I woke up and drove to the set for her show. I changed into a flowy pink dress and white heels. I had my normal rings and earrings on with it and had my hair natural again.

"Kathrine you're going on in a few minutes let go to the curtains," one of the crew people said to me.

I jumped up and walked with him leaving my phone behind on the table.

I was now waiting for my cue to walk out.

"Next I want to bring out a good friend of mine who recently stared Marvel's Endgame as Black Widow, Kathrine Depp" I could hear the crowd start clapping and the music play.

I put a beaming bright smile on and walked out. I hugged Ellen and then sat down in the white chair.

"Hello! It's been a while since you've been here" Ellen said laughing as she tried to shut the crowd up.

"Yes, I've missed this place and everyone here" I joked. In reality, this is my least favorite of all of the talk shows. Ellen is a bitch.

"Yes we wanted you here sooner but you've just been so busy," Ellen said in a kinda passive aggressive way.

"Yeah sorry about that I've just been working on a ton of stuff"

"So, you just had Endgame come out and people were speculating it was your last of the marvel movies. It did come out yesterday but today is the first day it's in theaters" Ellen said getting more serious.

"I'm super excited for everyone to see it we all worked so hard and it took so long to do. And currently, I don't know what they have for me in the future with my character. I mean the movies never stop" I said knowing damn well this was my last movie with the MCU.

"Yes my wife and I are seeing it this weekend we can't wait," Ellen said.

"Aww thank you," I said.

"So next we are going to play a quick game of never have I ever, let's get the truth out of you" handing me a little two-sided paddle the crowd clapped a little.

"First, never have I ever slept/gone out with two different people in one week," Ellen said turning her side to never.

Because I have never I turn to the never side as well.

"We all know that isn't true based on recent photos" taking the paddle and flipping it to the have side.

"But I've never done that" I laughed and tried to play it cool.

"Sure," Ellen said winking at the crowd and they busted into laughter.

I'm done with this.

There were 5 more questions that were also dumb. Never have I ever been in handcuffs. Never have I ever been stoned or drunk on a talk show. Never have I ever returned something to a store after wearing it. Never have I ever been to a nude beach. Never have I ever drunk dialed an ex.

The game ended and we went on a quick break. My hair and makeup team came and fluffed my hair and cleaned my makeup up a little bit. The cameras came back on and the crowd cheered.

"So Kathrine, you're pretty, which means boys love you. But we all need to know how you were able to get two guys in one week? Both are absolutely hot, I can only tell that the second one is Harry Styles. You dated him for a while right?" Ellen said as many paparazzi photos of me and Josh and me and Harry came on the big screen.

"Thank you but I didn't 'get' two guys in one week. I was just spending time with my friends" I said. I could feel my stomach knot up.

"Come on you holding hands with the first guy is something people who like like each other do. Also, I have a list of three names people think are the first man. Alex, Finn, or Josh. Tell us we need to know"

Kathrine DeppHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin