Start from the beginning

Stepping fully inside I hear quite a lot of noise as people rush around, those typing on computers and other talking re-laying information by phones. I do not miss the hole FBI or CIA work rooms when they are on cases, but it must be done and handled. So, we make our way through until we reach the who's in charge and I groan and smack Casey upside the head whisper yelling, "Why did you not tell me that Morgan Michael's is the lead on the case?!" she blushes and shrugs saying, "Thought it was fine boss it has been years since you worked with him and his wife Julia." Groaning I put on my fakest smile as we get closer saying, "Morgan dear long time no see!" adding that bit a honey sarcasm at the end I groan when he smirks and licks his lips saying, "Ahh Elena my dear we have missed you since our last encounter you do know how Julia and I love you dearly." Shivering I feel sick, so I just smile nodding saying, "Oh the same dear any who how are our captives?"

He laughs saying, "Always so direct dear they are all in separate holding cells and we have question them all but of course I left Miss. Dorell for you dear Julia thought we could do with a good show today." Feeling like punching them both In the face I just smile as I spot Casey shaking next to me with her fist clenched so I just nod saying, "Of course I do wish to have a word with the crazy bitch who has been stalking my sister!" he jumps as does Casey, so I pat her back lightly before smirking asking, "And where is my dear Julia, Morgan I have yet to see her." he gulps nodding quickly squeaking out, "She should be back any minute Elena dear she was happy to hear you would be here." nodding I step past him looking over all the monitors and reading over what reports they have out and smile seeing Mitch gave them little of what I know. Standing up straighter I turn asking, "You did figure out that Miss. Dorell as been stalking Kelly yes?" he gulps and goes to speak just as his wife walks up smirking and winks at me saying, "Of course Elena we would never miss such an important detail on one of our cases besides we have been after Dorell for years now."

Nodding I relax some now that Julia is here to rain in her husband but they both know I could take them both out before they did anything just like before. So, I just smile darkest smile as Casey flinches at seeing it and ask, "Now where is Dorell I have some questions that needs answer's?" Julia nods and squeezes Morgan's arm as she says, "Right this way dear and Morgan love do get those files send so we can transfer the prisoners tonight." Morgan smiles and hops to it like a whipped puppy and I can't help but laugh under my breath as Casey does the same before we fallow Julia towards Christen Dorell's cell.

Christen Dorell's (POV) (Bad Lady) (Secret Holding Cell)

I am severally pissed the fuck off right now my plan went out the fucking window and I had know clue not the slightest until I woke up here in this dank cubical with a splitting headache, cement walls, a door and a glass separator knowing I am royally screwed. Fighting my restraints for what feels like the millionth time I scream bloody murder wanting to know who got me and stopped me from taking my baby. That is all I have wanted the last six years is my baby and now I will never have her because I fucked up, how the fuck did I get caught?!

Elena Shaw's (POV) (Secret FBI Base)

All I hear is screams and cussing as we get to the cell holding Christen Dorell and I see her through the two-way glass and shake my head seeing how disheveled and crazy she looks. Groaning I rub my temples saying, "Dam she looks like a loon!" Casey snickers and Julia chuckles as I straighten myself and sigh saying, "Has she spoken to anyone, or have you just left her in there screaming her head off since she came too?" I look at Julia and she shrugs saying, "We left her I figured you would want to be the one to handle her after I learned she has been stalking Kelly." Nodding I am slightly shocked at how nice she is being considering I about killed her and Morgan last time after he decided I would be a present for her on their anniversary. The jackass literally kidnapped me but It only lasted an hour before I had them both crying to not be killed and that they learned their lesson. Considering the are suppose to be the good guys, arching my brows I see Julia nibble her lip before she squeaks out, "I am still so sorry Elena I had no clue he would do something so reckless!" nodding slightly I shrug and smile that dark smile making her jump and Casey to flinch as I say, "Quite alright dear I forgave you years ago I do hope you have been keeping you husband in line though."

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