowers. A small smile curved his lips.

He had such a sweet smile, Sunoo's heart nearly lept out of his chest. No he didn't have a crush on Lee Heeseung, but did he think he was really handsome and wouldn't mind going out with him? Yes, of course. Everyone in that school would have the same answer.

Suddenly, Heeseung backed away from the flowers, turning around, about to head to his desk. His eyes locked with Sunoo's, and for a moment, no one looked away. All Sunoo could hear was the pounding in his chest.

Then Heeseung winked.

Sunoo felt like he was about to die. Why the hell did Lee Heeseung just wink at him? This wasn't valentines day anymore, it was confuse the fuck out of Sunoo day.

Heeseung just walked to his desk after that, like nothing had happened.

"Did you see that?"

"See what?"

"Oh my gosh Jake." Sunoo sighed. "Lee Heeseung just winked at me."

"No way!" Jake squealed, and Sunoo slapped his hand over his mouth. He mumbled out a 'sorry' from under his palm, until Sunoo moved his hand away. "Do you think it was Heeseung who did this?"

"I really don't know, but it's not like anyone else has winked at me."

"We can ask Sunghoon about it later, they're close, aren't they?"

Sunoo nodded. "I think so."

"Oh look at all of this, isn't it cute?" As Mrs Son's voice filled the classroom, students headed to their seats, and the crowd outside the room started to dispense. The woman dropped her supplies on the desk, taking a glance at the white board. "Awww it's for Sunoo, I won't wipe it off. Come get your flowers sweetheart."

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